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Everything posted by willfreeman

  1. not something I ever noticed on women back in the west until they got 60ish while it is not uncommon to see on women here in their 20's. It is curious because I dont think I have noticed it on any Asian (not specifically Thai) women that live in the west.
  2. Hi, I have read on some facebook groups that expat women often experience hair loss or hair thinning when in Thailand for extended periods. some people report putting a filter in the shower lessons the issue. I have a Thai female friend who is experiencing hair thinning in her 30's that she is concerned about. Anybody have a Thai partner or friend who has issues with hair thinning? have you tried a shower filter? any feedback?
  3. Was booking early to secure best prices. apparently CM to KL is a new route for Malaysia airlines. Flights on that route only begin around that time. I dnt travel that much so was unsure if government approval for a flight was an issue or not
  4. Hi, I am looking at booking a flight from CM back to Australia via KL in late Novemeber. The flight I am looking at with Malaysia airlines displays this message - 'New flight, New flight is subject to government approval'. They are taking bookings for the flight so Am I correct in assuming approval is merely a formality? I have never seen this message before. there appear to be CM to KL flights most days of the week My other option is to go CM to BKK, BKK to KL and then get the same flight from KL to Australia I would be getting with the CM flight. It is more time consuming to do it this way but I dont want to book and get stuck paying through the nose for another flight if this flight does not get approved. Advice appreciated, thanks
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