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Posts posted by chrisrazz

  1. Aside from the brutal nature of the case, the thing that struck me in the report was 'She had a part time job selling vegetable juice on her Facebook page.' This is a damning indictment on the rates of police and other government services pay in Thailand in my opinion, and, is the reason for the myriad problems within the system of government in Thailand. (Note, I use the word 'service', which in the Thai context is non-existent). Raise the pay, raise the bar, remove the time servers and crooks now! They could start by using the word 'service' to define the role of such agencies ie. Royal Thai Police Service.

  2. I thought martial law meant no gatherings of more than 5? There were 5 of them.

    What Prayuth really means by martial law is that not a single person may criticise me or challenge me. If you do, you'll be locked up! facepalm.gifbah.gif

    If you read the rules that they endorsed under this martial law then you can see that protesting against the junta is forbidden under this martial law...

    Try this stunt in any other country, for example have 5 protesters run up to the stage where Barack Obama is holding a speech and count how many of them are shot by secret service as potential threats.

    Anyone trying to pull this kind of stunt in the US would never got anywhere near Obama. Just goes to show the competency level of the Thai security services. If the army can't guarantee the security of their junta leader, what hope is there for them running the country?

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  3. Unfortunately for Thailand, 'Country of Origin' is stated on all products in western supermarkets. It is easy for discerning shoppers to decide what they buy based on their personal moral and ethical standards. If you are aware that a purchase of an item was a product of slave labour, and that your purchase of said product implied that you supported such behavior you may leave the product on the shelf. Unlike Thai officials, supermarkets chains are no mugs, when stuff does not sell it's taken off the shelf. Thailand's solution to this is criminal defamation. The other issue that flies straight over the head of Thai officials is that unlike Thailand, western supermarkets operate in regulated, competitive and unprotected markets. They spend a lot of money trying to influence and exploit public sentiment and will act in ways to protect THIER interests, good and bad PR will impact these interests. Thai officials, on the other hand......

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  4. Proving it's not these two Burmese lads is fairly easy. Once it's proved it's not them then, hopefully the real culprits are caught....

    Unlike you Franky, the British police won't decide who is guilty or innocent before actually knowing.

    They already know. MI6 exists for a reason & they are not fools.

    For this reason, I suspect that Cameron felt compelled to 'chat' with Prayuth. I seriously doubt Cameron would act on the basis of a petition, though it helps to make him look good.

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  5. This has always been a bugbear of mine. At my place, sticky rice is a rather long process, requiring an overnight soak, followed in the morning by preparing a charcoal fire to steam the rice in a conical bamboo basket. The array of dishes that are prepared to accompany the rice also take considerable time to prepare. I doubt this amazing new development will get much traction amongst the sticky rice traditionalists, who, given the fact that they still insist on eating this way are not entirely time poor. In fact, when you add the time for hunting and gathering required for such 'cuisine' time is not really a consideration. This new contraption will just give them an additional 10 minutes of not doing much.

  6. If there are 4 or 5 'influential' families, and, the murderer/s is commonly known amongst the locals to be from one of them, that leaves 3 or 4 other 'influential' families whose activities and profits will be severely diminished, and, given the nature of these types, they will seek recompense or revenge. The 'authorities' need to administer real justice now. As a cynic, I believe that further payoffs will be made in order to cover up another murder or two, something along the lines of 'backpacker murderer commits suicide'. Case closed.

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  7. Well the police were blaming social media for delaying the investigating... I strongly suggest that the same social media has the ability to turn Kho Tao into a ghost town...

    I like this. The idea led me to speculate that there are going to be some very pissed off locals, who given their reported violent nature, may well seek recompense for lost revenue. If the real culprits are known, perhaps justice will prevail in the end, just not in the way it should.

    Why anyone expects the RTP to be police amazes me. Mostly they are bullies, they are racketeers and corrupt. There can be very few who have risen to their rank on merit, therefore incompetence can be the only outcome.

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