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Posts posted by jinners

  1. 9 hours ago, steven100 said:

    So the offending passenger previously withdrew the message and comments on social media and apologized.

    Now the Thai's want to sue the offender for posting the criticism.


    hmm.....    so removing / deleting the comments was not good enough for the Thai's. 



    Not good enough for the UK either. People have had their finances ruined from similar incidents where they have all but surrendered their first born and the case has still gone ahead with ruinous effects

  2. 2 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

    Most people across the world would think it is wrong, utterly.


    But the only way they could fix it would be to bring in something as big as Disney. It would attract  Indian families, boost domestic demand and offer jobs to young Thai graduates.



    In your modest opinion. Nothing like a huge generalisation in the conversation. Disney!  the hypocrisy is amazing

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  3. Something not right here. A friend was passing almost immediately after this happened and went to assist. Immediately seeing both were dead at the scene. His conclusion was a hit and run from a very powerful vehicle due to injuries sustained and the distance between bodies, bike and other body matter. Horrible incident. running in to the kerb doesn't sound right.

    Hate to say it but maybe due to being Cambodians its an open and shut case. Poor buggers RIP.

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  4. On 1/27/2022 at 2:32 PM, AlQaholic said:

    No Russians nor Chinese nowadays, So I take the chance and opportunity to enjoy it while I can, before they return:) Been going there frequently for more than a year now (when it has been open), everything very cheap and very few people. Thai tourists and the occasional Farang. 

    I didn't say I didn't know it or like it. Just that it's a matter of personal preference. I've been there plenty over the last 15 years.

  5. 1 hour ago, AlQaholic said:

    What's an ATK? And BTW, Koh Larn outside Pattaya is way better than Koh Samet. Samet is full of Rich Bangkok Brats, expensive and always fully booked. Koh Larn is not a national park.

    And with almost 70% of the Thai population fully vaccinated, what's the point?


    All a matter of opinion, and personally for me, Samet is much nicer. And without the hordes of Russki's and Chinese.

  6. 17 minutes ago, rbkk said:

    Who's charging the 330 baht? The pier? As the tests cost 35 baht from the GPO (Bangkok), I'm expecting a cheaper option will be along soon, once they have struck a deal with the Samet Mafia operators. Prices at many of the beaches are kept at inflated levels. It has been like that since I visited there in 1995. Sea....Horses...avoid.

    That's the price to be paid at the "clinic" where the tests are done. Not at the pier.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/4/2021 at 1:47 PM, pacovl46 said:

    Well, it seems the other commenters who have planted it harvested it way too early to be making any money, I mean “after 5 years and 3 harvests!”


    I would imagine, if you wait 25 or 30 years before you harvest there’s certainly money to be made.


    Have you ever considered Brazilian Rosewood, though? It’s an extremely popular wood in the musical instrument business and the good news is that it has no natural enemies/pests in Thailand that could potentially befall it! As a matter of fact it’s so popular that it’s on the CITES list now and export has been banned from Brazil completely, if I’m not mistaken, because they kept rigorously harvesting it in the wild to the point where it’s on the. brink of extinction. But it will at the very least take decades before the trees are large enough to be used for guitars, but then again your offspring might be able to get really rich of them some day. The key is the bigger the tree the more money is in it. If you’re not dependent on the income right now, I’d go for Brazilian Rosewood because there’s is most definitely way more money in it in the long haul than your Eukalyptus trees will ever make! 

    That's worth considering from a philanthropic view and something that I might consider. I'll certainly not be around to reap the rewards but may at least be planting some good for the future. Thanks

  8. On 7/4/2021 at 5:06 PM, Stevemercer said:

    Most mature Eucalyptus (15 years plus, with no silviculture and left to themselves) will have poor form and limited value for lumber (e.g. the trees won't be straight).


    The highest value is hardwood poles from 3 - 5 year old trees (typically used in cheap rural construction or as scaffolding). The plantation needs to be treated to thin out the initial trees, make sure the trunks are straight, and branches are cut off. 


    Trees over 5 - 10 years, with poor form, will be suitable for pulp. Older trees are not much good for pulping (too tough).


    Eucalyptus plantations have limited value for wildlife in Thailand being an exotic species. But this also means that they are relatively pest free. Eucalyptus can be a fire hazard in Australia, but this is not so likely in Thailand (plantations are smaller and lightning strikes generally occur during the wet season). Thais regularly burn native forests for mushrooms, but this is not the case for Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus will re-sprout even if a hot fire rips through.


    You can make some handy pocket money out of poles, and the stumps will readily coppice. Just make sure you source some quality seedlings from stock that grow straight and is habitated to your district and soils.

    Great info. Thanks

  9. On 7/3/2021 at 11:31 AM, kwonitoy said:

    Years ago I bought 34 rai for the land to grow rubber. It already had full grown eucalyptus on it and I thought I might make a bit of extra cash harvesting the trees. A specialist contractor quoted us 3 months to clear the trees which was too long and still plant rubber. I did it myself in 6 weeks. Hired about 10 people to cut, trucks to haul the ecu to a dealer about 5 km away. I didn't even make enough from the ecu to pay for the labour and trucking costs.  


    It's like most Issan farm ventures, labour and equipment costs will eat up any small profits to had

    As suspected. Thanks

  10. Hi, looking for some advice on the above. I've looked through forum's on here and the internet in general and all the information out there seems to be dated by 10 to 20 years old for some reason. I understand many things will still apply, but the part crucial to decision making will not. And that is, is there any money to be made from growing this? I understand it's the ideal crop for an absentee farmer and in around 5 years is possible for harvesting. Anyone having exposure to this or knowledge in any way would be extremely grateful. Some 'cheap' land has become available via the wife and as it's pretty well deep jungle, not possible to build a house on just ideal for growing. It currently has corn growing but lots of eucalyptus in the area.


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  11. 8 hours ago, charmonman said:

    If nobody goes to the “grubby little bars” what would be the harm in letting them open? Hardly likely to be a mass spreading event if no one goes, right? You might try to have a little compassion for the thousands upon thousands who have been left high and dry instead of ridiculing them.

    He's not able to go, just jealous and wants nobody else having any fun.

  12. 5 hours ago, Guderian said:


    I filled in #5 for you as that's how these things usually turn out these days.

    The time when the CCSA had a mind and voice of its own are, sadly, long gone.

    As seems to be the case globally when taking Covid advice. Only listened to when fitting current government agreed narrative.

  13. 19 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    I thought the current outbreak started in some of these joints. Totally preposterous to consider letting them reopen as  they rely on "social non distancing" to function and generate income. Would be totally hypocritical, as everyone knows that they would infringe all Covid rules from the word Go. And them asking now for guidelines they would never follow is just driven by desperation, as they are aware that only the vaccines can relieve their predicament and this, at the current rate of progress, probably not before mid next year.


    as they are aware that only the vaccines can relieve their predicament and this, at the current rate of progress, probably not before mid next year.


    You mean the way the vaccine program has relieved the predicament in the UK? If that's your plan, bars and clubs might as well demolish starting tomorrow.

  14. 20 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

    More deflective news releases, he needs to be talking HONESTLY about covid 19 and the vaccination roll out, including the AZ production numbers. HIV is yesterdays news.

    Been on TV for many years and that has to be one of the most ignorant boneheaded posts that I have ever seen on here. Try telling somebody with HIV (and you probably not knowingly have friends or relations with it) that it's yesterdays news. If you think Covid and all the inflated fears and concerns that has been manufactured around it is worse than HIV, you better hope you never.........

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