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Posts posted by hard124get

  1. Putin has killed more of the Saudi/Israel backed ISIS in 2 weeks than US has in a year. These 'rebels' are foreign mercenaries.

    Not true unless you believe what's reported in the Russian media.

    The US defeated the Iraq army in 3 weeks. Why could it not defeat ISIS? They are driving US trucks and use US weapons. That is from CNN.

    AK-47's and Toyota pickups are American?

    Supplied by America, unless you are accusing Japan?

  2. Putin has killed more of the Saudi/Israel backed ISIS in 2 weeks than US has in a year. These 'rebels' are foreign mercenaries.

    Not true unless you believe what's reported in the Russian media.

    The US defeated the Iraq army in 3 weeks. Why could it not defeat ISIS? They are driving US trucks and use US weapons. That is from CNN.

  3. Hard124get posted the following earlier;


    "It wa a classic honeytrap, the first woman arranged for the trip , invited Assange to stay at her flat, agreed to have sex, then after the alleged rape, she arranged a party for him and let him stay at her flat for another week ! The allegations of the complainants are not credible and were dismissed by the senior Stockholm prosecutor as not worthy of further investigation."


    My comments are;

    I think you are being a little bit selective in your comments.

    The honeytrap comment is pure conjecture! The agreement to stay in the first womens flat is not in dispute. The rest is

    Yes one charge was dropped back in Aug 2010 but was re-applied 11 days later. Please see more time lines below;

    1 September 2010

    1. Ms Nye says she is reopening the rape investigation against Mr Assange, eleven days after a chief prosecutor announced the arrest warrant had been dropped. Ms Nye is also head of the department that oversees prosecution of sex crimes in particular.

    "There is reason to believe that a crime has been committed," she says in a statement. "Considering information available at present, my judgement is that the classification of the crime is rape."

    Ms Nye says the investigation into the molestation claim will also be extended. She tells AFP that overturning another prosecutor's decision was "not an ordinary (procedure), but not so out of the ordinary either".

    13 August 2015

    Swedish prosecutors drop their investigation into one accusation of sexual molestation and one of unlawful coercion against Mr Assange because they have run out of time to question him. A time limit on a further allegation of sexual molestation is due to run out on 18 August. The more serious allegation of rape is not due to expire until 2020.

    Mr Assange says he is "extremely disappointed".

    12 October 2015

    1. Scotland Yard announces it will no longer be sending officers to stand guard outside the Ecuadorean embassy in Knightsbridge, central London. Officers have been there since 2012, at an estimated cost of more than £12m.

    In a statement the Met Police said: "Like all public services, MPS resources are finite. With so many different criminal, and other, threats to the city it protects, the current deployment of officers is no longer believed proportionate."

    However it also said it would be deploying "a number of overt and covert tactics to arrest" Mr Assange.

    PS I agree the whole guarding of the Embassy is a fiasco.

    But this man should face justice and stand trial according to the facts as laid out by the Swedish and UK authorities at present.

    His alleged leaking offences should and must be dealt with on their own merits in the appropriate court(s) otherwise all accused persons can do the same as him and avoid their day in court

    Yes, as I said before a classic honeytrap.

  4. Why is this a 'victory for justice'?

    He is avoiding an arrest warrant.

    Does this mean that everyone in the world should just walk into any embassy and say 'keep me up in your Embassy (free hotel) because I do not want to fight this legal case in a court of law because I might get extradited to another country because I have broken their laws'.

    No, he was wanted for questioning. He had already been questioned in Sweden. We all know this had nothing to do with the allegations and all about Wikileaks. He would have ended up

    in the next cell to Chelsea Manning for 30 years.

    NO. He was not just wanted for questioning. He had an arrest warrant and fully approved extradition against him. Please see the following timeline!


    14 August Assange invited to Stockholm to address seminar by the Social Democrats Brotherhood Movement, staying at apartment of Miss A. The two reportedly have sex that night.

    17 August Assange reportedly has sex with Miss W, a woman he met at the seminar on August 14.

    17-20 August Both women share concerns over their sexual encounters.

    20 August The Swedish prosecutors office issues an arrest warrant for Assange, for two separate allegations of rape and molestation.

    18 November Stockholm district court approves a request to detain the WikiLeaks founder for questioning, on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.

