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Posts posted by Nip

  1. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Perhaps Namsod, the monster son of the headman of Sairee Beach is back. He appeared to have been banished, after his serial killing became international news, after the deaths of Hanna and David. Always felt bad for those innocent Burmese lads who were framed for that crime. 


    The reality is, when you have amassed a fortune into the hundreds of millions of dollars, from illegal land sales, you are above the law. Any and all laws.


    Dark Tao. Visit at your own peril. 

    According to a UK journalist his Facebook page reported that he is back on Koh Tao. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Well I was threatened with a  Machete, and reported it to the Police........... at first they told  me to report it elsewhere... that was the brush  off, but i went elsewhere who sent me back to the first station ( the  incident  happened right outside their station)

    I'm glad to report  no investigation or action in  ANY WAY was  taken against the  person with the machete a  THAI NATIONAL who'm the police told me they knew was a "bad person" (sarcasm off)....... their  words....... I'llawait the " you made it  up "     or  "prove it"  retards, so to save you the  time.......

    Guess  youll want the context too as im sure the forensic brigade  will be out as  well, waiting at front of queue at junction to turn right , mr "I cant wait" jumps out the queue 8 cars  back as lights  change,  as I  pull off he tries to railroad in  to the front and doesnt like my vehicle being in his very important way slowing him down, hes  totally in my blind  spot on the left.

    No concerned netizens  appeared and despite  e mailing ANUTIN he said I was too dirty to be dealt with.

    Maybe I should post it to the UK Daily Mail they like this sort of  stuff



    number  plate.jpg

    You seem to have similar communication problems as the IDF. Watch out for drones. 

  3. 4 hours ago, ryandb said:


    Again you are guessing what happened, hey you could be right they may have just attacked the cop, but you might be pretty wrong and the cop went on an ego trip and threatened to shoot or even, as we know one shot was fired, fired a shot and they took him down

    That’s it then they are innocent. I’m living in Thailand 25 years. If I’ve nothing to hide or fear because I abide by the law of the land. There was a reason they went on the run. Now they are aware at most they were looking at a 500 baht fine. But they legged it. Then when caught they tried to bribe the police officer. So you’re suggesting this was a good reason for the cop to shoot the two bucks? I think not. I think if the cop drew his gun he felt threatened. Soon their pink bums are gonna be red raw and sore. Idiots. More to come about them soon. Watch the Daily Mail. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, ryandb said:


    You nor I have no clue what happened before the video, but you seem so convinced they were not cornered into this situation. It's really mindboggling how some from a snippet of a video and the police statement think that they know the entire story.

    You are clearly as big a gob daw as they are. I doubt they would do it in the USA or anywhere else. They would be char grilled in a funeral home by now. ASEAN should have intelligence tests for all posting on here. You are lucky they don't.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, geisha said:

    Frankly, Thailand and especially Phuket deserves a big clean up. Whether Thai or foreign construction companies/ investors, Phuket and its once paradise beaches are being destroyed. Too many crooks , thieves and scammers , druggies and good for nothings. Ugly cheaply built condos everywhere, and Villa ghettos.  They have had free range, if ever a crackdown was needed , it’s now , and it’s on Phuket.  Local authorities, government , do the right thing, do your job. 

    Everything you say is correct but Phuket has been like this for over 20 years. Nothing has or will change. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Dario said:


    Good question. I don't know. She also took me off Aspirin 81 mg which I was given as long as Omeprazole. My next doctor's appointment (in a government hospital} is still far away on May 3, but mostly I always get another doctor. I hate those visits as I usually stay there from 06:00 to about 11:30/12;00! My meagre pension does not allow me to go to a private hospital.

    I’m not sure if another member will mention but I read recently that Omeprazole is no longer prescribed because of a recent study that found it harmful. I don’t have an acid problem so didn’t read the article only took heed as a buddy of mine takes it. 

  7. 10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    There has always been such behaviour and it is common, I believe the hospitals do it too. You have to be prepared to ask the price first and decide for yourself if the treatment is required or contrived. The clinic I use seems fairly straight with me....head towards the beach on Klang after 2nd Rd.... turn left onto small Rd after Ali Baba Indian Restaurant and  dentist is on the left there after Chalet Suisse. 

    They were sly the way they gave a price with multiple add on's but I coped it immediately and will advise others. hanks.

  8. 7 hours ago, Joebuzzz said:

    I use https://www.dentalsmilepattaya.com/

    Very happy with service and staff.  They managed to save my teeth, all 8 I have left, for an estimated 2 years after I came in to have them all pulled. Still there a year later.  Made me a new bottom denture that's never needed adjustment.  Could've charged me for a new full upper but instead relined it.

    Wouldn't go anywhere else.

    Seems yo are not the only one to recommend them. Thank you.

  9. 2 hours ago, redwood1 said:


    Very good dental clinic ....Not rock bottom cheapest but also not top dollar...

