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  1. I'm hoping to go back to the States this summer (as long as Covid doesn't get out of control again) with my son for about 4 weeks. I need insurance in case of sickness or accidents. I'm 66 years old. My son is 9 years old. Can anyone recommend a good temporary insurance provider? Do you know if I can rely on Medicare for any sickness or accidents for myself? Thank you.
  2. Regarding VPNs (which I know little about), if I use a VPN, the bank's or FI's online system will not detect that I am logging in from outside the USA, right? I've just joined ACA, to eventually open an account with SDFCU, thanks to Jingthing's and Ujongjoe's input. Now I'm thinking a VPN might give me an extra layer of ... what's the word, autonomy, anonymity, discretion...? Although I'm not trying to hide anything, just trying to adapt ..., survive? So any insights, suggestions regarding using a VPN for online banking/brokerage for an overseas American is appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Jingthing and ujongjoe -- You get first place/s for providing the most useful responses to my original post. Thanks.
  4. ACA is $55 a year for me to join, being over 65 years old. As you say, they are a good organization to support. On the other hand, I might look into joining via a consumer organization -- where do you find out about those? Boy, I have been off the beaten path for a while!
  5. Thanks, Jingthing, for bringing SDFCU to my attention; never heard of them until now. I've just done a bit of reading about them and American Citizens Abroad, who can serve as the organization sponsor to join SDFCU, and will now go into depth researching and make some decisions. Thanks for the tip.
  6. Thanks. I'll check out US Bank. So you reside outside of the USA "permanently" and US Bank don't mind that your physical, residential address is in a foreign country?
  7. Recently I was informed by my US bank -- Wells Fargo -- that I can no longer have accounts with them because I do not reside permanently in the USA, in spite of having a permanent address in the USA. Now I need to find another bank, in the USA, which is "expat friendly". Anybody have similar experience and/or know a US bank that will do business with expat Americans?
  8. Paulaew, Thanks for your reply and the link to the Standard Chartered contact. I will try to contact them. Wish me luck. Thanks again.
  9. I know this is the Thailand forum, but because of the larger number of US expats in Thailand than in Laos, where I live, I thought I'd see if anyone on this forum had some insights into my situation. Thanks. I'm receiving my US SSA monthly benefit at the Lao Development Bank. It seems I'm getting a few dollars less than what SSA shows they are sending out to me. I've confirmed with FBU in Manila the amount I am entitled to and confirmed that this is indeed the amount being sent out. I checked with Lao Development Bank; they say they only take out a $2 service fee. So $15 is going missing somewhere along the line. The intermediary bank is Standard Chartered in New York. I have no way of contacting them, however, to find out if they take out a service fee. I know it's not much, but ... Any other US expats in Laos (or Thailand) receiving SSA benefits experiencing something similar? Thanks.
  10. Not really sure this is the ideal forum for this question, but here goes: I'm receiving my US SSA monthly benefit at the Lao Development Bank. It seems I'm getting a few dollars less than what SSA shows they are sending out to me. I've confirmed with FBU in Manila the amount I am entitled to and confirmed that this is indeed the amount being sent out. I checked with Lao Development Bank; they say they only take out a $2 service fee. So $15 is going missing somewhere along the line. The intermediary bank is Standard Chartered in New York. I have no way of contacting them, however, to find out if take out a service fee. I know it's not much, but ... Any other US expats in Laos receiving SSA benefits experiencing something similar? Thanks.
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