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Posts posted by LondonPete

  1. I don't have a thai wife / partner / girlfriend so nothing to share

    If you ain't got no bird in Thailand and you don't live in Bangkok, how comes you is always posting on this fourum.

    Ain't you got no mates or no bird back home?

    Do keep up, you're looking like a tosser.

    Ain't easy to keep up if you've got a life, mate. Know what I mean?

    Gotta go out now. Got people to meet and stuff to do. Innit.

    Ain't not everyone is like glued to fourums. Know what I mean?

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  2. I've got the best of both Worlds, and I'm not trapped in Thailand like many of you are.

    I genuinely believe the Fly in, Fly out Brigade have got it made, we don't have the stresses on us that apparently result in so many expats becoming sour faced social cripples.

    The OP pointed out exactly the type I'm talking about. Seriously, pathetic.

    I gotta agree with Blether on this one.

    The fly in, fly out brigade have the best of both worlds, as long as they don't mind sharing.

    Wicked post, mate.

    I know what you means about them birds what does the sharing.

    Some of them birds shares it with everyone.

  3. Who the h--l says I'm trying to find farang male friends? You're late to the party -- everyone has gone home happy.

    Besides, from 2 other topics, it seems the guy above is writing about being in Thailand while being in Scotland I remember when one of the Hippie mantras from the 60's was "Be Here Now!"


    So what if I'm in Scotland? I'll fly into CM this month for a three month stay, and I'll fly in to an excellent social circle both Thai and farang.

    I've got the best of both Worlds, and I'm not trapped in Thailand like many of you are.

    I genuinely believe the Fly in, Fly out Brigade have got it made, we don't have the stresses on us that apparently result in so many expats becoming sour faced social cripples.

    The OP pointed out exactly the type I'm talking about. Seriously, pathetic.

    Sour faced social cripples.

    Is you like talkin' about them blokes what can't get birds in their own countries?

    Or is you like talkin' about them blokes what don't live in Thailand but is got zillions and zillions of post counts?

  4. So anyways, I goes down to this place in BKK and buys me a Reliant Robin. Wicked little motor, innit.

    And now all them well cool HI-SO chicks is like givin' me the eye and tryin' to get it on. Know what I mean?

    And then I meets up with this Vietnamese bird.

    And I sez to her -- get into my machine and we can drive on out.

    Coz I know this little bar where we can dance and shout.

    And I sez -- it's just a drive out on the highway and it ain't take too long to ride.

    And I explains that we can park my motor somewhere and then walk inside.

    You with me?

    Anyways, we both got pissed up on Chang and then I done her in the back seat. Know what I mean?

    So .... what motor is you blokes got?

  5. So anyways, I got lucky and found this HI-SO Thai-Chinese bird with hot legs. Know what I mean?

    Thing is, she don't never know when to stop.

    When I'm in my Khao San apartment, I hear her knocking on my door and I'm thinkin' shit -- it's gotta be a quarter to four.

    What she don't understan' is that I'm a workin' man.

    Is any of you blokes know what I mean? It ain't easy. She's got legs right up to her neck, but she's making me a physickal wreck.

    Imagine how my daddy would've felf if he'd seen her with her jet black suspender belt.

    Shit! What am I gonna do?

  6. So anyways, I goes down to this immergration place in Chang Wattana to clear my overstay. Now my overstay is only about one year, but I reckon most of you well cool blokes is got overstays what is much longer. Wicked, innit?

    And this road is called Chang Wattana coz that's where they make Beer Chang. Awesome stuff. It's what I get pissed up on when I go out boozin' in Khao San Road. Know what I mean?

    So anyways, I'm talking to these immergation people but it's like they don't know nothing. I mean, the women is all pretty, but they's all a bit vacant. S'pose you could say they is a bit pretty vacant.

    An' after about half an hour or so, I'm thinkin' that there's no point in askin' coz you'll get no reply. Know what I mean?

    Anyway, I don't care.

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  7. So anyways, I goes to Silom and bumps into this Brixton geezer who's givin' it a bit of large about how he's got some upper class bird. Innit.

    An' about five minutes later, his bird walks in. Now I ain't gonna say too much, but this bird was like well average. I wouldn't give her one. Know what I mean?

    So what's the score with these posh Thai birds? Is any of you blokes got one?

