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Posts posted by bahtnbaht

  1. Does that mean you are an easy girl if you go sleep with a guy at the first sight?

    What makes me laugh is women that say, "I must have some emotional feelings towards a guy before I can sleep with him." Yeah, right.

    I lost exact count of how many women I have bedded, but it is around 140-150 and bar one, the longest it took me to get in the sack was three days. So either a lot of lying ladies out there (excuse the pun) or 99..5% of women are easy. :o

    Thai or farrang???

    If Thai I assume you are talking Bar <deleted>?

  2. No stipuleation whatsover, who would police it, get a grip.

    Honda are more expensive to repair, they hold their price though, up to you.

    Cannot believe "Farrang's" think like this, must be a wind up.

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