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Posts posted by Oryx816

  1. I mentioned this story to my wife who says the Thai newspapers say that she went to pick up her son who he had left with his friend at another house while he went out for the weekend on his motorbike with friends

    I can see how she would feel if this is true to have your son staying at another house on his weekend visit

    I still say not taking the gun out of the car would have saved 2 lives but my wife says its the farangs fault leaving there son with another friend.

    This went on for 20 minutes when i said i feel sorry for the son and she still says if the italian had took care of the son and not gone out on Big bikes at the weekend it would not have happened

    I give up rip little boy so sad.

    I ran into a Thai friend today who asked if I saw the story. I replied that I had and that it was so tragic and I felt deep sadness for the boy and she added, "she should have killed her husband right away and there would be no problem." I then replied, "if she hadn't brought a gun is how there would be no problem and how that little boy would still have parents. At this point blame is ultimately irrelevant, the boy is an orphan and is the only here to bear the sad consequences."

  2. Personally, I think it's very poor form of you to use this tragic event as an excuse to vent your strange opinions about relationships between Western men and Thai women. I don't think your story is food for thought: sounds more like a blanket condemnation of Thai women to me.

    I have a beautiful 4-year-old girl with a lovely lady here: should I have had a vasectomy instead, like your friend? Also, as Winnie pointed out, this guy was only 40, making your little rant completely off topic.

    Edit: as for NeverSure and stickylies, your comments are beneath contempt. Thank you for doing the world a favour by choosing not to reproduce.

    I think this topic is a little to close to home for you.

    I think you have a very nasty streak and seem to gloat on other people`s misfortunes.


    Cyberfarang, you have commented on my posts here on ThaiVisa on a number of occasions and it's time you meet me. Chiang Mai isn't a big place. Most people who know me wouldn't use the adjective "nasty streak" to describe me. Maybe "pragmatic" or "brusk" if they were being unkind, but not "nasty streak"

    Nancy, I don't know what has happened between you and cyberfarang on this forum, but I have seen repeated instances of your generosity in helping newcomers to Chiang Mai. I am more of a lurker here, but in am glad you are here as I have seen you provide much needed good advice on life in Chiang Mai, to myself included.

    We don't agree with 100% of people 100% of the time but I think ALL of us can agree on our deep sympathy for this young child who will be suffering immeasurable pain.

    We should pull together as a community to help this boy in any way we can, instead of bickering about small differences of opinion, and personality conflicts which really pale in comparison to this child's ordeal. I don't know the family but if there is a community effort on his behalf, I would like to participate.

  3. An article or advertising?

    The lady reminds me of my first ever landlady in Bkk, hiso with a royal title.

    Talking one day she just had to tell me how well she knew London, how she had a bank account there and was looking to buy property.

    When I mentioned the inequality about that sort of thing here I thought she was going to have a seizure. It was made painful obvious to me that no foreigner should ever be allowed to own anything in Los.

    My first introduction to Thainess.

    I find this win at everything and win at all costs attitude prevalent throughout Thailand. This can be anything from business to personal interactions, even to scooters always having to get to the front of a traffic junction. They are the most competitive people I have ever met and I am beginning to find it really tedious, especially when they are happy to give foreigners the finger in Thailand but see no hypocrisy in taking advantage of other countries that do not discriminate on race.

    I don't find them competitive at all. Being competitive requires effort and hard work. I find Thais like the easy route, and shortcuts to get ahead, thus the motorbikes piling up in the front of cars at traffic lights. Rampant corruption and a cheating culture are indicators of this mentality.

    If they were competitive, they would feel embarrassment at their woeful English performance compared to the other members of Asean. If they were competitive, they wouldn't mind foreigners coming here and competing for business. Sorry, I think they like the easy win.

  4. This is not about penis size, it is once again a problem initiated by the worst thing in Thai culture...face.

    A Thai guy can't possibly walk up to the cashier at 7-11 with anything but XXL....what would the cashier think of him? Please. Thainess, the gift that keeps on giving.

    I guess they never heard the saying, "it isn't the size of the ship, it is all about the motion in the ocean".

  5. What I also found disturbing in the video is the affluent superstar Thai child's sidekick. His "buddy" has darker skin, lighter hair, more western features, and is a disheveled bumbling fool who is just happy to be basking in the amazing qualities his friend exudes. Is this a not so subtle way to contrast how they view themselves, with the world just so grateful to be near the glow of their Thainess?

    Also, I am sure most Thais can really relate to the beautiful home in the video.

    What a stellar departure from reality!

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  6. No offense to Thais, but very few Thais ever shine on the world stage or do anything of note outside of Thailand. They just had their first (and only) Mt. Everest climber a few years ago.---Tokay

    Wow countries to be judged in their competitiveness by climbing Mt Everest---that's a newie...... I take it we overlook a few points on the way Tokay...Like Malaysia being number 4 on the list -- and Everest mountain climbers, that will be none then.

    But the most competitive country by far-measured by "The Tokay Everest Mountain climbers chart--for measuring a country's competitiveness". didn't even make the IMD. list let alone the top 60 of it, and this country had sent a group of 25 climb to the summit in one go---& 16 year old boy being the youngest ever climber, They also have had more people climb to the summit then any other country, & in 2010 one of their citizens had climbed to the summit 20 times.


    I wonder if we could start a competition name it-- "Ways we can give Thailand a good kicking"--- Did they make the Cricket world cup ?? how are they at Domino's & Darts, when did they produce the last great American football Player--Who was the last Thai to score in the FA cup.

    Wow -- I think your right Tokay---just a bunch of losers.

    Nobel Prize winners represent a fairly wide range of universally highly regarded talents. Please let us know when a Thai brings one home.

    Not saying they are losers, one has to be able to compete and be in the running to be a winner or loser.

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