    For a simple filling or crown or easy root canal there are cheaper places....But for the big problems this is where I go....

    I will certainly give them a call thanks.

  10. On 1/22/2024 at 2:20 PM, Will B Good said:

    Might not be totally suitable for you, as it is/was a small, one-woman practice, nothing flash........the little cut through from soi 7 to soi 8....... (if she is still there!!!)

    Thank you I will have a look.

  11. There have been a number of posts about Dental clinic's in the Pattaya area, but is there a single clinic that is reliable, efficient and not opportunist. I recently attended a clinic in Chonburi that provided an estimate, that attempted to extract as much money as they thought I could afford or not notice. They sneakily increased the advertised price of veneers of 12K to 30K. Please can somebody suggest a clinic in the Pattaya area that I can trust. Thanks in advance.

  12. On 1/20/2024 at 9:01 AM, andych said:

    No we lost our Mums about the same time, and yes like similar music, she is 47 i am 59, Any relationship when you meet someone doesnt matter where it is it is the feeling you get. Oh she works in a restaurant . not a massage or bar. for the last few years she said, whether that is the truth i don't know, does she believe me when i say i am a CEO of a big company? or that i am a Surgeon, when all i am is a normal bloke in a boring job with a few years left till retirement.

    My advice is arrive unexpectedly and observe. I was in a bar in Karon one night I was chatting with a girl I knew for many years and we had a business relationship if you get my drift? She receives a phone call and looks stunned. It was her German boyfriend she explained he had arrived unexpectedly and was in Phuket airport. While she was coping with this a guy walks into the bar. Not the German boyfriend but her Swiss boyfriend also arriving unexpectedly. It was Christmas. The German arrived at the bar five minutes later. Her two sponsors learnt a lesson and thankfully there was no fisticuffs. Travel a bit. If she hooked you so easily it’s likely you ain’t the first.Especially if you had sex. Back in the days without mobiles just landlines it was much easier. I had a girlfriend back then and always knew she was home. You’ve got good advice here your Mikey has run away with your brains your in the lions den and them cats look cute but bite hard. 

    • Like 1
  13. 59 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

    You have misinterpreted his pricing or not telling the truth.

    Impossible for a single veneer to be that price or even quoted that price. A price of 7.500 baht is about right for a composite veneer (porcelain 2-3 times that).

    A very good quality implant with crown would be about 75k.


    I didn’t go into it in detail. But the estimate came to a basic B350,000 with add ons. Each veneer was depending on quality ranged from 30K to 75K. The estimate also had numerous ???’s. that would definitely be added later. He enticed me in at 350K with the likely final bill of close to 1 million Baht. I realise veneers are anything from 8 to 12K   I tested him and he failed. I do have a plan on what needs to be done with x rays that cost me B2100. So now looking for a reliable and honest dental clinic. 

  14. Sorry to cut across the post but bottom line. I went to a dental clinic in Chonburi and I needed significant dental work ie numerous teeth extracted, implants and veneers. The price quoted was based on what the dentist thought he could, excuse the pun, extract out of me. Example a single veneer B75,000. I expected this but wanted to establish the work needed to be done. And I have. Could somebody with relevant experience please direct me to a reliable and realistic dentist located anywhere from Pattaya to Bang Saen.  Thanks in advance. 

  15. I wouldn’t dare offer advice. However some time ago I became dizzy ie suddenly my head would spin around and around if I moved quickly. I was concerned and read up on it. Turned out to be an inner ear problem and it went away. Vertigo. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 6 hours ago, connda said:

    I've lived here 16+ years now and I can honestly state that this one instance isn't "destroying the image of Phuket taxis" but on the contrary, it's the reoccurrance of Thais physically attacking tourists, making this an accurate representation of the Phuket Taxi Problem that has existed since I first arrived and probably will be an issue until international tourists wake up to the realities of Thai-on-tourist violence as well as the dangers of Thai roads in general in that area, and begin to avoid Phuket to the point where the economy is impacted.  What expat here doesn't know the Phuket taxi mafi stories?  You'd need to be living under a rock.
    Regarding "destroying the image of the country?"  Yeah.  That is true.  Just look at the impact of violence such as this - a Thai man physically assaulting and pulling a foreign women out of his car.  I find it revolting just like other instances of Thai-on-foreigner violence that leads to death and injuries.
    These instances are paid lip-service by Thai politicos, but the actual problem is obviously still a problem, and if history is any indicators it will continue to be a problem in the future.

    In the meanwhile - blame the tourist.

    As Meat Loaf would say if he was alive. You took the words fight out of mouth. Taxi drivers on Phuket have NO reputation to maintain they lost it over 25 years ago. Problem is the administration and police are in fear of the Taxi Mafia. Bang this moron up for 6 months and maybe just maybe a lesson might be learnt. I doubt it though. 

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