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Everything posted by yogavnture

  1. i follow these type of stories. sometimes scuba divers go scuba diving before going freediving afterwards this can be deadly as getting the bends is possible is this what happened . if you free dive do it before not after scuba diving
  2. high drama on ko sarn. how many oz. of water did he steal that would determine pressure of the slap. have u been to ko sarn lately. sad
  3. even if u get the visa and buy the ticket she could get offloaded flight at least in philliines
  4. so if i have to pay 300 to enter. but now i get 15 days extra on my visa then im still ahead about 500 baht
  5. now all the stoners are at the dairy queen i think they have the munchies
  6. i did now they are smoking weed here too. maybe good money is being made selling weed i dont know all i know is everywhere i go i smell carcenegenic weed smoke. now the stoners mixing it with tobacco for extra punch. whats next mixing beer with red bull energy drink?
  7. so if you smoke weed every morning before getting out of bed. u are not addicted to it? lets hope thai authorities look for weed on persons leaving the kingdom . that little bit of weed the stoner forgot about in his bag. whats penalty for taking weed out of country
  8. yoga heads. ok lets not use that term yoga . have you ever tried to stretch? its stretching. the pot heads have overtaken the hotel now. its coming from everywhere. its like a virus, the pot heads are overtaking the city now
  9. now the guy on other side of me getting stoned all day the smoke coming from all directions making me sick. who is gonna fly planes and drive buses if everyone is stoned. i need to go to dentist will they be stoned now. am i the only healthy one here
  10. ive concluded that stoners should have thier own hotel and they can get stoned all day.
  11. yes pot smokers and regular folk should be separated
  12. so what do i do just accept that i have to breathe weed smoke every where i go. reporting illegal activity is not snitching. its protecting public safety
  13. i moved to another guest house this one is worse. they are all smoking weed in the hallways. and blasting marley music and wearing tie die
  14. i did move to another place now a stoner wearing tie die is blasting rasta farian music at 7 am during my meditation when will this end
  15. i pushed button 8 but i got button 9. where do i go for refund
  16. no blueberry pancake. pancakes are good when one is fried
  17. i tried talking to him hes pretty stoned though i dont think his language skills are up to snuff
  18. blackshadows i choose to meditate where i am .
  19. you want me to smash ice cream cones? what good would that do. have u ever tried meditation
  20. actually he is in the common area balcony doing it. they dont allow smoking in the rooms. its a four star hotel
  21. im from colorado where its legal and the legalization creates a two tier society. the wealthy straights and the poor stoners.
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