  8. You are too judgmental!

    And you judge everything by Christian Victorian morality. Saying things are different in Thailand isn't 'slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society', but acknowledging that difference. Morality is different, lying is not bad, having multiple partners is not bad, etc. You don't seem to understand anything about Thailand, it must be really hard here for you, bet you are looking forward to leaving. I feel sorry for you.

    Strange then that it is me who feels sorry for you.

    Mate, I've read your stuff and you sounds like a really good bloke.

    But you is said yourself that you is 45 and single and you ain't got no bird and you ain't even got no kids and you ain't never even been married.

    So this Tomas Physics teacher bloke is one up on you. Innit.

    And he's probably some posh geezer with a well good brain and a good bird and kids. Know what I mean?

    But you ain't got shit. Same as me. Know what I mean?

    • Like 1
  9. So anyways, I'm kind of feeling a bit peeved coz I ain't having no luck with local girls.

    So I goes down to this bar in Nana Plaza and it's like well wicked. Know what I mean?

    All them birds who works there is like well tall and well good looking. Innit.

    Funny thing is, they serve champagne but it tastes just like coca cola. Know what I mean?

    Then I met Lola. Wow. She done my head in. Innit. What a bird.

    What I can't understand, though, is why she walks like a woman but talks like a man. Know what I mean?

    Now I ain't the world's most passionate man, but I'm a man and I'm a man. And I'm starting to think that Lola is, too. Know what I mean?

    Got any advice?

  10. I wouldn't be foolish enough to bring a posh girl back to my craphole and expect her not to dump me.

    But I ain't a bad looking bloke. Know what I mean?

    That really doesn't matter because their are a million other not bad looking blokes that have what a posh girl is looking for and it's not a craphole in the seedy part of town !

    I've gotta go to bed now. But what I'm saying is that London girls is more better about stuff like being straight and honest.

    These posh birds in Bangkok ain't interested in nothing more than money. And they lie. I hate that.

    London birds ain't as good looking, but their straight up and real. There ain't none of this deceet and lies.

    I'm starting to really hate some of this stuff.

  11. So anyways, I wrote here before that I had a couple of posh girl friends. One was part Japanese, and the other was part Chinese.

    But they both left me. Know what I mean?

    I think they got fed up coz I've only got an El-Cheapo Khao San Road apartment. Innit.

    So my Thai-Chinese GF left me for some Thai bloke.

    I'm well cut up. Like Brian Ferry said, I'm just a jealous guy. Know what I mean?

    Any of you blokes been dumped an' feeling a bit jealous?

  12. I beleive thid song infers a heroin addiction, but good luck to.you my 5 post friend.

    Bowie was above such <deleted>!

    EDIT> I dont think Bowie never did heroin or smack. Dunno coz I may be wrong. But I don't think so. Innit.

  13. I beleive thid song infers a heroin addiction, but good luck to.you my 5 post friend.

    Bowie was above such <deleted>!

    EDIT> I dont think Bowie never did heroin or smack. Dunno coz I may be wrong. But I don't think so. Innit.

  14. Hi guys.

    I wrote a few days ago about my Japanse GF. Well (just my luck) we broke up. What a bummer!! Innit.

    Anyway, now I've got me a Little China Girl. I met her down in Chinatown.

    She and I are kind of now real close.

    It's like, you know, I'm a wreck without my little China Girl.

    I ain't good with words (not like most of you blokes), but sometimes I'm feeling tragic like I'm Marlon Brando.

  15. Hi guys.

    I'm a fairly average bloke. Nothing special. So I came to Thailand to start a new life. And I set up my new life down south in Songkhla.

    Then I met this weird girl. And cos of her, I read loads of stuff about Thailand's history.

    Basically, I was like you guys. I used to think that the Japanese entered WWII by attacking Pearl Harbour. But that's not the truth.

    See, the Japanese entered WWII by invading Songkhla. True! Trust me!!

    Google it if you don't believe me. From what I read, the Japanese done over Songkhla and Pattani a good few hours before they hit Pearl Harbour.

    Anyway (and here's my point) I've met this great Thai girl. But I think now that she's probably descended from some Imperial Japanese Soldier.

    It's odd. It's doing my head in. It's like -- well -- I think I'm starting to turn a bit Japanese.

    Seriously, I really think so.

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