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Posts posted by legalsme

  1. Hey you guys, I am a complete numpty when it comes to computers. A couple of questions.

    1) How, when I reply to a post , can I do it so that just one sentence or a few words are quoted, instead of reams and reams of literature prior to my comment being present.

    2)How do I get a picture. I think you call them avators.

    3)How do I put a quote in blue under the responses I make

    Thanking you in anticipation

    Gees ah well.

  2. Let's face it, Phazey I think it is, has got a great avatar, you know the animated one with the dog with it's head out the car window.

    Basher is three chocolate eggs and Bluecat is a blue cat so how come they all have better ones than me? I just went with one of the ones the forum had to offer which is some sort of pale blue caveman drawing of an angry whale.

    I'm not that bothered that I don't have a mobile with video messaging or a MiniDisc walkman but it would be nice to have an enviable avatar if anyone can help.

    If this iS all you have to worry about then you are doing OK, SAD but OK.

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