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Posts posted by annako

  1. So its ok that you claim benefits when you disagree paying tax that funds exact benefit you want?

    Eactly, now you see how wrong the whole system is.

    There are a few coampies that insure you if you do not have a perm residence. World Nomads being one of the few. Something people living in Thailand on a TV should consider imo

    Ah ok, so its ok for you to do it but not anyone else. smile.png

    First question World Nomads ask what is your country of permanent residence.

    DIRECT FROM WN POLICY: Your country of permanent residence can be defined as the country you would wish to be repatriated to in the event of a medical emergency and where you would be able to then receive long term medical care, if required. You must also be legally defined as a permanent resident (not temporary) of that country and have a residential address that you can refer to within that country.

    This same clause is all insurance policies that I have found... but they do keep quiet about it.

    Nice to know, they were too pricy for me anyway. Will need to renew in December, guess I'll stick who I am using now. Thanks for the heads up tho!

    I bet this came to you as a surprise - who reads fine print anyways... In insurance company's view you have to be permanent resident of a country, or you are not in fact insured under their travel insurance...

    You will find this clause or something similar in every insurance company policy..

    There is nothing greedier on this planet than insurance company (they are worse than any government!) and they sure know how to cover their a** and to get you to pay the bill, plus they have an army of lawyers! This clause is just one of them, never take insurance without reading and re-reading the fine print.

    Anyways all the best with your chosen lifestyle, I hope life treats you well and fairly.

  2. So its ok that you claim benefits when you disagree paying tax that funds exact benefit you want?

    Eactly, now you see how wrong the whole system is.

    There are a few coampies that insure you if you do not have a perm residence. World Nomads being one of the few. Something people living in Thailand on a TV should consider imo

    Ah ok, so its ok for you to do it but not anyone else. :)

    First question World Nomads ask what is your country of permanent residence.

    DIRECT FROM WN POLICY: Your country of permanent residence can be defined as the country you would wish to be repatriated to in the event of a medical emergency and where you would be able to then receive long term medical care, if required. You must also be legally defined as a permanent resident (not temporary) of that country and have a residential address that you can refer to within that country.

    This same clause is all insurance policies that I have found... but they do keep quiet about it.

  3. Which country are you from?

    This no-tax/nomad set up is all fun and games until the day you for example have particularly bad traffic accident that requires significant hospital time (quite likely in Thailand), get serious illness or suddenly lose your money/jobs for whatever reason that has nothing to do with you - what do you do then?

    Since you think paying taxes is stupid I guess you are on your own then…

    I am willing to put my money on that you would be running back home and claim all benefits/help you can think of. If you are not legally living anywhere or dont have company anywhere, you cannot get insurance for you as far as I know – or can you?

    I’m not that stupid to think that nothing bad ever happens to me or my business… life’s a bitch sometimes you know.

    Many learn this lesson too late when the s**t already hit the fan... I have seen it too many times in Thailand.

    Good luck to you!

    I have my own travel insruance that covers me for everything. And I don't see what is wrong with claiming benfits back home. When I worked back home, they took income tax from my salary and I didnt have a choice in the matter. I wasent even consulted. If I am allowed to claim benfits ( I don't think I am), I will happily do so. Who would'nt? It's free money.

    Life is a game my friend, it's all about how you play it. You are a nice person I assume but the system is a harsh beast that takes no prisonsers. We must do what we can in this life. God speed!

    So its ok that you claim benefits when you disagree paying tax that funds exact benefit you want? That to me is called greed. Just for the sake of argument, what if everyone does this? I know life aint always fair and tax is pain in the *** but at least I know if things go really bad - I do not need to worry at all as I am fully covered. Seen too many "know it all" guys in deep s**t because not being legal anywhere.

    System may not always seem fair, but you can change it if you think its wrong. Just go play the game, it works way better than moaning about it... or avoiding it.

    What's your insurance company? I'd like to know as during my research I did not find any company that offers insurance to person who does not have permanent address in some country (thai tourist visa is not sufficient either). They need to know where to ship you in case s**t hits the fan. This info is in the fine print... and they keep quiet about it.

  4. I am a "digital nomad" and for the people who are not or who keep saying "set up a company" etc it's all stupid and you know very little.

    I pay 0 taxes, and nore do I intend too. I am from a country where if you live outside longer than 6 months you are no longer required to pay tax to them. I don't have to pay anything in Thailand either, great ( I would if I had too, see comment later). The whole idea of setting up a business and doing it "the right way" as many who know nothing about working online is a total joke, it defeats the concept of being a digital nomad.

    I work as much or as little as I want, sometime I will do nothing, other days I will put in hours at home. I don't need anybody other than myself, nore do I need to setup a business because money goes straight into my home country bank account, and they don't require me to declare anything. Starting a company and running it through there is so 20th century, get with the times.

    Which country are you from?

    This no-tax/nomad set up is all fun and games until the day you for example have particularly bad traffic accident that requires significant hospital time (quite likely in Thailand), get serious illness or suddenly lose your money/jobs for whatever reason that has nothing to do with you - what do you do then?

    Since you think paying taxes is stupid I guess you are on your own then…

    I am willing to put my money on that you would be running back home and claim all benefits/help you can think of. If you are not legally living anywhere or dont have company anywhere, you cannot get insurance for you as far as I know – or can you?

    I’m not that stupid to think that nothing bad ever happens to me or my business… life’s a bitch sometimes you know.

    Many learn this lesson too late when the s**t already hit the fan... I have seen it too many times in Thailand.

    Good luck to you!

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