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Posts posted by yamaharr1

  1. Do they expect Thai Visa members to help their journalists with a spell and grammar check service?

    The Nation given an English language forum when they can hardly write in English.

    I am so shocked ThaiVisa did this without hinting at the slightest to the community members to see how we felt having a puppet of the government prowling around.

    I know it would never happen but I wish the users of this forum would treat you to such a surprise as you have treated us to by everyone just not coming here anymore, and watch your advertisement revenue go down the toilet. Hey ThaiVisa thanks for looking out for us great job sell out.

  2. Looking at all the negative posts re Thai Airways and seeing who the posters are, I really hope they never fly with The Royal Orchid again!

    Having only ever experienced great and friendly service in both First Class and steerage, I can only think it is the traveller not the airline that causes issues.

    I look forward to sitting in the departure lounge at the airport, seeing and hearing Thai people - I know then that my next visit to Thailand is starting and I can shed the cares of the west for a few weeks.

    So if you are a grouch and have grumpy, grouchy friends, please, please, use any airline other than Thai.


  3. As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

    To me all it says is good for you I am glad it happen to all of the members who raised there noses to the majority who tried to warn against it. But yet as the so called influential wealthy people have just now found out, you are not so influential and wealthy after all. You are gullible and naive for ever thinking this program was ever going to last. If Thailand hasn't taught you influential wealthy people anything you should have at the least already known once the money stopped and the enrollments stopped then the program stops. O unless you are ready to cough up another 1 mill hahahaha this is some funny and great news.

  4. While I was living in phuket ,where I lived for about 4yrs ,an older man was attacked beaten and robbed while while riding his motorcycle home one night during the attack he was hit in the head with a machetty and was hospitalised for about a week ,he was due to do his visa run to Ranong the day after the attack, he was assured by the hospital that if he took their reports and the police reports with him he would not have to pay the overstay so he went to the border armed with all the paperwork but the imm.officer refused to read the reports and made him pay the overstay so it seems that what is stated in the law doesn't mean a thing.

    Unfortunately it was correct for the immigration officer not to take the papers, this poor unfortunate soul was supposed to go to the Bangkok immigration office and get the medical approval and then he would have been OK at the boarder.

    Well looking at the bright side, at least he survived to go to the boarder and have the problem with the immigration, because being hit in the head with a machete could have had a much different outcome.

    Another thing he could have done was go to the police station and press charges on the person and even if he didn't know who the person was he could have gotten the overstay fixed and 90 extensions until the perpetrator was arrested and the courts give a ruling.

    The only reason I know about that rule is because my brother was walking out of a 7-11 one night and one of the street vendors who was drunk into oblivion stabbed him 3 times twice through the lings and he has been on this kind of visa for almost a year now.

  5. Logistics is the nightmare even if you were lucky enough to get a Thai lawyer who would risk it (perhaps a bored retired law professor ?) and who would not rip you off. Just how much do you think it would cost and how long would it drag on ?

    Some simple maths.

    If the total cost was 10m baht over 10 years and you had 100 people then it would cost each of them Bt10,000 a year and people would not pay that. Get down to Bt1000 a person and you'd need the support of 1000 people over 10 years. Totally impractical, nevermind the administration charges.

    Then you have the very real possibility that they make an example of one person and suddenly he is out of a job or has his visa revoked. What then ? It is not your country and though it would be the wives pushing for change, it would be the individuals who suffer.

    The only way I see it could come through would be for a human rights group (and they have more to worry about than this) or a Thai womans group to take it on.

    It is wrong but there are some battles you fight and some you walk away from.

    And having an negative attitude from the start is no way to win a fight or get some Change....

    At this time we have no idea what the cost would be, or how long it would take to acheive some resolution to the problem...

    We also have no idea if a lawyer would be willing to take the case, but I am much more optimistic than you are that there are lawyers in this town that are more concerned with Equal rights and having an effective constitution then you may think.

    Times in Thailand are beginning tio change.. playing ostrich is no answer to an ongoing problem, and a negative defeatist attitude has no reward, except continued abuse..

    If you continue to allow yourself to be bullied, then you will never gain any respect.

    Hooking up with a Thai Woman's Rights organization sounds like a great idea.

    And again I'm much more optimistic than you about their interest in joining us.

    It is in their best interest to join us if we have a winnable case.. any win is a plus for Women's rights.

    The more rights that they can claim the more public perception of the importance of Gender Equality is established.

    This is a classic Win / Win situation for the women's rights movement.

    Don't be defeatist.. be positive.


    If I wanted the women to have equal rights I would move back to America and deal with those bitc#s. I bet more than 90% of you left your own country because of the attitude the women in your country had, well what do you think gave them that attitude.

