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Posts posted by emiubon

  1. is very rare than an influential and reach person will take a bus, so as people that use motorbikes, here is the answer, Trains is the same, people are fighting between each other all the time, but dont understand that are the target of the same agenda.

    And by the way less people alive is better, for the wealthy peoples.

  2. They haven't posted a project board and as fa I know there is no way to see the result yet, my mother in law made a petition to clear this thing up, few people sign, some are scared to put they name down, some they think will develop the area and are more than happy. Around the lake is very dirty, people trow all the shit, without thinking, adults with kids do it, and kids learn, yesterday I kid you not, a women, called from very body Ajan, a supposed well schooled person, burn a latex mattress on the bank of the reservoir, black toxic smoke coming out, and she was there looking at it and contemplating.

    For what I know also the bridge roughly will be build in front the big houses on the right of the lake to more or less the area in front the new house after all the small restaurants.

    My mother in law, called every where and had lots of red tapes, nobody knew nothing of wanted to talk, she got some inside info, and that think should cost 270 millions, and of course you don't need to empty the reservoir to build either.

    That money is also from the people around the lake and should be explained to the people, and gave options, could be used also for other things, may be more important, too.

    A foot bridge had been build in Rome, is about 22 meters wide and 190 meters long, http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponte_della_Musica-Armando_Trovajoli and wikiedia said that costed 8million euro, not so much more, and is across a river where the banks are may be 15 meter high, from the sidewalks along the river.

    And is Rome, and is Italy, where or the price went lots more than that after they finished, or costed half because they divided the good money, even before start.

    My mother in law got silenced, she still keep her job, but has been lowered in her position, project that she was working on it, had been canceled or moved to other peoples.

    Hope she doesn't loose her job or she will be all day home, and that will be very bad.

  3. poor people, that follow either the red or the yellow, all this happening is just to confuse people and move the attention of peoples, from other big issue that are coming, yellow and red leaders are just passing the ball between each other, same same bad, and keeping the population split, and against each other.

    Until people are fighting each other, they are doing their game,

    Most of us in general Thai or Foreigners, in a foreign country or your own country, are this 3 things or at leas 1 of them, ignorants, self centered, don't give a shit about others, and in small or bigger %, we try to con the system or get advantage of it, so there is nothing strange, if some big personality steal or evade millions of dollars. If we could we will do the same.

  4. I am in Ubon, I have a Choice Bank Limited, mastercard, I have been using for years at AEON atm, but recently has stopped working, I can use in any other bank, but of course I am charged witht the 180 baht.

    I have asked into an AEON branch, and they said that have to be something to do with the new ATM machines settings, if somebody know a workaround, feel free to share please.

  5. Like the dentist just after the main Police Station, looking at the entrance of the Police Station is on the next block of buildings on the left of the Police Station.

    Great Dentist, good hand, may because she is specialized in kids, she can do anything to me, I dont fill any pains.

  6. thanks a lot, will look on alibaba to see if i can get in contact with some vendor, You solution look good, for raft growing right? or u use also with aggregate filled beds.

    Anyway other systems I looked at, like yours, had some kind of frame, a lot more costly then the one u are using, so I guess, your is working good.

    May I ask, if during the years was something that you think you could have done differently? I mean kind of material, colour? size of the beds?

    Anyway, you keep the fish, on the long bed on the right of the pic? or they have another tank that is not shown in the pics?

    By the way I am often around in Isaan, if you are around here, we may have a chat, one day...


  7. We used HDPE sheets and folded their corners around the outside. Then everything was held in place with rebar driven into the ground every meter or so. The edges were capped with ABS pipe with a cut on one side to form a "C" in cross-section. This was then used to hold the edge of the sheet to the rebar and it also served as a cap over the rebar in case someone fell on it.

    wow good set up you got there, do you remember some specs of that HDPE, did you buy rolls, of it?


  8. Others may have some idea what a 'trucks liner' is ... but I don't.

    Maybe a photo or two says a 1,000 words.


    It's a liner, usually made with rigid plastic, that lines the bed of a pickup truck


    yes, sorry for being not too precise, but yes is the rigid plastic that is used to protect the back of pick ups, there are many for sale all around thailand second hand,

    using 1 finding a way to close the side where there is the opening for the door, or using 2 facing each other, should work out good.

