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Everything posted by utalkin2me

  1. It seems like we are having different conversations. Countries are adopting it. Not Internet cafes…. Countries. Anyway, like I keep saying, enjoy being on the wrong side of history. You could be right though I’ll admit that much.
  2. So we’ve actually reached this level now? No. Creating a two tiered society would not be good under any circumstance. How can you even say that with a straight face? How bout this for a thought experiment. The two tiers swap months. So unvaxed get to eat out on odd months. Oh, not likin that idea too much now, right? Well there ya go.
  3. It’s difficult to know what to say to you. We are comparing Bitcoin to the internet. We can squabble, but we are comparing Bitcoin to the number one technology of our time, and it is keeping up/beating it/slightly behind in adoption? It does not seem like u get that point. Oh and btw Cuba just adopted Bitcoin in some capacity a few hours ago. But hey, like I said, Bitcoin is beautiful, those who are wrong actually lose.
  4. The internet was “born” in the early 80’s. it honestly is a bit hard to fathom any reasonable human being, armed with the information that an asset has went from $1 to 47,000 in a dozen or so years, can’t grasp there is utility in it. Imagine you invented a new gizmo and charged $1 for it. It’s probably gonna be decent at its job if people are paying 50k for it. You don’t seem to get that or much else. the thing I truly love about this, is when nocoiners are wrong they get ruined. In covid for example, when people are wrong they ruin everyone else’s lives. Yet another vote for justice within Bitcoin.
  5. It’s always nice to see some good posts in here. They don’t come very frequently. People are not scared at all. Of course they would be traveling right now. When people are actually scared we will all know it. They’re not even close. However, people do get scared when they should be via instincts etc. Go talk to a 6 year old and let me know how scared they are. There’s an important point in there somewhere; namely that this situation isn’t nearly as bad as we are told on a daily basis, and our instincts are telling us this. Govts and news are reporting otherwise. This is a pandemic of the human mind more than anything else.
  6. It’s too funny. All this <deleted> and that curve would have looked exactly the same if we did nothing. Time will tell us the truth. The problem as I see it, in the absence of knowledge you do nothing. And we do seem to know nothing about covid. We haven’t the slightest clue why it’s doing what it’s doing. When you don’t understand the variables of what is going on around you, do nothing. Otherwise you are like a Martian on earth wanting to pour gas or water on the fire, and you choose the gasoline because you don’t have knowledge about the variables.
  7. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/can-bitcoin-grow-faster-than-the-internet-2021-05-07
  8. We could see a lot of deaths if we continue to let people drive 100 kph too. So why is nobody talking about that? Oh that’s right, because covid has made everybody maniacally insane.
  9. Someone said “look where Bitcoin is now”, comparing its status to some time in the past. Try and spin it all you want, and entire country is using it as their legal tender. It’s citizens are able to remit amounts for free, anywhere in the world. And, other Latin American countries are reporting they are considering the same thing. So…? Your comments are very ill informed. Look into the way in which the El Salvadorians are able to use it. It’s better than your bank. They can accept Bitcoin, or they can get the accepted sum as cash (in case you didn’t like btc, so an extra option you don’t have). They can send it anywhere for free, any time, immediate, in any amount, and no questions from a banker about what it’s for or who it’s going to. I say this over and over in this forum you’ll have to forgive me, but it is a no brainer… their bank accounts beat yours. Why would others not change? I think where you are going wrong is you think it’s just Bitcoin, all or nothing. But the truth is Bitcoin is just the way the currency is transferred, you can get (or make) the incoming transfer into any currency you see fit. It’s all the options and then some, without the bankers, the regulations and the red tape and waiting weekends to send money and waiting up to a week for intl transfers. Honeslty, how in anyone’s right mind can you not know this is going to take off is beyond me.
  10. Put two point on a graph. Bitcoins initial price and its current price. Draw a line between two lines to erase noise.
  11. This is one of the best quotes I have ver seen on the forum. People are in denial. There are people mixing two vax that were not designed to be mixed together, AND neither has long term testing. Kid yourselves all you want, these are unchartered waters and everyone is vaxing on pure faith. I hope it works out but the lack of skepticism is what frightens me the most.
  12. Second wave here will be blamed on no vaxxers. Even though everywhere had second waves is a very now predictable fashion. They are gonna close back down after opening, get very strict on vax papers. A living hell. Tit.
  13. This is perfect. I mean it. Numbers coming down, as they would have no matter what we would have done here. But, Thais will see this and say, “success”, and open up… just in time for what?You guessed it, the next wave. I’m being serious, I’m not happy, but that’s how I see it playing out. Then of course the opening will be blamed for the second wave, which it would not have had any affect on it whatsoever in actuality, but they will <deleted> back down as they say to themselves,”it’s not working”.
  14. I always laugh when people say it’s volatile. It’s volatile up. I swear topic after topic, covid included, people just can’t figure stuff out. Volitility =options to be able to get out at a great profit, and get back in at a severe discount. It’s a positive for the asset, considering it’s overall trend, not a drawback.
  15. A country is using it as legal tender. Be wrong all you want man, it’s your prerogative.
  16. Extremely common sense principles are completely ignored by most of you. It’s astonishing. Most here think keeping the borders closed is a good idea for example. News flash, covid is already in Thailand. If this needs explaining, it really shouldn’t, if you have 100 people and 3 have covid, if you add 100 more and now 6 have covid out of the 200, those are the same odds of getting covid. Letting people enter an already infected country would not endanger the people within the country anymore than they are in now. Completely common sense notions totally rejected. Why? Well, in my last post I tried to explain that. People love covid. They love to act like they have a right to have some sort of say over other people’s lives. They’ve got nothing better to do.
  17. Many of you have finally found your passion in life: covid. And I will be damned if it is not true if this all ended tomorrow these same people would be inwardly upset… I dont get to mock nomaskers and no vaxxers anymore? What am I gonna do with myself. If people would actually self analyze, which they won’t, they’d find this all to be true. Covid is this decade’s (or two) festering itch for the angst that past generations experienced via depressions and world wars.
  18. You know why that is, because people are not scared. People do get very afraid of things that put them in imminent danger.
  19. It went just about as well as if you would have closed them, when it comes to covid. When it comes to everything else, closing them ruins people.
  20. The country is overrun with the delta variant already. shutting down a country’s borders would be to stop it from getting in and infecting people. As mentioned, that point has already past. Anyone else?
  21. Can somebody relationally explain why the country border is still closed? I do thinkits good they are planning to open, but they should do it ASAP. Most are not even thinking when it comes to these topics, what exactly is having closed borders doing positively right now? Is it helping not send the virus out? That is a plausible answer.
  22. It does not matter how many tests Thailand does. What does a biological virus care how many tests the hosts do? Human behavior is amazing to see. Most think lockdowns work simply because there is a pain associated with lockdowns, so there must be a reward, right? Even when most evidence indicates the contrary, doesn’t matter, they work because I am suffering. But, the truth probably is we’ve found one of these rare cases when we suffer via lockdowns, yet we get no reward, and actually get punished for the efforts.
  23. This was all predicted. Close the country you’re just going to suffer more later. Half ass lockdown measures do nothing except cause more suffering. We have to put out a fire and humans’s solution is to use gasoline.
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