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Posts posted by Hunor

  1. Hi All,

    last week I opened savings account, and FCD too at Krungsi, Rangsit. Was enough passport, no work permit needed.

    I have two questions - hope somebody can give advices:

    - at all documents I used my full name (2 surnames), and it's so in my passport too, but they forget one of them. biggrin.png Should I go back and asking to correct this, or is not a important issue?

    - at my FCD contract is mentioned that tax-code=6, 15% - this does mean taxes after rate income, or?


  2. Today I get this reply from Kasikorn staff:

    To open an account in case that you do not under Thai citizenship, you can contact any Kbank branch. There will be a required minimum deposit of account opening is 500 Baht for Saving Account.

    Please submit the required documents as below; 1. Passport 2. Work permit or a copy of House Registration. (Over 3 months) 3. If you have other documents that can prove yourself, we suggest you to try to submit and let our representative consider them. Whether or not, it depends on the branch's consideration to approve your request for opening an account.

  3. Thanks you advices!

    I readed many times something as this: "Stays on Tourist visas do not count towards the 90 days in six months rule." This is still true?

    No working, just living - and I thinked also to learn thai, but I not believe that I will stay so much here to learn to speak good thai language, and just for study visa I don't want to start, that is not nice option for me.

    Thanks again,

  4. Hi All,

    soon will expire my 60 days tourist visa and I will extend with 30 days - but what I should do after this? I searched many website's but I was unable to find sure infos, so the question: after 90 days just simple I need to go out for 1-2-3 days with airplane (or bus) to visit a other country, and come back again and than I can stay 30 days at plus? (In some website's I readed that is not OK now - if in last 6 month I was 90 days than will be not possible this option - is that true, or untrue?)


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