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Posts posted by sporkyulp

  1. I wrote a letter re: this to the Bangkok Post postbag (under the name "Klongurchin" and it was printed in today's paper. I think we all need to just tough it out and wait for the hospitals to get in their supplies. Leery of AZ and the Chinese ones anyway. Years ago I had a flu vax shot in the States and the next day I had a sore neck that lasted  a YEAR AND A HALF. I know it sounds crazy and I wouldn't believe someone who told me that but it's twoo. I have the snorkel to prove it (which I bought because I couldn't turn my head while swimming).

    I am wondering if others have had success registering for the vaccine at the thailandintervac site.
    I filled out the form but had problems entering information in the "district" and "subdistrict" fields for my address.
    When I clicked inside the boxes to enter the information a pop up came up with the words "select district" but there were no districts to select.
    I tried to send the form without filling in the "district" and subdistrict" fields but it would not allow that as there  was a message saying those fields were required.
    Any ideas?
  3. Hi. As I wrote I had a VATS with Dr. Padungkiat on August 6, 2019. I have not had a followup scan yet. I am debating between a regular scan and a low dose CT scan. The guidelines call for a regular dose scan for the first scan at 6 mos. after surgery. But low-dose CT scans are touted as the preferred screening scan for people at high risk for lung cancer but who have not been diagnosed with it. So why would a low dose CT scan not suffice for my followup scan? Can anyone answer this? Cheers. I can also address any other questions you may have.

  4. I had VATS surgery with Dr. Padungkiat at Bangkok Hospital last August. I cannot recommend him highly enough. Besides being an excellent surgeon and very fluent in English, he will take time to communicate with you, a rarity these days among doctors. If anyone needs more information let me know. Now I am trying to find out about alternative cancer treatments in Bangkok or elsewhere in Thailand. Has anyone had any experience with this?

  5. I needed ear surgery back in September. I was quoted a price by Bumrungreedy. I wound up going to have the surgery in Japan. It wasn't Tokyo but still. The price I paid for two ears and a four day stay in the university hospital in Japan was less than the quote I got for one ear and one night at Bum. Plus, the doctor in Japan was super nice and showed me all the sights and we went out to eat a few times. Thailand lost my money. My pills didn't come in a fancy paper bag but I had a much richer experience and saved some money.

  6. It has come to my attention that the American Embassy is giving letters to US citizens applying for a retirement visa in Thailand without requiring proof of income. I have a retirement visa based on a bank account balance of 800,000 baht. But other people are getting retirement visas only by showing Thai immigration a letter from the US embassy stating their income. The embassy requires no proof of income. They issue the letter upon payment of a fee and merely ask the applicant if the statement is correct. They require no proof of income. This may also be true at other embassies. So that means there are many foreigners staying in Thailand who have very little money or are working illegally. Why should I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank when other people with limited funds can just go into the Embassy and pay for a letter, no questions asked?

    The weak link in the chain is that the Embassy requires no proof of income, only a notarized statement. Once the person has that and takes it to Thai immigration, immigration figures that the Embassy has checked out the person's finances, which they really haven't, and goes ahead and gives the person a retirement visa. Essentially, the person could have no money at all in any bank in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter, since the letter from the Embassy is accepted by immigration in lieu of a bank statement showing a balance of at least 800,000 baht. Those of us who do have the 800,000 baht in the bank are being short-changed and have no incentive to keep our money in Thailand.

    The Embassy should require more proof of financial solvency from each US citizen applying for a letter of income for purposes of obtaining a retirement visa. Does the embassy really want a lot of impecunious American citizens running around Thailand working illegally and/or resorting to other means to augment their meager incomes (if any) so that they may remain in the Kingdom? It reflects badly on all Americans when any of us runs afoul of the law.

    I urge the US Embassy to adopt more stringent checks of and require more definitive proof of a US citizens financial status before giving them a notarized letter that accepts at face value whatever the citizen has told them.

    If Thailand wishes to attract a better class of foreigner it needs to close these kinds of loopholes.


    A USA citizen in Thailand

    (Name withheld by request)

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  7. Last year I engaged a law firm with a Bangkok office to obtain a retirement visa. There were a few hiccups (contact at immigration was not there the day we went down, for example, and I paid for the taxi. We had to return another day). Eventually, however, I was able to get my retirement visa through the firm's Bangkok office.

    In the summer of 2012 I went to the USA and returned on December 9, 2012. My retirement visa was to expire January 3 of 2013. On December 13, 2012 I returned to the law office and met with a young lady and a young man with the idea of again enlisting their services to renew my retirement visa. In that meeting the girl informed me that my retirement visa had expired and I would need to apply for a new one. I was pretty sure that was not the case, as it showed in my passport that my visa was due to expire on January 3 of 2013. Also, I had a multiple entry visa that expired on the same date. Moreover, I had no problems at immigration when I returned on December 9,2012 and they stamped me in until January 3, 2013 ( the day my retirement visa was set to expire). They would obviously have said something at the airport when I returned if my visa had expired. Also, since they only gave me from Dec 9 until January 3 that shows I was still under the retirement visa. Had my retirement visa expired they would have given me a month under the visa on arrival scheme (ie., until January 9 or 8 or whenever 30 days after December 9 falls).

    I pointed this out to the young lady and man but the lady insisted I was not correct and was quite impolite. The man was pretty quiet, apparently deferring to the girl. He did say at one point he wasn't sure what was going on. I think his English ability was not so good.

    I became quite upset with the lady's attitude and said I could not accept her advice but would seek another opinion. To make a long story short, I engaged the services of another law firm after they assured me that my retirement visa was still valid. They have since successfully secured the renewal of my retirement visa (and for a substantially lower price than the original big firm was going to charge me).

    My advice to all expats seeking the service of a law firm to expedite their visa matters would be to find one you can trust. I've found that the larger outfits charge more and are less competent and you are better off going with a smaller outfit from which you will obtain more personal service.

  8. Have had a retirement visa for several years. Could never understand all those letters to the Bangkok Psst wailing about the terrible service given at immigration. But when I went to CW to renew my retirement visa back in October, they said I couldn't because my bank account had fallen below 800,000 baht during the previous 3 months. Fair enough. So had to leave country and return on a tourist visa. After the money was in my account for three months I returned to CW and then they said I needed proof of the money having been transferred into my account. This was a new twist. Have never had a problem at the old Suan Plu office. So now I have 800,000 in my bank account but seem to need to have to transfer another 800,000 in??? I asked the IO to show me the new transfer rule but she just pushed a paper toward me that listed the old rules - nothing about needing proof of transfer. I suspect they are making it hard so that we will use a fixer and they will get their tea money via the fee you pay the fixer. It's not worth the hassle to go out there. I suspect if I were to go again with all the documents I think I need they would come up with some other requirement (you need to wear purple shoes on Thursday)...am going the fixer route from now on.

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