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Posts posted by MGLinearArt

  1. Well with SOPA rearing it's ugly head in the states recently, an interesting trend has occurred..

    People who used to download, are now buying legally for reduced prices thanks to companies like Steam (okay this is gaming, but IP is IP the world around..)

    If you stop charging stupid prices (CDs and DVDs on their initial release, anyone?!?) then people will find legal outlets for their software.. Proven.

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  2. I don't know of too many countries on this planet where western women go to and try to pick up peasant farm guys. Do you? The dynamics of what a man and a woman wants are completely different.

    Off topic now but

    The Caribbean is quite a popular destination for western women seeking beach boys, also Indonesia.

    The dynamic is there, just no quite so 'in yer face'. The national Post has quite a good story on it.

    Women really aren't all that different to men in these days of sexual equality and equal opportunity.

    Actually, I'm aware that these places exist. But compared to the female prostitution variety, it's tiny. I was mostly responding to the MG dude's rather asinine question. Surely he knows that female prostitution outnumbers male prostitution by a large, large margin. Does he know why men tend to buy sex more frequently than women the world over? If so, why ask such an idiotic question? If he doesn't know....then maybe he should reconsider expressing his opinion in a public forum.

    Why thanks, maybe if people who posted here weren't treated like lower class thickos by such high and mighty people as your fine self, then you'd have more of a discussion and less of a trolling session, I asked a question because I wanted to know the answer... if I hadn't asked the question then subsequent replies would not have been posted..

    Forums are the same the world around, trolls and bs posters and flamers wanting their piece of the pie.

    Yes, I do know the difference in dynamic between male and female is different, but I'm also very aware that 500,000 Thai guys/girls don't come over to the UK looking for young, wealthy women/men.

    Next time I have a question I won't ask it, instead I'll ponder in my head and come up with a vague answer that satisfies me.. The public forum I expressed my opinion on is valid to the post, it was not an idiotic question, merely replied to by an idiotic boob..

    Edit: I also wasn't asking about prostitution per sé - but the act of picking up a guy in a bar/club/restaurant/supermarket.. People do that the world over, mostly never related to prostitution

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  3. Ha, stopped twice, one day after the other, both in Hua Hin for doing nothing wrong other than having been born outside Thailand, here's an excerpt from my blog (blog link is on my profile if you wish:

    ...first day all I really did was get to know the surroundings – especially my way back and forth from Peter and Dtor’s, and catching up on blogging at ‘The Shed‘ guest house with a plethora of shakes. For those following my Facebook, this was the first time I also got stopped by the traffic cops for my non-Thai appearance and asked for my licence:

    Loud whistling


    “Oh, I didn’t think I needed a licence to drive this”

    “License at home?”

    “No license”

    “Over there please” “What happen to nose?”

    “Oh this? It was sunburn”

    Two more traffic cops sat behind a desk, both of whom didn’t speak English asked for my passport via the English speaking traffic cop.

    “Where you go”

    Told them Peter’s village name

    “When you leave?”

    “A few days I think”

    “You from England?”

    “Yes, London”

    “Ah Chelsea!”

    “Yes but I’m an Arsenal fan”

    “Not the same since Robin Van Persie left”

    “Ha!” “So you support Chelsea?”

    “No, Man Utd”

    Whereupon I was issued a 200 Baht fine, they were remarkably pleasant I must add, given a slip of paper, and asked politely to go on my way.

    “But I still don’t have a license, can I drive the bike?”

    “Yes, 24 hours with ticket”

    “Thank you, I’m so very sorry I really didn’t know you need a license”

    “It okay, okay, you like Thai girls?”

    “Yeah but that’s not why I’m here”

    “Oh you like men?”

    “Ha, no”

    Laughter from all the cops

    “Okay, good luck, happy new year, bye”

    ... second day I arrived back in Hua Hin in just under the time it took me to get to Sam Roi Yot – near the San Paulo hospital though were traffic cops, they eyed me – waved their implements in their hands and whistled whilst pointing me to park up.. bar-stewards!! Knowing I had the ticket from yesterday, and although it was out of time (by around 2 hours) the traffic cop pulled me over.


