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Posts posted by afr490872

  1. First of all and one more time I can see Russian bashing ...... This guy is UZBEKISTAN citizen , so why they put Russian ???????????????/ ridiculous !! How come he could take a boat out of the marina ? there are guards at the entrance asking question ( I know I have a boat there) , then you need a key to start , you need knowledge in sailing .... sounds very strange to me !

    The boat owner may have an Uzbek passport but he is Russian-Uzbek as his Russian name "Mr. Olec Okorodof" clearly suggests. So this is a case of a Russian person stealing from another Russian :).

  2. Just what I thought: "Mr Ma-ann said Alex Tour, targetted yesterday by the protesters, was operating legally with a business licence, but the Russian staff did not have work permits." () I think most Russians working in tour business as drivers and street tour desk staff don't have work permits but just pay the right people to look away. Responding to robblok's and inzman's comments above - Russians of course will not brake the tuk tuk mafia, and all the non-Russian rest of us will pay more in tuk tuk fares thanks to Russians not using them.

  3. I'm surprised that most of the posters take the side of the Russian tour agents in this dispute. In my opinion most of these tour agencies staffed by Russians are in

    substance owned and operated by Russians notwithstanding their formal Thai ownership. Russians just pay Thai owner nominees retaining fees to avoid attracting

    criticism from locals. International organizations rank Russia as one of the most corrupt countries in the world and Russians are skilled most than most at corrupting

    people wherever they have business interests. This is one of the reasons why we see so many Russians working in tour business in Thailand, unlike nationals of other

    countries that bring many tourists numbers to Thailand, like China, Japan, or India. These Russians possibly find a way to do that without workpermits, by bribing local

    officials. In addition to that Russians are known for their aggressive business methods and the locals seem at last are fighting back. Of course local taxi mafia does

    everything to maintain its monopoly and to protect extortionist prices, but looks like Russians are still finding ways to beat locals in this tourist transportation business.

    These ubiquitous Russian tour desks are located what seems like every fifty meters wherever one goes in touristy areas. They are real eyesores in Phuket and Pattaya.

    And I find it strange and an affront when such businesses demonstratively cater exclusively only to one nationality in popular tourist locations, occupying public space

    in discrimination to other nationalities. Most of these businesses have only signage in cyrillics without even a word in Thai or English. There are other Russian

    businesses like restaurants and diving shops where you won't get any service if you are not a Russian. Russians probably think they now own Pattaya and Phuket. Thai

    authorities should regulate these issues to avoid creating an impression that they prefer one nationality over another. I don't see any Chinese, Indian, Japanese or

    German tour desks catering only to their compartriots.

    Other countries have enough tact not to push their exclusive national interests in such arrogant and demostrative manner.

    And for those who cheer these Russian tour agents for taking on local taxi mafia, I think there is no benefit in this fight for Western tourists.

    In fact if these taxi drivers miss business on Russians they will have to rip Westerners even more to compensate such loss of income.

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