    20 November An international arrest warrant for Assange is issued by Swedish police via Interpol.

    30 November Interpol issues a red notice for Assange.

    8 December Assange presents himself to London police. He is remanded in custody after an extradition hearing.

    14 December Protesters demonstrate outside Londons City of Westminster magistrates court, where Assange is appearing on an extradition warrant. He is granted bail on security of £200,000 to court and guarantee of two sureties of £20,000. Two hours later, Swedish authorities challenge decision to grant bail. Assange is kept in custody.

    16 December Granted bail after supporters pay £240,000 cash and sureties.


    7 February An extradition hearing begins at Belmarsh magistrates court. Later in the month the court rules for extradition to Sweden.

    3 March Assanges lawyers say they have lodged papers at the high court for an appeal against the ruling.

    12 July Assange launches his appeal. His QC, Ben Emmerson, argues the European arrest warrant that led to his clients arrest contained fundamental misstatements of what had occurred in Stockholm last August.

    13 July Judges reserve judgment on the appeal.

    2 November Assange loses his appeal. He says he will consider his next steps in the days ahead.


    30 May UK supreme court upholds the high court decision, rules that extradition is lawful and can go ahead.

    14 June The supreme court rejects a move by Assange to reopen his appeal against his extradition, saying it was without merit. He has until 28 June to ask European judges in Strasbourg to postpone extradition on the basis he has not had a fair hearing from the UK courts.

    19 June Assange enters the Ecuadorian embassy in London, requesting political asylum.

    It wa a classic honeytrap, the first woman arranged for the trip , invited Assange to stay at her flat, agreed to have sex, then after the alleged rape, she arranged a party for him and let him stay at her flat for another week ! The allegations of the complainants are not credible and were dismissed by the senior Stockholm prosecutor as not worthy of further investigation.

  5. These aren't lone wolves, on either side. Abbas and Netanyahu foment anger and rile up their people to carry out violent attacks. It's sad really, because their people have so much to offer each other.

    What exactly do the "Palestinians" have to offer Israelis? Israelis already know how to make hummus and falafel. Yes the obsessive Israel demonizers say the Jews stole the Arabs food, that's how petty they are, as if anyone "owns" a type of food. Nobody ever said the USA stole pizza or Thailand stole chilies.

    I'm being a little flip but also a little serious. Should Israelis learn from the "Palestinians" how to treat their GLBT citizens? Would that be good?

    When "Palestinian" terrorists get injured, where do they go? "Palestinian" hospitals? No, they are sent to Israeli hospitals and treated exactly the same as injured Jews by the medical staff there.

    "When "Palestinian" terrorists get injured, where do they go?" No, a we all saw the teenage boy was left to die, with Israeli onlookers shouting "Go on, die" Why don't they go to Palestinian hospitals, because there aren't any !

  6. Why is this a 'victory for justice'?

    He is avoiding an arrest warrant.

    Does this mean that everyone in the world should just walk into any embassy and say 'keep me up in your Embassy (free hotel) because I do not want to fight this legal case in a court of law because I might get extradited to another country because I have broken their laws'.

    No, he was wanted for questioning. He had already been questioned in Sweden. We all know this had nothing to do with the allegations and all about Wikileaks. He would have ended up in the next cell to Chelsea Manning for 30 years.

  7. This is reminiscent of the last time the US had a president with no balls.

    Iran and Russia were walking all over the stupid peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter. Then Reagan became president. The Soviet Union collapsed on Reagan's watch. Reagan made the famous statement about Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall".

    The Iran hostage crisis bedeviled Carter but the hostages were released just hours after Reagan replaced Carter as president.

    So here we have Iran and Russia getting the best of Obama because Obama has no balls and no brains. Period.

    Obama should retire and buy a peanut farm.

    Reagan ran from Lebanon. US never fired a bullet under Carter's watch and were respected around the world.. US are now seen as the greatest threat to world peace.

  8. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. As far as Judea and Samaria, there are narratives that make sense from both sides. There is no doubt there is a real conflict. But is terrorism against Jews the answer for the Palestinians?

    I've decided to start calling that area Judea and Samaria not necessarily as an endorsement of the politics of the settler movement but in a more ironic way ... if the Palestinians can say they have a nation state when they actually don't and they refuse to directly negotiate with Israel .... seems fair play.

    Things have certainly gone south:

    As quoted at the funeral of recent Jewish terror victims on the current situation: “Whoever speaks about peace is stupid. There’s no other word. The people of Israel need to wake up.”

    Israel may claim Jerusalem as its capital, but the world does not recognise it. Even the US has its embassy in Tel Aviv. East Jerusalem is not part of Israel, how can it be part of its capital?

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