    “Ah, no I don’t have a license”

    “400 Baht”

    “400? Oh, but I have this from yesterday” and pulled out the slip

    “Ah, 200 Baht”

    “Really? But..” oh stuff it, act nice, say sorry, hand over the cash

    Then, the guy looks around and pockets the 200 Baht.. sneakily.. little sneaky so and so!

    “Do I get a ticket? Like this??”

    “No, now go, bye”

    I must add, everyone was very nice to me, then I suppose I'm really nice to people who give me money and don't argue.. Made me learn to avoid the main traffic roads like the plague though, wherever I am, and I reach to the wallet whenever I hear the whistles in the distance..

  4. I'm also really curious on how frequent this occurs with Thai male/foreign female

    Seems almost every guy in Thailand wants a Thai woman to share life with (or pay some baht to) but I rarely hear of women coming to Thailand picking up Thai bar guys (does that ever happen??)

  5. Most of the advice I've been given by Thai women about Thai men comes from women I'd never want to be around as friends. They all say (yes, all, each and every one of them) that all Thai men are bad, lazy, cheating liars. I'm married to a fantastic Thai guy. I've never met someone so caring, hard working and honest before him. He would never look twice at a bar girl type. He thinks that all Thai women are interested in is money and how much they can spend. I think it works the same all over the world, certain women attract bad guys. The ladies with their hand out for money from their farang bf are the ones that complain the most about Thai guys.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Aha, yes, this was on topic, thanks - and good perspective

  6. Stray dogs are a massive issue here, working in AR has taught me that one un-spayed/neutered animal can create a colony in a few years.

    I see countless big balled dogs and pregnant females, if you spay/neuter one animal then the knock on effect is huge..

    The sad issue is that there's not enough education let alone funding for a programme tht would sort this out in a few short years..

    Well fed and family filled they may be, but it's a huge issue here that most western countries have found a solution for

  7. Just been lurking for the best part of 3 days, always lurk before posting, Internet tip #2 (#1 is don't talk about the Internet)

    After reading countless man gets Thai girl, man gives Thai girl money, Thai girl finds Thai boy, man ends up left - or worse..

    I'm curious to know about women who've found Thai guys - and their experience of the relationship whether good or bad..

  8. I don't really know if it's possible under French law but it's certianly possible and not completely extraordinary that you can be charged with a crime in one country and then charged again in your home country for the same offence under a slightly different law.

    For example you can be charged with child molestation in Thailand and then when you are released and sent back to America be charged with the crime of going to Thailand for the purpose of molesting children which is not considered being tried for the same crime 2 times because they are different offences.

    So it's certianly possible but seems a little unlikely to me.

    Maybe he was charged with being an embarrasment to France because of the DUI, would be the kind of thing I am talking about. Some new type of offence based on the proir one ..... like causing a disturbance overseas for example



    What happened to the hooligans from the Euro footie matches where the water spray came out? Surely charged abroad then back at home too?

  9. I think at most, and I travel to Europe a lot, sometimes US, and now Thailand, that you rarely save more than £3 on most things (not cigarettes/booze - that stuff is much cheaper than buying at home)

    I'm talking the duty free clothes/electrical items, consumable goods.. oh and Toblerones can bite my behind, no-one can eat one of those beasts!

  10. Most of the time I have an online copy, whether it's on my website, Facebook, various art websites, or in my email inbox somewhere..These are the keeper photos, I do generally have a lot of fluff, a lot of duplicates, but I need to look at cloud storage..

    The only issue really with that is I have a LOT of photos, and because I use a 5D MkII, each RAW file is around 30mb, and each processed JPG is 12-15mb, I fill up external hard drives very fast.

  11. I really find it surprising, I worked in animal rights for 7 years and Brits especially - because they usually have Fido waiting patiently at home to greet them - find the idea of eating a dog disgusting and abhorrent, while they're chowing down chicken, beef, pork and lamb at their local..

    A cat is a dog is a pig is a chicken, just because SE Asia has dog on offer does not make it abhorrent - I'd not like to try it for the very reason above - but hey, if worst comes to the worst - I need to survive!

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