    I will pay the additional costs and jump through the additional hoops, no change needed here

  6. My brother an American married a Thai and her brother was suppose to get married the same year but they had to cancel her brothers wedding because of not being allowed to have 2 family members get married in the same year and there marriage was also announced but once her brother canceled the wedding they didn't stop seeing each other they just waited for a year and no one lost face because all Thai's know and understand this belief.

    If she is trying to postpone it and telling you that you can't see each other I think she is trying to persuade you to get your brother to postpone his wedding and if in fact this is the motive then imagine how it will be once you are married. Sounds like someone may be a bit on the un-trustable side.

    I know this will roll in 1 ear and out the other but you may want to think about who you are marrying.

  7. I know this would never happen but why doesn't foreigner's with a business start to do the same thing in reverse? Start to charge the Thai's 400% more than the foreigners.

    If one thing I have learned here is Thai's will never change anything unless you show them the way and a great way would be to charge them in the same fashion they charge foreigner's.

    After all they say what are the foreigner's going to do anyway? 98% will pay the fees, so now ask the same question what is the government going to do? Stop giving company registrations or work permits? or maybe they will pass a law that doesn't allow foreigner's to charge Thai's in that way showing to the world the true Thai way of greed.

    My choice is just stop going to the places and tell your friends to stop going.

  8. @ blizzard Why would you say that?

    I have a lot of time and inventory invested in the company that is suppose to be in operation right now but legally can't operate.

    Also my company name is a unique name I can't just throw it off to the side. Besides that I have already paid the fees to register the company so why shouldn't I have it.

    Does Sunbelt have any information they can add to this so I can start moving in a proper direction?

  9. Thanks for trying to help out on this but maybe I didn't make my post clear. I don't have any of the papers nor are the share holders the problem.

    The problem is I paid a Thai lawyer to do the paper work to register a company in which he did register the company with the share holders I had chosen because I did see the paper work for that but he was starting the paper work on my tax id and my visa document so I can get my work permit but he held all of the documents so I have nothing not a single document only my passport and the names and ID's of the share holders.

    Is there anyway for me to get my company now since he has disappeared? What kinds of problems can I expect trying to get my company?

  10. I had a company registered with a Thai lawyer but now the lawyer has disappeared. I am wondering what I can do to get my company papers and tax id and whatever else should have been done.

    I know the company was registered and the tax id issued but he just never finished the work permit procedure before he disappeared. Has anyone gone through this or can point me in the right direction so I can obtain my registration documents? What offices I would need to go to and what forms I may have to fill out would really help basically any information would be great.

  11. Isn't this funny the PM is going to handle this personally. There have been people killing each other in the South and bombs in Bangkok with a total of over 2000 deaths and he hasn't done a ###### thing except chase Thaksin around, go figure take away his money and boy o boy he is ready to help.

    Just another politician worried about how he is going to pay for his cars and meer Noi, Geb, and luong.

  12. I wasn't sure where to post this as it is from November but here seemed to be the most fitting place, with everything that is happening to the last Government and the family.

    I found it so funny they are hitting the Taksin family every which way because they said about the Shin Corp’s deal, but the new government has been making sure they are getting their hands on as much money as they can while they are in office and they are taking positions on company boards to make sure they keep getting their hands on the cash. I guess they used the Shin Corp’s deal as a reason to get Taksin out so they could get their cash.

    Thai coup chiefs in extra pay row

    Thailand's coup leaders are under fire for allegedly accepting extra payments that effectively double their salaries.

    Thai newspapers report that the new cabinet decided to give the leaders of September's coup additional pay on top of their monthly military salaries.

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont is reported to have defended the move, saying the extra payments were worth it to rid the country of corruption.

    Graft was a key reason given for the ousting of PM Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Payments for the seven-member Council for National Security (CNS), as the coup leaders call themselves, were agreed by the cabinet on Tuesday.

    Members of other bodies, including the National Legislative Assembly, were also awarded salaries.

    'Early Christmas present'

    Coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin will get a salary of nearly 120,000 baht ($3,000) per month for chairing the CNS, a similar amount to his monthly military salary, according to the Bangkok Post newspaper.

    His deputy, Air Chief Marshal Chalit Phukphasuk, will receive nearly 114,000 baht while the other five CNS members will receive 110,000 baht, in addition to their military salaries.

    The coup leaders have also been given positions on the boards of state firms.

    The moves drew criticism from Thailand's Nation newspaper, which said it was "egg in the face" for all who had backed the coup and an "early Christmas gift" for those who opposed it.

    "What on earth were the coup leaders thinking? I can't figure out any good reason except that they are now so bored with the job already and want to provoke a street protest so as to exit quickly with a good pretext," editor Tulsathit Taptim wrote.

