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Posts posted by Falcon01

  1. umm...good for you? But fyi this was neither interesting nor what one would classify as an incident. It is a general piece of information that is irrelevant to anyone except yourself & possibly the lady in question.

    I am somewhat confused by the point of this post.

    Guess I was just wondering if something like that had happened to others. Might be relevant to others. Sorry if it bored or confused you. Maybe you live a much more interesting life then me :)

  2. Staying at a higher end hotel last trip. Went swimming and to the gym with a Thai lady, then back to the room to get ready to go out for dinner. I started to iron a shirt, and she was amazed that I knew how to iron clothes or that i would even do that instead of sending them out for the hotel staff. Anyway, she proceeded to take the iron from me and began showing me her own skills, like she could do it much better and faster. Well, with a little prodding and some generous compliments, she ended up ironing four shirts, two pair of trousers, and a pair of walking shorts. And to top it off, she found a loose button, and fixed that as well. :)

    Just a small incident that stuck in my mind.

  3. Either! having servants is a very affordable luxury here in Asia. Try it!

    Great point. Might take too much time and effort for most, buy I expect a few people do it themselves.

  4. How do you launder items like towels, sheets and bedspreads in BKK? Hire someone? Do it yourself? Drop off at local laundry? Trying to decide between a serviced apt and a condo for an upcoming long stay.

  5. I am over 55 and would like to live in Thailand most of the year.,However, i would take a few trips each year to other Asian countries and the USA. Most of the trips would be for about two weeks, but one trip would be for up to three months. I would be able to deposit funds into a a Thai bank term deposit.

    Which visa would I apply for?

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