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Posts posted by rookball

  1. Checked it out.

    There are lots of + + +. From a base cost of THB4800 return, no luggage allowance, no food, basic seating the costs were already at THB7100.

    Still cheaper than Silk Air (the only other carrier doing this route).

    And saves the Bangkok transit (time wasted).

    Great news really.

    yes its cheaper. its probably not worthwhile you opt for all options

    silk air in november everything in is at 12.6k baht. tiger air with 15kg, meals, booking fees, basic seats selection etc etc is over 11k. a unlimited changeable ticket is over a whopping 40k. silkair changable (i believe twice?) is at 16k

  2. i would be surprised if the typical 30 baht meals are healthy at all. just look at the amount the sodium in soy sauce, fish sauce, the type of oil most vendor use, the usage of sugar, msg. i would imagine a course of 3 meals in typical vendors to easily surpass the recommend daily amount of sodium, sugar. and with the amount of simple carbs and high gi value in each meals, i really fail to see how it represent a healthy balance meal at all. 2 years are barely anything for a long term effects. and that is excluding the probability of getting a good dose of borax and cooking oil older than the eo running in my fil wave

    im not sure what are you trying to push here. if the typical 30 bahts meals are a more balanced meal for you compared to home cooking, im really curious what are you cooking and eating before. thats being said, not all home cooking are healthy are all

    • Like 2
  3. Remember... YOU HAVE TO WAIT 3 TO 6 MONTHS to take the test. If you had unprotected sex yesterday and were exposed to HIV and took the test today, it would come back negative. So go get the test now, and again in three months and to be totally sure again in six months. And please don't have sex with any anyone (bar girls, whatever) while you are possibly HIV positive.

    We had a thread like this about a month ago, can you describe the type of sex you (whoever) were having? It is important as some types of sex lend themselves to HIV transmission more than others.

    3 to 6 months are for older basis on antibodies. the 2nd and 3rd gen of antibodies test have a shorter window period, 98% in 30 days. however, the present 4th gen antibodies + antigens have a window period starting from 2 weeks. and the window period after 2 weeks are meant for false positive, not false negative. antigens test from 2 weeks will give false positive but never false negative, so one is safe after a negative result after a window period of 2 weeks but one might not be positive despite a positive result with the window period of 2 weeks and thus the longer window period for further antibodies testing

    however the above are only accurate on hiv-1. im not fully aware of the status of hiv-2 in thailand but to my knowledge there isnt any confirmed isolate cases of single hiv-2

  4. it is possible but just doesnt make sense.

    thailand have a relatively huge eye bank, though with a pretty long waiting list. doesnt make both economic and medical sense for any buyers to go that route when you could bypass the waiting list

    and for the latter story, it is just medically impossible given the time lapse, and a sum of money along the body? you kidding me?

    you had probably paid for the sick buffalo before, had you?

  5. I suspect all the yingluck bashers on here would slobber all over themselves if a gal that looks like her gave them a nice smile and rubbed their leg.

    Agreed. She is an attractive PM.

    uh. in all honesty, how about a no?

    as a matter of the fact of my preference, yeah she is the hottest pm among all. similarly, i would probably call chang export as the best tasting local beer (singha, archa etc fans please pardon me) but that doesnt make it a decent beer, let alone the drink of my choice

  6. i got no idea what happened to thai airline. back in the year 2000 they seem to be priced competitively and meals are pretty much one of the better ones out there, service arent that bad as well.

    ever since the entry of asian budget airlines, every other airline seem to be adjusting according for competitiveness except thai air. what the hell is going on? is there a sudden change of management or some sort along the lines? it doesnt make sense to fly tg when sq are just afew quids more but with miles better in all other areas

  7. I wouldn't buy an acoustic if my intention was to move later to electrics.

    Buy a cheap electric outright....no amp needed...you can hear perfectly the strings.

    ..so you will get used from the beginning to the neck and the scale of it.

    I would go for a 335 copy myself...best of both worlds
    Should be had for 14,000b (Epiphone)...cheaper and decent china copies around but you have to make it to Atsadang rd in BKK.

    i disagree. learning and practicing through an unplug electric guitar is a beginning disaster for poor picking technique, muting, string noises, dynamic controls. the sound projection just isnt that. i had across so many experienced students who could potentially play very well yet sloppy with tons of background noise, buzz and unintended fret clanks. nearly all of them practice scales etc unplugged, very sloppy in both right hand and left hand technique. it is very commont and many resort in cloth muting on 1st string and higher action to play cleanly in studios

    i would suggest to start from the right point, rather than correcting yourself in a later stage.

  8. really? there are more things worth more than money once you past certain degree financially. personally, i would rather have a happy family and kids driving a fortuner than driving a cayenne with kids that cant even acknowledge his/her father in public, or worse none. eventually one day she will have kids, and when they had grown up they will be asking how did she made the fortune out of it. by spreading legs, what else.

    Wow! - Your jealousy is really spilling over.

    of course im jealous, especially when im already half step in the coffin waiting for my final days to come

    • Like 1
  9. really? there are more things worth more than money once you past certain degree financially. personally, i would rather have a happy family and kids driving a fortuner than driving a cayenne with kids that cant even acknowledge his/her father in public, or worse none. eventually one day she will have kids, and when they had grown up they will be asking how did she made the fortune out of it. by spreading legs, what else.

  10. raw honey has relatively low gi value, it will be fine for your insulin in moderation. you should avoid pasteurized ones.

    not saying cinnamon or honey doesnt work but everyone body is different, no harm giving a try.

    i have heel spurs for years no one believe it gotten a whole lot better after i reduce my calcium intake, and lots of anti inflammation food when im supposed to be taking calcium supplements

    • Like 1
  11. while it is true the driver flee but he turn himself in within hours. if you look at it, the predastrian is equally at fault. she could had caused other motorist death due to her own negligence but ultimately she paid with her own. back then, there was speculation that both of them are drunk

    although i understand the fear and confusion of the driver, but i do not condone the act of fleeing the scene.

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