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Posts posted by weasel

  1. It doesn't mention whether they felt sufficiently shocked to return to their place of residence or stayed for the 'show'.  :D I suspect that they stayed, I would have.

    This is why I avoid Dongtan like the plague. It's *the* beach of choice for all the gay farang to show off their ladyboy "trophies". Just 50 meters north of the PP entrance, it's much quieter and relaxing.

    Uhmmmm. You appear particularly knowledgeable for one who 'claims' to avoid such places. :o

  2. It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

    The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

  3. A tried & trusted remedy that I have employed many a time on my way to school is 'tom yam gung'. It's a great way to sweat out a hangover and stave off intestinal cancer at the same time, although if it’s extra spicy you might be moaning an improvised version of the Johnny Cash tune, “Ring-piece of Fire”.


    Rather have the hangover!

    (Yeeeeeeees I know I'm in the minority, eeeeeverybody loves Tom Yum Goong! :o )

    Try TomYum made with a fillet of Salmon. It might change your mind. :D

    It's not the 'Goong' bit that bothers me!


    pet pet pet!!!!

    tut.........andyou don't even know me!!!

    Oh for gods sake!!! :D

    Is there really any need to bring God into it? Unless of course he can cure a hangover.

  4. DID YOU KNOW THAT 70% of Englishmen who know when St Patricks day is, havn't a clue when St Georges day is.

    Hasn't that got something to do with the fact that the 'English' aren't 'allowed' to celebrate their patrol saint, cos it smacks of nationalism/ racism i.e anti-black/brown/red/ yellow etc.

    P.S I think you'll find the English & Americans spell haven't with an 'e' :o

    Havn't I put an E in? Well. I diden't better do that agin. Never mind. It's better than having a 'patrol' Saint. Prat :D

    Irony is a lost casue with some people. :D

  5. Now the only bad bit about a top loaders is that they don't fit very well under kitchen counters, and also it is quite a pain to pull the washing machine out each time you want to use it. I must admit to owning two top loaders, the first shown here is a fully automatic beasty one, the second=[hiding my head in shame, so I won't post it here] is a twin tub just like me granny used to have, but this one didn't come with the mangler thing.

    Looks a lot like my one. Keep it outside.

    But I live in an apartment building & only have a balcony, and the wife's parents setup home there a couple of months ago & won't budge.

  6. DID YOU KNOW THAT 70% of Englishmen who know when St Patricks day is, havn't a clue when St Georges day is.

    Hasn't that got something to do with the fact that the 'English' aren't 'allowed' to celebrate their patrol saint, cos it smacks of nationalism/ racism i.e anti-black/brown/red/ yellow etc.

    P.S I think you'll find the English & Americans spell haven't with an 'e' :o

  7. I have a 400cc motorbike, which I use to 'poodle' around Chiang Mai on and get absolutely no grief from the police at all. In fact one or two of them have taken to saluting me as I ride by wearing my ramones t-shirt, shorts & flip-flops.

    However I am told that you cannot ride a plateless motorcycle in Bangkok... :o

    What is the situation re: motorcycles without plates in other 'cities' throughout the LoS?

  8. Here we go then, it must be true cos I found it on the www.


    ...Khao Tom Gai in Thailand, or "restitution soup," made of rice with chicken or shrimp, pickled cabbage, ginger, and fried garlic...

    P.S. When you're sick & want to get better try kao tom.

  9. A tried & trusted remedy that I have employed many a time on my way to school is 'tom yam gung'. It's a great way to sweat out a hangover and stave off intestinal cancer at the same time, although if it’s extra spicy you might be moaning an improvised version of the Johnny Cash tune, “Ring-piece of Fire”.

    Uhmmmm! I couldn't edit the original post. Anyway, I define 'hangover' as:

    That feeling you get in the morning where light hurts, your eyes feel as if they are going to fall out of their sockets, you have a pounding hammer-like process going on inside your forehead and your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth

    Now, there is only one sure-fire way to avoid hangovers - don’t drink! If you must, drink in moderation. A good plan is to intersperse your alcoholic drinks with glasses of water (or soda water) and have a very large glass of water before you go to bed.

    P.S. If any member sees me drinking alcohol in public, please rest assured that it is all part of my life-long scientific research programme! :o

  10. The gals down there play a game that they call 'Choosing Your Backpacker for the Night' :o

    One word of warning from the wise however. If you're new in town, that tall Thai goddess across the way might not be a woman, larger hands and perfect posture are dead giveaways :D

  11. A tried & trusted remedy that I have employed many a time on my way to school is 'tom yam gung'. It's a great way to sweat out a hangover and stave off intestinal cancer at the same time, although if it’s extra spicy you might be moaning an improvised version of the Johnny Cash tune, “Ring-piece of Fire”.

  12. Now the only bad bit about a top loaders is that they don't fit very well under kitchen counters, and also it is quite a pain to pull the washing machine out each time you want to use it. I must admit to owning two top loaders, the first shown here is a fully automatic beasty one, the second=[hiding my head in shame, so I won't post it here] is a twin tub just like me granny used to have, but this one didn't come with the mangler thing.


  13. I am looking to purchase a MIG welder from a supplier in the Loei area. I would like to be able to get the supplies here rather than having to drive 200 kilometers. The inert gas required is the biggest problem. (CO2/argon mix). Udon will be acceptable if there is no where closer.

    Have you tried the Yellow Pages?

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