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Posts posted by cclub75

  1. 13 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    but they are not concerned with infections and/or deaths, they have never been, their mainly and only concern is $$$$$$$$$$$$$ not their citizens safety

    But what is the problem ?


    The tourist must be fully vaccinated (2 doses).


    So ?


    So why this hysteria about "testing" " ?


    Ah sorry.... we forgot.... Those "vaccines" are not "vaccines". They don't prevent infection.


    That's too bad. ????


    Or... they do protect.... And the "testing" is just non-scientific mimic politic ?

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    I just heard a bit of a rumor that makes sense. No Prathom level students at school in term 2, only Matthayom which...BINGO have been vaccinated!

    Even those maniacs wouldn't dare to do it... Or they would ? ????


    I think the rumor is right, but the timing is wrong.


    They do want to extend the vaccination to... children as young as 5 years old... But the local FDA is still working on the issue (they can't just mimic the US decision... they need to save face, and spend time... like they are really working...)


    I think they will push for it next year... In a few months.

  3. 26 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    In any event, doubts about the approval process are totally beside the point at this time as we have real world safety and efficacy data on hundreds of millions of vaccine doses that have been administered.



    Billions of doses are not equal to billions of year...


    Christ... this is basic arithmetics and logic.


    Therefore to say "it's safe, because we used 3 billions of doses in 10 months" is totally absurd, and wrong.


    It's a false reasoning.


    Some molecules, chemicals... can take YEARS, or even decades to combine, potentialize with others, interact, and buildup effects within human body.


    So the truth is : you don't know.




    Therefore, stop trying to impose your beliefs -and potentially dangerous- and other people.


    If you're willing to take the bet, take the risk on the long term for yourself, you are free. But do not say it's based on "science".


    Because it's not.


    We have exactly 10 months of history of mass injection with Pfizer (Israel started its campaign 19 december 2020). Nothing more.


    In pharmacology... it's nothing.

    • Sad 2
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  4. You mean... another bloc ?


    Those... blocs start to be a large number. ????


    Anyway, nothing will change on november 1.


    "Chanthaburi has banned all sales of alcohol until further notice. Including all stores. They state this will help stop Covid-19 and parties they claim are fueling more cases."


    This is the reality on the ground. Madness. Only Phuket decided to authorize alcool in restaurants (recently).


    Source : https://twitter.com/The_PattayaNews/status/1445971173490118660


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  5. Finland on Thursday paused the use of Moderna's  COVID-19 vaccine for younger males due to reports of a rare cardiovascular side effect, joining Sweden and Denmark in limiting its use.


    Source : https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/finland-pauses-use-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-young-men-2021-10-07/


    It's important to remember that the myocarditis and young men problem... started in Israel... LAST APRIL ! And Israel is "Pfizerland"...


    Source : https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-probing-link-between-pfizer-shot-and-heart-problem-in-men-under-30/


    So it's interesting that those 2 different RNA messenger products... are linked to the same problem... over many months.


    Meanwhile, rich thais (and expats) were looking at Moderna as the "Ferrari" of vacines... booking (since many months) in private hospitals their precious doses...


    It's rather ironic.

  6. There is a twist : "...with discussions between each school and its respective provincial authority".


    To summarize : even if the rule "85 % of staff + teachers + students >12 years old vaccinated" (1 or 2 doses, it's not very clear as usual) is respected... each school will be given the green light.


    Or not.


    Each school will have to be "evaluated"... in each province...


    So it's easy to foresee a huge thai salad...


    Some governors will be open minded and will push ahead for schools reopening, others will be scared of their own shadow and will postpone. Add to this the "color" system.... or should i say the "color" problem. Phuket should be red since very long time.... but is still "orange" (because politics).


    As far as education is concerned, the whole process is a disaster. And it"s difficult to see a general reopening in november.

  7. 2 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Thankfully anti vaxers are a tiny minority of I'll educated people and not unnaturally...a dieing breed. Anti vaxers only come from rich white countries where, ironically, many illness have been driven out by vaccines! But where people suffer there are no anti vaxers. I was in India when smallpox had finally been eradicated, and polio bought under control. The purblind ignorance of anti vaxers is extraordinary and without exception linked to stupidity and lack of education. 

    Insults do not solve anything.


    To compare classic vaccines against polio/smallpox with vaccines based on mRNA new technology against Sars-Cov2 is enough to disqualify you.


    And is clearly an insult to basic intelligence and basic common sense.

    • Like 2
  8. And it's only the beginning... They're dreaming to vaccinate children.... starting at 3 years old.


    The plan is for 2022.


    The government is planning to vaccinate 6 million children age 3-11 in 2022, once there is a vaccine that is approved for use in this age group which should be "soon", the DDC's Director General Dr Opas Karnkawinpong said.


    Source : https://twitter.com/ThaiEnquirer/status/1444944062075736066


    As usual... the approval from the so-called "regulators" is just a simple formality... ????


    It's a sinister charade.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, khunPer said:

    According to the news today, it's voluntary...


    Unfortunately... it's "compulsory-voluntary"...


    Because, the condition for the schools to reopen is 85 % of students > 12 years vaccinated  (+ staff and teachers).


    Therefore, if many students "voluntary" say "no" to the vaccine, then the school will remain "voluntarily" closed. ????


    But again, the whole process is totally "voluntary". So individual freedom is protected...

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