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Posts posted by metrox

  1. This is actually a bad news. DHL Thailand is the worst courrier, I had only problems with them, they always charge custom fees and they will just block your shippment in BKK until you figure yourself the package is late. Then they ask a wire transfer for the fees and 2 days for verification, when they finally realease the package then just give it to Thailand post because they have no service in Samui. You end with high fees and taxes and a 2 week delay that in not acceptable for an express shippment at this cost. This happen to me several times and one time they even try to charge fee on a gift I get from a partner, when I rejected the delivery they finaly redeliver it free of charge (???). I have only stories like this with them. I really hope major ebusiness will stay away from them.

  2. The best way to cool down an overheated room or house without an A/C is to install an air extractor on the top the building (warmer side of the house) and a air pulse on the ground floor (on the cooler side of the building). Use a mosquito net at the air inlet. You should reach a temperature slightly lower inside than outside.


    Using for exemple an 80 watt fan for the pulse and a 60 watt fan for the extractor will help keep a positive pressure in the building and keep the dust outside (if the inlet is located in a dust free area).


    • Like 1
  3. I was curious to see if the curfew was respected yesterday night, so I've found a few webcams in Koh Samui, there was quite a lot of thai and foreigners walking and riding motorbikes in the street of Chaweng. I opened this thread to find more webcams and to share the links. Please post your webcam links and I will add them on this list.

    Samui webcams


    Those ones seems to be down today but was working yesterday night:




    Phuket webcams



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  4. Back to the 2010 situation for me. 2011 - 2012 was not so bad in term of International bandwidth. Slow degradation all over 2013 but from 3 weeks now, it's become nearly impossible to stream a movie form a foreign server. Youtube, facebook and google still works perfectly since they have mirror servers in asia / thailand. Tested, 3BB, TOT (both dsl and fiber), CAT CDMA, True (cable and 3G) and I have to say they all are the sam except that True was very good 1 year ago and now they are amongst the worst. Somebody told me when I subscribed to True, you will see It's good now but when they will have a lot of customers, the speed will drop. He was right.

    The speed tests servers are owned and the results are just a joke, all international trafic is saturated or throttled.

    Ofc International data cost money. So why they not sale a special subscription for International users ? I am ready to pay 2500 thb per month for a 15mb garanteed International bandwidth.

    Hope it will be better soon.

  5. I have the same model, I use it from 2 years and I am satisfied, but I have to say that the current produced by those gasoline generators is of very poor quality, not stable, extremely variable voltage, I am not an electician but you can see it when you look at a lightbulb, I imagine that the voltage is constantely dancing from 150 to 240 v. Now its should not be a problem for most of the small, battery powered, or modern appliances such as LCD TV, phones tablets, etc.. I've even run a desktop pc without an UPS and it survived... Altrought it's highly recommanded to use an UPS, it's could be a little bit tricky. Let me explain, as you probably now, the role of this kind of device is to use his built'in battery and inverter to compensate power variations, then it stop consuming energy from the generator, in the meantime, the generator as a built-in throttle regulator that lower the speed of the motor when the demand is low. It result into a pumping effect betwenn the UPS and the genny, so the UPS constantely switch on and off and the motor RPMs goes up and down... (btw sorry for my poor english)

    The ultimate solution is to buy an UPS that is compatible with generators, not entry levels like thoses you can find for 1000 or 2000 thb in computer shops, probably more expensive but it's the only solution. Of course, you will need an ups only for desktop computers if you have a laptop, it's useless because they have build-in battery, and the charger are variation tollerant.

  6. The motorola Defy XT535 is good value for money, not fast as hell but still responsive and with a lot of features, gps, waterproof, 2 cams, etc... and just 4000 thb http://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Motorola+XT535+Defy+XT+-+Black+Dust&baseUrl=&submit=

    Thanks for the suggestion, Metrox... Have you ever used that mobile with Skype video calling, either via wifi or 3G?

    Sure, for familly communication both Defy and Iphone works fine, altrought it's may depand on your wifi/3g reception. I have the habit to walk when I call (both voice and voice and video) so sometimes it's freeze but it's normal with voip. But in fact I think you main problem will be to be sure that skype continuously run in background and the effect of this on the battery life.

  7. The motorola Defy XT535 is good value for money, not fast as hell but still responsive and with a lot of features, gps, waterproof, 2 cams, etc... and just 4000 thb http://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Motorola+XT535+Defy+XT+-+Black+Dust&baseUrl=&submit=

    I recently bought an Iphone4 form true move for 6900 thb with a 2gb data plan of 12 month. http://store.truecorp.co.th/product/detail/42/iPhone_4#promotion I am satisfied of both motorola and apple devices because both a great value for money, but the Iphone is easy to use and far better in so many ways. Hope it will help. Cheers

  8. I had panic attacks almost daily for 5 years until I found the solution that worked for me:

    1st. Be sure there is no preexisting condition such as anxiolytic medication abuse, alcoholic or drug addiction. If your friend suffer of any dependance he have to do a detox first. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, cola, or any caffeine drinks, sleep at least 8 hours, eat breakfast early in the morning, do exercise.

    2nd. Move to a quiet area, because noise, crowded and busy areas, public transportation and lack of horizon doesn't help.

    3rd. Once the symptoms are less difficult to deal with, start to work out on the psychological causes, it is often come from frustrations or trauma around 7 to 15 years old.

    4th. I insist on the fact that anxiolytics doesn't help on the medium and the long term, it's only short term aid but the next attack will be worst.

    5th. Tell your friend to give himself some time, it's took me 3 to 6 month to feel the benefits of this method, at the beginning it was really hard. But now I have a normal life again, I am OK from 7 years now, It could happen to me some small attack but nothing that I can not handle and at a very low frequency, every two to three month, and I relax 30 min and it's ok.

    Feel free to PM me for more informations.

    Hop you friend will recover fast.

    • Like 1
  9. I was off for a couple of hours, from about 4pm on again about 6.30 ..... Other parts of Maenam seemed to be OK...

    Good needed rain though !

    It's only rained twice in the last few weeks (month?) and each time the power has gone off in my bit of Mae Nam. I reckon that the big crocodile clips that the generator trucks are using to clamp onto the existing power lines are shorting-out with the water.

    I'd rather get my cabbage patch soaked tho, even if they can't see what's going on.

    ps - anyone know which small domestic generator makes the least noise? Looks like I might need one over the next two months . . .


    I buy a chinese brand at Home Pro for 5000 thb but it was 2 years ago. It deliver 700 watt and i found that is enough to power lights, fans and computers. The fuel consumption is quite low and the noise too, the only disadvantage is the smell. I've connected it to my main electric panel and i've build a case with noise insulation and heat extractor (a bathroom fan). If sombody is interested i can post pictures of the installation. I am really happy of my investment.

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