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Posts posted by Krataiboy

  1. 5 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Given the leniency of the sentencing for rape in Thailand, he will marry her when she is still only 14 !!!!!!!!!!!!

    In a number of US states, marrying an underage girl they have raped is a way for men to escape jail. Incredibly, these unions take place with the consent of the abused girl's parents, often Bible-thumping Christians. 


    There's a BBC documentary available on the subject, for anybody who can access the UK broadcaster from Thailand.

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  2. She can run, but she can't hide. The country will never forgive her capitulation to the globalist EU and their dupes in the Remain camp. 


    She will be remembered as Britain most cowardly and duplicitous Prime Minister since appeaser Neville Chamberlain sold his cowardly soul to another socialist outfit - which went on to swallow half the world.


    And to think she is a vicar's daughter. . . 

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  3. 41 minutes ago, Henryford said:

    Krataiboy, for once i think Bercow was right. Treason May can't keep bringing back the same terrible deal and hope to bully people to vote for it. There is a good reason why that is against Parliament rules. The "deal" is dead.

    Not saying Bercow would be wrong to give May a third bite at the indigestible BRINO cherry, just that I hadn't realised the Speaker wielded so much clout. Just proves ignorance isn't bliss!

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