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  1. I see no "Recycling" going on here. Looks only like waste incineration.
  2. Grease traps are a great start. And what are the rules for how to dispose of the grease collected? I see nothing mentioned about this.
  3. Exactly my thoughts as well. This is potentially very scary. Imagine sub-standard re-bars going into a floor or pillar of a house. Glad they caught them. Just have to make sure that these confiscated bars don't get out on the market.
  4. She doesn't need to "demand a divorce". As they apparently were not legally married in the first place, she can just end it on her own.
  5. I don't understand the logic here. While the job scams apparently is a big problem for the Chinese and has to be stopped, these scams do not affect the normal tourist. Especially if they travel in groups. Quite obvious. Isn't it?
  6. Kudos to the driver(s) that took quick and appropriate action to de-escalate the situation.
  7. Good police job to trace him all the way south.
  8. So the foreigner driving did not notice that the young guy fell off so he could have picked him up?
  9. Yes, of course you are right. My typo.
  10. Yes, of course you are right. My typo.
  11. [ “It was absolute carnage. There was no warning. We just fell into a freefall zone, and before we knew it, we were on the ceiling and then bang, on the ground.”] From other reports it was stated that the "No Seatbelt" sign was turned on. What I have not seen however is any mentioning of for how long it was turned on before the major turbulence. Was it a few seconds or a minute? That makes quite a difference.
  12. How can the Lawyer Juan Gonzalo Ospina Serrano, represent Arrieta’s family unless he's also a Thai citizen and member of the Thai Bar Association?
  13. You can still insure your belongings, even in a rented accommodation.
  14. "Reduced oxygen"? Where was this stated?
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