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Everything posted by utalkin2me

  1. Yes. Except that time should have been from the very beginning. 0 deaths per day in Sweden.
  2. I believe in the near future it’s actually going to be a negative to have been vaccinated, as opposed to being infected and letting your natural defenses take care of it. There’s research on this suggesting non vaxxers prove to be much better off. Name of paper if you want to read it Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
  3. I don’t think they know how big a favor they just did me. No more lunches out with the in laws.
  4. Fine with me. So open up while you continually vaxing people ASAP then. But no, we’ll take the 28 days later approach instead.
  5. Denmark is lifting all restrictions. All… if I read correctly. As in going about life as if covid did not exist, at the govt regulation level anyway (exactly what I have been saying to do for months btw). I guess we can sit back now in horror and watch the apocalypse in Denmark, right covid experts? Wrong. What will actually happen is the lifting of restrictions will be a success and it will be completely ignored and suppressed.
  6. Anywhere that is open and free of restrictions will be popular. Suppression of travel is by way of governments and news, not unwillingness of people due to fear. Nobody is scared. Look around. Does this look like 28 days later to you? Well, your governments are making it out to be just that.
  7. There are stadiums filled with people sitting 6 inches from one another right now. I wonder why the world is not coming to an end. 0-1 deaths per day in Sweden since July. No lockdown. The one thing I love about this entire debacle is knowing how many people there are who actually believe governments can solve a biological problem like this. Individuals doing their part to ensure the safety of those close to them and themselves, sure. Any sort of govt regulation… no, it’ll never work when there is already rampant infection. In other words, open the country, lose all restrictions. People are better off for it and the joblessness, depression, alcoholism etc can begin moving to the upside.
  8. Wait a minute, are you one of those? You sound like a Thai girl calling it “expensive” lol. You do realize the price of the coin means nothing, right? It does not look like you do. It’s the percent it goes up when you buy. Oh boy there is def a correlation between investing skills and non believers of Bitcoin. 2 million, 80 billion or $1 that figure does not matter, it’s arbitrary. go read an investing book or something.
  9. Please please let us know when you buy in. That’ll be the top. I can see you now, your neighbor bought a new bike with his profits. “It just went up, should I buy it? No!” It shoots up 40k more, you buy. That’s the top. Let us know!
  10. And to thinkin Sweden one place where death numbers are decreasing and basically flatlining at 0. oh the horror of people realizing the long term ineffectiveness of lockdowns. So much horror they don’t dare face the fact. Keep repressing the facts though, it’s worked great up to this point.
  11. What is causing mass problems is people don’t have jobs to feed their families.
  12. What a surprise, the infections are going up despite very strict regulations… even on and island environment. One of these days people are gonna start listening to those who have been right, when it’s too late of course.
  13. That’s funny. Is this real? In any case, if it is, more proof people simply don’t innately feel covid is threatening to them at all.
  14. Pattaya? Everywhere. People don’t have jobs. People here don’t care though, they just want the ineffective and freedom assaulting lockdowns to continue because they have their pension.
  15. Fun! Let’s assume you are right. why would a country that is failed adopt something? Lol. Your own argument defeats itself. If I said a year ago countries would use Bitcoin you would have laughed (me too). Now when I tell you countries use it, the countries aren’t good enough. And when the next country adopts it, there will be something wrong with that one too. And then…. You’re the guy buying in at 300k lol
  16. Just stating a fact that we don’t know the negative effects the vaccine will cause yet, if any. It’s astounding to me basically the entire population has left this out of the equation. We don’t know. Fact. 10 years of experiment research, sure, we’ll know then. , We rushed it. To dispute any of the above is frankly insane. We are taking a huge gamble. Accept it and deal with it. But do t deny it, which is what 100% of people are doing… or 99.9%.
  17. WE don’t know long term vaccine effects yet. That very fact makes these companies stay well away from signing anything. If they end the world with their product they’d preferably like to keep producing more products.
  18. I honestly would not be at all surprised if the vaccine turns out to be some sort of detriment in the end eg having to reboots etc, while unvaccinated have perfectly healthy and capable immune systems and need nothing.
  19. What kind of comment is this? Good! For Christ sakes. That basically means we get to be grown ups again and take care of our own health, and not have politicians and strangers decide what is best for us
  20. First u have to have places open to even be able to use fake dough. One step at a time and all
  21. I can comfortably say without hesitation that people in this world deserve to lose their rights. There are a few countries that seem to do a great job defending themselves, but it is so clear to me taking a good enough sample, the world is just a bunch of lambs waiting to LET people steal what is rightfully theirs.
  22. If only everyone understood how the world should work, life wouldbe bearable again
  23. Maybe what they can do is waive immigration procedures for the unvaxxinated.
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