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Hilary Si AKo

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Posts posted by Hilary Si AKo

  1. Personally I have never had a problem with them though, and I have worked with quite a few.Yes, they stick together like flies to .... but then again so do the falang teachers. If they want to prattle away in Tagalog at lunchtime then so be it. If they are conspiring to get rid of you then it aint gonna take much to outsmart them.It takes quite a few of them to change a lightbulb.If the school gets rid of you in favour of another Phillipino then I pity the poor kids and the school probably aint worth teaching at anyway. Hopefully the new TOEIC tests will sort the wheat out from the chaff. I reckon most of the ones I worked with would have a hard time with it. Shut down the endless touritst visa route and certain others avenues and Thailand could have itself a pool of reasonably well qualified teachers.....

    Hopefully the new TOEIC tests will sort the wheat out from the chaff. I reckon most of the ones I worked with would have a hard time with it. Shut down the endless touritst visa route and certain others avenues and Thailand could have itself a pool of reasonably well qualified teachers.....

    I challenge you to do an empircal research as to how and which 'race" of teachers (Thai) students learn best. Students can learn regardless of race as long as that teachers know HOW TO TEACH. Who are the 'qualified teachers' you are referring to, the native speakers?..................QUALIFIED NES usually work at their home country because they make real money there......... most NES teachers at govt or private schools are......??????????????... unless a teacher is a professor at a Uni and holds a PhD, then most NES around are just one of the "chaff" your are referring to:)

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  2. Dear friend,

    I feel so sorry with your predicament. I found it ironic for the fact that:

    1. Most Filipinos work well with any other nationalies, even with the hardest people to deal with, they can be flexible and will try try their best to be friend with you UNLESS-- you are acting like you rule the universe and that you are superior than any other else just because you speak the language and that you are from the West. I have worked with hundreds teachers, all from the West, mostly thought they are superior and they complain every single nonsense around them... I once worked with a guy who was so upset with our Thai staff that he started saying........in front me of me- an Asian, "Asian are F%$#@" stupid..blah blah"... and he forgot that he was talking to an Asian..............(I am not sure what to call him- maybe another stupid human being--sorry for my lack of term).

    Just to let you know: Filipinos may have a totally different culture with you guys, but they are willing to accommodate other cultures including yours! Just dont attempt to treat them like they are stupid..... "you will reap what you sow".

    You said, you are extra nice to them, I hope that is true.

    2. You complain that they stick together and keep information among themselves (whatever that information).

    If that was personal or something not relevant with your work- don't be nosy. That's what my American boss told me about Americans. (I am not sure either if this represents the entire USA).

    However, if a relevant information was witheld from and affected your job, talk to the right people at school. Go to the Thai admin in-charge if you think that they keep information from you. Common sense- that's what's it's called.

    3. They send money back home: Well, that's very true. That islands depends a percentage of their revenue from the remittance sent by the Filipino Overseas Workers around the world. But- THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! It is part of their culture. Now, if you don't do that in your country, then leave those people who care for their families.... they are happy they can do that..........goodness!

    4. I noticed that most people who leave comments here are TEACHERS..... I imagine that YOU ARE ALL PROFESSIONALS and that you exactly know what professional ethics are...??!!!. Then go back and listen to what you are saying (typing)......

    Sir, if you find this bunch of Filiponos a pain in your back, and that you are a nice person anyway as you said you are, do confront them! I thought westerners are confrontational as oppose to Thais or Asian? I think you can talk to them nicely and for sure, they may NOT SPEAK A PERFECT ENGLISH as you all said, but THEY WILL DEFINITELY understand you--believe me.

    I've got many Western friends, they hang out with us, we even invite them to our home for meals and I never have problem with them----------because they LEARN TO ACCEPT EACH OF OUR DIFFERENCES. We dont need to agree in everything but at least we can meet at the middle.

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