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Posts posted by bearpolar

  1. 1 hour ago, Sundown said:

    I may have to correct you as in Italy there is fit and healthy people in their 40's -50's dying for covid. Latest example is the bodyguard of the prime minister who just died last week and was absolutely fit. Moreover, in the city of Bergamo military trucks are used to bring the corpses to other cities because there is not enough room to stock them. 

    Do you have the official death report with his medical history or just say he was fit and healthy because he didnt look sick, fat or old? Was he a smoker? Did he live in a highly polluted area? with smokers? Did he eat fastfood 3 times a day? Did he consume a lot of alcohol? 


    Also if a man is born with no dick, are all men dickless? Does 1 person make a rule?



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  2. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:

    Some really good comments,  just a few points:




    - Has anyone looked at various strains of virus killing thousands in some places like Italy and Spain and New York, and not as many in HK or South Korea or Germany or here or a few other places, is it the same virus !? Think about it, HK only just two days ago decided to close their bars... !? How come their infections  didn't spread and kill like other places till now, they do have infections... ! Yes, they reacted early and all that, but still odd...!


    There is still no real information on this, its all hearsay just like the BCG vaccination as shown here: https://www.jsatonotes.com/2020/03/if-i-were-north-americaneuropeanaustral.html

    no facts yet


    the only real facts is that italy is reporting covid deaths for very very sick people that died while being infected when covid was not the reason of death. All this Italy panic is unfounded media panic

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  3. 48 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    As stated already my guess many many had the virus had mild symptoms over high season carried on working etc and the immune system took care of it.







    yeah most kids at my kid's school had a big big flu right before the explosion of chinese news on it.  Lots of kids vomiting, lots of fever and sore throats.


    Many parents there had daily contact with people from wuhan, including my family. 


    No one got sick AFTER so that big flu was most likely this.  Most parents are pretty healthy and young.




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  4. 1 hour ago, Toany said:

    I can't imagine any tourist wanting to stay considering how welcome they are made to feel by immigration

    Can't even get my extentions on my 30days that ends on the 6th(i fly the 9th)


    Monday the 6th is closed, i aint going to a place with 500 foreigners a week before my departure... imagine i catch anything.. thousands and thousands of $ in tickets down the drain.



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  5. 17 minutes ago, AdamTheFarang said:

    What happens when millions of Thais have no money as they are unemployed? Burglaries and crime increases! In the UK the government are paying people 80% of their salary up to £2500. The USA are spending $2 Trillion. How much are Thailand paying the unemployed? You need to face the future, not the past.

    Crime and murder rate will jump very soon, especially in phuket.


    Older farangs are going to get killed for a food. People are so much in panic, this might last 6months.

  6. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    As I said, and as is actually the case, most of those infected do not die, regardless of one selectively chosen and substantially inconclusive Italian doctor's opinion.  Your comment remains baseless and inaccurate.

    People like you are why everyone is panicking and not understanding anything.


    The Italian report AND the quote clearly specifies that regular people that are infected do not die and yet you come back and deny everything said in there while saying its true right after.


    • Confused 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Garbage.  Most people who become infected do not die!



    Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health said:

    The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus […] On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,”



    Same thing said in Canada.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Have they?


    Government told government hospitals to charge more to foreigners. Not just farang, and not private hospitals like Mission.

    They raised the prices on some things by as much as 5x over the last few years. 


    It's still somewhat affordable for basic services, but as soon as you need a bit more it gets very expensive. I had to go to a private clinic to get something done because mission was twice the price. Mission charged 3.7x more than it would cost back home at a private clinic.

  9. 10 hours ago, jacob29 said:

    Paid overstay today, so not free yet. You can get the second 30 day extension if you get embassy letter and some other supporting documentation (like photos of you in your room, this oddball requirement varies between immigration centers afaik).

    Did you pay it at the airport or at phuket immi?


    I have a 30 extensions available, id rather just not stand in a crowded room a few days before my flight.

  10. 8 hours ago, hydraides said:



    Its christian/cheapesrt hospital

    They've raised prices quite a lot since the government told hospitals to charge farangs more.

  11. 1 hour ago, schlog said:

    Get out to which country? Italy which is under real curfew since 3 weeks till end of july? All not easy in most countries....


    I'm also not happy about the beaches closed but  maybe the actual decisions of the Gov will result in a quick corona free phuket like we were usually rabies free.

    First place in Thailand that is in may/june corona free and open for tourist business again.

    You can't be corona free, its a type of  flu.

    As soon as life starts over, people are going to get sick.


    i dont understand how so many humans do not understand the simple fact that every single precaution taken is to REDUCE THE STRAIN on hospitals and protect weak individuals from infection before the vaccine is found.  The virus will not be eliminated from any area. The only way to achieve this is to ruin every one financially until they die of hunger and the area is only populated by people that are dead from everything but corrona.



  12. 28 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    People have more space to live here? Many Thais live in shoe boxes. Expats as well.


    Don't know where you're referring to...even though I realize some Europeans live in crammed spaces too, but that's usually limited to major cities.

    My village has closed off its pool and even the mini park.. so only people allowed in the park are those few houses that let their dogs roam free to poop.. Other people have to keep dogs inside.


    Educated people are going insane everywhere in the world, they dont understand that the virus is not ebola and that we are only trying to keep hospitals from overflowing...


    I don't want to face uneducated people going into full panic after seeing how educated people react.  Much more enjoyable to be stuck back home with free government money and no crazy army generals.

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