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Everything posted by jinners

  1. Even worse when you pretend not to be envious. At least have the courage of your convictions and admit it.
  2. I'm a bit confused as to why this particular headline along with possible problems for house owners is giving you so much joy. Envy is an extremely unpleasant emotion, didn't anyone tell you that?
  3. 'If you ask the people nowadays, Britain would stay in the Union. They can see now the outcome and it will not a good one over the years.' My goodness you remoaners will never stop will you? Never stop saying how terrible things are due to Bexit. Yawn. We had a referendum. The majority wanted out. Get over it FFS. The people I know and talk with still want to be out. The difference is they want Brexit to do what it was actually supposed to do. Instead we've had nothing but obfuscation and underhand political dealing from Then remoaner in chief May, right up to present day when Brexit is discussed but never enacted. What is it exactly that you so cannot live without? The unelected leaders. Billion paid for the dubious honour of being a member. Corruption and accounts that have never been signed off. The under the table deals with the 2 main signatories, Germany and France? The problems you mention are due to poor governance and have zero to do with Brexit, how can you not see that? From the ever expanding immigration, both legal and illegal which could be stopped overnight with a backbone. No workforce. With 11 million being paid to stay at home on benefits, really? Poor NHS. That's pretty sad to throw that in when consecutive governments just keep throwing more money at it when it needs a complete overhaul. Rotten infrastructure. Yes because the cupboard is bare and 12 million a day on illegals is not helping. Covid debts have taken the countries debt to the highest since WWII, or was Covid due to Brexit as well. Diminished says who? You probably, and all your remoaner mates. If you want Starmer to revoke the most important referendum in a generation, then you are also probably hoping he's the right man for the job when the Tories get a real kicking at the elecetion. Rightfully so. Deluded doesn't come close
  4. Not good enough for the UK either. People have had their finances ruined from similar incidents where they have all but surrendered their first born and the case has still gone ahead with ruinous effects
  5. In your modest opinion. Nothing like a huge generalisation in the conversation. Disney! the hypocrisy is amazing
  6. couldn't agree more mate. sad sad individuals that find this something to make fun of
  7. why only rent in future? How long did you own and what problems did you come across?
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