    The Bangkok Post quoted Prime Minister Surayud as saying that the extra salaries were worth paying if it meant getting rid of corruption.

    Thai coup leader pay raised

  13. I am on my last VOA and have to go next week to Vientiane to get a TV has anyone ran into any problems being on their last VOA? I have 5 years of VOA stamps and a couple of non B stamps. I am woried that it may be a problem.

    If I get the TV when that is up I am on my way back to USA to get my non B but I really don't want to be stuck in Vientiane.

  14. Old power clique suspected of being behind Bangkok bomb attacks: source

    A security source at the Government House said the old power clique was behind the simultaneous bomb attacks in Bangkok.

    The source from an intelligence agency said the intelligence agencies had learnt about the plan of the old clique to create disturbance toward the year end.

    The source said Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont was on the standby in Bangkok because he expected the attacks.

    The Nation

    The Nation

    Does this mean he knew about it beforehand and he didn’t even try to warn anyone ahead of time? If that is the case he should be held as responsible as the people who have placed the bombs.

  15. I found this particularly disturbing from The Nation.

    Old power clique suspected of being behind Bangkok bomb attacks: source

    A security source at the Government House said the old power clique was behind the simultaneous bomb attacks in Bangkok.

    The source from an intelligence agency said the intelligence agencies had learnt about the plan of the old clique to create disturbance toward the year end.

    The source said Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont was on the standby in Bangkok because he expected the attacks.

    The Nation

    The Nation

    Does this mean he knew about it beforehand and he didn’t even try to warn anyone ahead of time? If that is the case he should be held as responsible as the people who have placed the bombs.

  16. Hello lopburi3,

    What do you mean by this

    "and under new guidelines that can not be obtained for new company for a year or so."

    I have just began the new company registration and I am going to go for my visa and work permit but your post sounds as if a new company can not be issued any visa's is this what you meant? Can you offer more information?


    Not without company paperwork that proves income to pay you (and naturally meeting the requirement to even hire a foreigner) and under new guidelines that can not be obtained for new company for a year or so.

    You can not "change to a one year visa". If you meet the requirements for extension of stay then you could change the tourist visa to a non immigrant 90 day visa and then extend your stay. But extension requirements are not the same as work permit requirements.

  17. So they will keep 30% right off the top and those of us who have it coming in as a service will also have to pay another 30% in taxes so it will be a combined amount of 60% if I understand this right. So that means for every 40,000 Baht you earn you will only get 16,000 Baht then pay your own expenses you will have enough to buy a Pepsi.

    Yea Thailand is much better under the new ruling party. I think there jealousy of Thaksin needs to stop already when will there undirected anger subside.

  18. O now thats funny.

    This reminds me of a situation I had with a Thai co worker.

    The Thai saw me standing up eating food during our lunch break and said to me:

    "it is rude to stand up and eat"

    I said

    "huh what do you mean"

    he said

    "it is Thai culture to sit down while you are eating otherwise it is considered rude"

    I said

    " I would sit down and eat once you take your finger out of your nose and wash your hands"

    he said

    "huh what do you mean"

    Thai's on the cutting edge of Politeness

  19. If Islamic values tend towards trying to protect life ahead of corporations wealth, then go Islam!

    I welcome the kingdoms new leadership in moving us more closer to the values of Islam.

    I mentioned it before and if you look at the big picture Thailand is moving towards Islamic rule. Although some think it is just fantasy thinking. Which I hope it is!

    But I must say pal78 where do Islamic values protect life? A girl was just gang raped in an Islamic country and she received a harder sentence for being raped than the people who rapped her. Islam is a racist religion that does not protect life, it is a violent religion meant to reward men for what ever the men can get away with.

  20. I have no problem with the interpretation at all. I am not sure you can see the MANY different interpretations of this, one interpretation I get from this is the Thai government doesn’t want Thai’s to do business with foreigners unless the Thai’s have cash, so that means no start up companies and you can only do business with what is considered the upper class because the rest are not going to have the amount for the registered capital, plus start up expense, plus, plus, plus.

    Couldn't that interpretation fit with your experience?

    So I guess what I am after is what to do? Because the Thai's do not have that amount and from what I have read here the Thai’s where never asked to prove it before. As mentioned before I will be investing the money but it won’t be 2 million initially.

    What if the Thai’s made a business deal with a foreigner and then they decided to open a company to continue this business, to have the foreigner in Thailand with a work permit they need to register a company with capital of 2 mill. So what the government is saying is they rather not have start up companies progressively grow. They only want Thai’s in companies who have the cash from the get go.

    And why do the Thai’s have to show the full 2 mill isn’t it suppose to be only 51%? But the government is asking to see the full registered capital in the Thai’s bank account.

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