    My only worry is leaching of some chemi, but they should be made in HDPE, altough dont think food grade, probabily are not very rigid too, when adding the gravel, will loose form and swell, but making a structure like the one that surround that white square containers, should work.


  9. hi, want to experiment with some aquaponic setting, what do you think , if for the grower beds I use pick up trucks liners? there are plenty used around, second hand in good conditions, was thinking build a structure or just positioned on the ground, 2 liners facing the open side up and glued togheter.

    Second hand where I live are between 500 baht to 100 baht.

  10. I dont Know, any company, but you will need to provide more info's. I can build Ram Pumps, the challenge is more in choose the right piping section, and other some details, anyway you need to know the volume of water you have at your source, the fall: distance between water source and ram pump, and elevation: distance between ram pump and delivery point, how much water you need...If you need the water to have some pressure, and dont want to use any pump from your holding tank, you will need to raise it.

    i added a small drawing


  11. Hi guys wanted to ask, what do you do with pest?

    Like ants? beatles etc?

    I tought I havre read on this thread some natural remedies, but I cannot manage to find right now.

    Looking online I have found remedies for some of the insects and molds, using Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis) and Bs(Bacillus subtilis)

    any other natural remedies especially for ants?


    I just started managing this mushroom farm, now I am keeping everything clean most possible, but the re are already ants going around.

    I tryed spraying a mixture of lemongrass and wine vinegar outside the mushrom houses, and work well, I dont know if spray also inside and directly on the mushroom bags.

    I did a mixture of little bit of white chalk stuff mixed with some honey, but look like ants really dont like.

    are black ants, probabily they were also already present, hen they build the house in the bamboo, they are nesting between the bags, right now I see them move around, carrying the small pupa.

    I try to remove some by hands, actually I dont really know if they are really bad, either, I cant find answers in google.

    thanks for any info

  12. I dont know in Khon Kaen, but drive around, you should be able to find some shop, rewinding motors, another place, look in old scrap places, they probabily collect them and put away, if they work is another think. Be carefull to work with capacitors anyway, you can get electric shock.

    Anyway I usually buy this kind of staff on Ebay, anyway when I used to live in Chiang Mai, in the Big C, complex was an electronic shop, I am sure if you find a shop of this kind they will have or they can order for you.

    For the magnets, u can try on ebay, I dont see nobody selling that size, what you can do contact the seller, or just google company on internet, what are u using neodyum magnets or normal ferrite ones?

    May be you can stack magnets, if you dont find magnets long enough, but I am not sure, how will perform.

  13. thank

    be careful for what you wish for.

    I work on-shore here in Oz and the turn around for leasehands (entry level pos) is about 1 keeper / 5 starters. Its is a business like none other I have worked in before, it is just wierd. In most cases you need to know someone or have someone vouch for you or forget it, no start. If you want to take the bottom up approach then if you make it to driller 3 you can then move around easily,including offshore. If you dont like heights too then forget it. The positive about this industry is the fact there is only 5 basic roles you need to master to get to driller. But its tough work especially once you start working the rig floor, not to mention dangerous.

    I'm getting by, I just do it, like most people in most jobs. I have been offered work offshore off of Darwin 2 weeks ago but 28/28 is not for me.

    Maybe have a look at onshore work as a leasy and see what you think, dont worry about certs, the company will prolly hire you because someone has vouched for you and will run you through the couses at thier expense anyway.

    Chok Dii.

    Thanks for your advices, since look like that my best bet is to start from the bottom up, I am looking also for working visa, for Canada, Australia and OZ, where look like there is the biggest concentration of company drilling onshore.

    I am waiting a replay from the visa offices, to see If getting some ticket, before I apply for the visa, will help me to get the visa.

  14. Hi Soutpeel, and the others.

    Thanks for all the info, after some more reading and thinking i arrived at your same conclusion.

    Doesn’t matter if I get all that tickets, to be able to get an entry level job, why the company should go through the pains of get working permits and visa, for somebody with no any experience that could last a week. They will surely do for more skilled people that may be in shortage in some part of the world, at least may be a Driller and higher.

    So, how you said, the best is to try in Italy.

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