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Posts posted by romapizzeriabkk

  1. How quickly everyone forgets. Wasn't it just a couple years ago that the floods interrupted the supply lines in this country and you couldn't get toilet paper and bottled water here in Chiang Mai for weeks?

    I remember what it was like trying to find essential items like kitty litter and brown rice. I see nothing wrong with stocking up on essential items, knowing the way the centralized distribution channels for manufactured goods work in this country. The management of our local Tops, Tesco-Lotus,7-11, etc don't seem to have any independent purchasing authority. Like so much in so many sectors in this country, all the decision-making comes from Bangkok and if everyone stays away from work in Bangkok, no decisions get made.

    Is there any harm in having a couple weeks supply of cat food around .... just in case?

    Why ? Because the embassy said you should or you would do it anyway on your own ?

    First of all, on Monday and Tuesday nothing will happen. On Wednesday and after, something might happen, but you'll know on Tuesday at which point you can go and get food for 3-4 days, what ppeople usually do. Case of eggs, milk, bacon whatever you're eating. In 3-4 days you gonna figure out a way (without thinking at all, same as every other day or almost) to get food for next 3-4 days... etc.

    I can already see bunch of scared-of-everything americans/europeans walking around big c pushing those carts filled with food and other bs they don't need. Such an image pisses me off. Probably because I grew up in war so for me this is laughable... protests and the reaction of foreigners on a first sign of trouble.

    It makes me feel ashamed.

    The Trolljan War?

    That's an ongoing one.

  2. Valgehiir, if worst case scenario happens (which is not gonna happen) only retarded foreigner will not be able to find food on his own.

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble, since it seems you want this all to happen. I know people like you, have couple of friends like that.

    Everybody with a brain will not have problems. But maybe therein lies the problem. Brains.

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