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Posts posted by Rolo

  1. Recently, my thai girlfriend, came to visit me in the UK,

    Now being in my early twenties, i feel i am fairly mature, as mature as a twenty year old can be. However i was alot less certain of how receptive my less traveled mates down te pub would be to a my thai girl. They'd all heard of her, none could get their head round it and i was a litte worried for my girl, considering they done pull to many punches and it would be her first time outside thailand.

    Now i have to say i was very pleasantly surprised by the genral courtesy she was shown and time that each one of them took to get to know her, listening to her imperfect english. Prior to her visit i got the obvious, shes in it for the money, bla bla stuff which i obvious brush under the carpet considering the people telling me this have never been to thailand let alone meet the girl in question. Of course they were blown away, by the thai girl ettiquette, the non-swearing, quietly smiling girl who had all the other girls dreaming of having that body!

    What im saying is yes there is a huge amount of stigma for a thai girl coming to Farangland, but normally this all goes flying out the window as soon as people see that actually, they are just normal people like everyone else.


  2. all4one,

    Im sure someone else will be able to give you the defnitve informtion but im almost certain that the only UK enbassy in Thailand is in Bangkok and therefore it is only possible to apply for a visa there. However i do know from experience that you can send all relevent information to the embassy and do not have to attend at any point, only the applicant is needed.

    Having gone through this process succesfully myself, i would be happy to give you any adviceor tips if this is neccersary.



  3. I think KSR is definitly worth checking out, espcially for the CD/DVD's. I think you do have t be carfeul whilst shopping there as prices and quality vary greatly from stall to stall and shop to shop.

    For instance, while trying to book flights to phuket i was told a huge range of prices ranging up to 4000 baht. In the end i just found out what time the plane flew and went to buy the ticket from the airport before hand.

    There is a proffesional looking travelagent up near the Burger King end which is not a rip off place and i would recommend using there, seem to have forgotten the name at the moment.

    KSR can also be handy for after hours drinks with basically all small hotels selling at all hours :o


  4. GU22,

    The visa is for 6 months and is multiple entry. What i was really trying to ask was the ease at which a schengen visa is gained once a visitor is in the UK.

    Basically i would like any advice on how to gain a short term visa for a European country, and if too much hassle is involved. If a little sob story is needed then that is all well and good but i just really wanted to know what kind of hassle im looking at, so as to know if its worth the effort or not.



  5. As i have said before, after a lot of effort my girlfriend was granted a visitors visa and is coming to the UK in a few weeks.

    I am now considering taking her on a short European break either to France/ Spain or something similar, during the time she is visiting me.

    Does anyone have any experience of this, and can tell me the processes that i would have to go through, any tips would also be handy :o .

    thanks in advance


  6. im definitly going along with the walking slow thing,

    This also leads to the comment 'why you not want to walk with me then'. :o . It has to be said that these girls have no sense of time at all.

    Following this also has to be the obscene amount of time spent in beauty salons. How long does it take to get their hair done :D

  7. JXXXL,

    i go along with putting him up in Khaosan, sure some of the guesthouses are a bit rough but some are ok aswell.

    plus he will have a good chance to meet some other young people while he is there, and contrary to popular opinion not everyone there is a wannabe hippie.

    try dnd inn or one of the sawasdee places, they tend to be quite good.


  8. hi guys and girls,

    Just want to say a big thanks to you lot for all the useful information on gaining a visitors visa for the UK. That little search button works a treat, all the info i needed was on here already and let me just say without it wouldnt of even known where to start.

    Let me just say this, vv visa are hard to get but with enough rsearch and effort pu inot it they are possible, i think it was the case where we planned it so well and gave them all the possible stuff they could have asked for, meaning they couldnt say no.

    My advise would be plan well in advance and give these people no excuse to say no !!!!

    cheers again, Rolo :o

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