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Posts posted by northguy

  1. Nope.

    A number of Russians with the name "Kim", were not of Korean descent, but rather were named after the "Kommunistichesky International Molodyozhi" ('Youth Communist International').

    Not really. It happened only with given names. But "Kim" as the family name means only they are ethnic Koreans. And there are lots of them in eastern part of Russia.

    Just because the man's surname is Kim and he looks (partly) Asian, does not mean he is ethnic Korean. See http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Names-in-Russian-Empire,-Soviet-Union-and-CIS-countries: "A number of Russians with the name "Kim", are not of Korean descent, but rather named after the "Kommunistichesky International Molodyozhi", or "Youth Communist International"." In fact, the man has the 'mixed' features of a central Asian rather than a Korean.

    Do you know the difference between "name" and "surname"? I'm native speaker and I can assure you that "surnames" in Russia begins quite a bit earlier than communists came. This man is ethnically korean. And don't argue with native speakers like Mr.Nortguysky.

  2. istinspring, it is like mem "somebody offends russian again". And all political background promotes it:

    - Pussy Riot are in jail!

    - Arctic Sea activists are in jail!

    - Bad Vlad's opposer Navalny can sooner be in jail!

    And on the other side:

    - What we know about Russia?

    - Soviet Union, Cold War, Vodka & the prostitute Natasha!

    There is no interest in smth else. Because it is not easy to understand cultural features & differences. And everything that we did not understand - we hate. But if somebody from thaivisa "rusky" haters will trying to understand political & economical situation in Russia - minimum what he said is "Wow!"

    Because there was no utopian socialistic state in Thailand but I'm sure that there is more business possibilities, citizen rights protection, court system development in Russia. Our educational system is going lower and lower but our teenagers do not think that Hitler image & swastika is so "very-very cute" (expect skinheads, of course). I can continue this list but there is no need in it. As you fairly said - there were good sides in Soviet Union for its citizens. But...

    ...I speak about tourism "public image" of Thailand and its problems. It is very funny but Russia had bigger problems with all its public image at all. And my avatar truly illustrates it. So we can say here that Mr.Fomenko is our fault too...

    And may be there will be more sence to go back to the motherhood and try smth to change (Mr.Navalny show us that it is possible) than runaway to different exotic destinations where the maximum we get is facepalming about the other russian redneck.

    May be I said very sad thoughts here but it is quite true. With respect to everybody here, yo!

    • Like 1
  3. If a Russian or a Martian moved into an apartment where I now live now in Abuja, and after a few weeks took my wife to obudu ranch for weekend romp festival. I might just not e slapping him around and would not be responsible for my actions.

    Don't mess with a man's woman in his face.

    And some tricky Russian or Martian got you on camera and you will go to jail. Law is not responsible for its violation. And it will be a good chance to show what a tough guy you are. Prisoners love such kind of newbies giggle.gif

    Don't mess with the System and the System do not mess you.

  4. Hey everyone!

    I will be in bkk near 1 month. So I'm looking for good boxing (non muay-thaI) gym with good group training (full contact sparrings & hard workout). I mean that I do not need any expensive gyms with personal trainings & other flashy fashionably shit with faty newbies & lonely girls that wanted to lose their weight and some fitness stimulation but not good workout.

    Why not Muay Thai? I'm afraid to forget all boxer hand working practice because I'm newbie (2y experience). So when I come back to the motherland I will be beaten =) Firstly by my trainer.

    But if it is hard or impossible (to train western boxing in bkk) I'm ready to train muay-thai but on my terms above. As I understand from this topic (122340-boxing-gyms-in-bangkok) Chitalada (Kai Muay) is a good gym? Is this up to date information? May be anyone know other good gyms.

    Thank you for your assistance and sorry for my english ;)

    P.S. I have already googled some addresses but i need someone's real experience to solve my issue )

    Best regards,


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