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Star Dust

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Posts posted by Star Dust

  1. #OpSingleGateway ->

    The Minds Panel Show is bring you an important interview between "@Pavin" Pavin Chachavalpongpun, PhD. Associate Professor
    Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, is going to give us the political perceptive and brief of history background about Thai military Junta, so we can all better understand the critical situation of what is really going on with Thailand, Facebook and Junta.

  2. There is one place Thais can talk. The Thai community grows very fast on minds.com since they realized that FB is a traitor.

    Pvin Chachavalpongpun's interview with Minds is now on Youtube about the junta intruding into private FB chat, the blocking of GuKult and the exploitation of lese-majeste law to silence critics. -> https://plus.google.com/events/c5p69v4ol8apske1ckeoimvfmtk?hl=en

    ...or https://www.minds.com/pavin

    ...or my own channel https://www.minds.com/cyberdustjedi

    Anyways I recommend minds.com as an alternative to FB and Twitter.

    Decide for yourself.

  3. Here's let's break it down slowly...

    Windows 10 users
    Can open the Windows Start menu
    And type "bash" [enter]
    Which opens a cmd.exe console
    Running Ubuntu's /bin/bash
    With full access to all of Ubuntu user space
    Yes, that means apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, sed, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch...
    And most of the tens of thousands binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives!

    "Right, so just Ubuntu running in a virtual machine?" Nope! This isn't a virtual machine at all. There's no Linux kernel booting in a VM under a hypervisor. It's just the Ubuntu user space.

    can't wait ;-)


  4. It's been a while since I've contributed something to the thai visa community.

    So...Hi, everyone.

    I've done something stupid again and thought to share it with you.

    A couple of weeks ago, I had to decide which gift I was to buy for me and my wife’s wedding anniversary.

    And since bag snatching has become a common option as a second income in Thailand, and my wife kept reporting to me of such crimes in and around Udon Thani as well, I decided to buy her a Pocket Taser.
    This Tasers cause no long term damages to the human body if used correctly, and would buy my wife enough time to get to safety, in the case that she would ever come in a situation like that. Right…???

    At the time I was still in Vienna, and right opposite of the apartment complex where I lived, was a Pistol &Pawn Shop which had such gadgets. After explaining the shop owner the purpose I needed it for, he recommended a German made 100.000 Volt Pocket Electric Taser.

    AWESOME. COOL. Best idea “Ever”!! I’m “The Man”, I thought to myself.

    Once back home in Udon Thani, 3 days prior to our anniversary, I was home alone. So I used the occasion to get familiar with the Taser, and its proper use, before I handed it over to my wife. Eventually she is going to defend herself against criminals, so I had to make sure that the Taser kept up to its purpose, right?
    In no time I’ve put in the two AAA batteries that came with the device, and hit the button.


    I was totally disappointed. Quickly after that I discovered that there was a blueish bow of lighting at the front end of the device, whenever I held it close to any metallic surface.

    AWESOME !!!

    Sadly my wife is still waiting for an explanation to why there are two black stains at the front of our Microwave.

    OK. So there I was, home alone, my son at school, my wife off visiting her mom. It couldn’t be possibly that painful. It’s just two small AAA batteries, I thought to myself. Right?

    I made myself comfortable in my armchair with the Taser and its Instruction Manual, wearing nothing but boxer-shorts and a “Same Same but Different” shirt, with Popeye (…our pet cat, which has just one eye, and no tail) sitting on my lap, purring away. What a loyal little soul he is.

    When I was reading through the Instruction Manual, I thought to myself, that I had to definitely test the device on a target made of real flesh and blood.
    Yes. And I have to admit that I thought about to taser Popeye there for a fraction of a second, but common sense quickly kicked in, so I rather decided not to. He is such a lovely cat, you know.
    If my wife really ever had to use it, testing the Taser was obligatory.

    The Instruction Manual suggested that a hit with the Taser for one second causes the opponent to suffer severe disorientation; a hit for two seconds would cause muscle cramps and loss of control over the

    body; and three seconds would make the opponent end up on the floor, behaving like a stranded whale. And that everything more than three seconds would be a waste of battery.

    AWESOME !!!

    At all that time I was eyeballing the Taser constantly, which is about 12 cm long, and about 3 cm in diameter, with ONLY two AAA batteries. Actually a cute little gadget. I couldn’t believe it myself.

    What happened next is very difficult to describe. I’ll try my best.

    I sat up right in the armchair, with Popeye on my lap looking at me with his head slightly bent to one side like he was trying to tell me: ”Don’t do it, you idiot”!

    I thought to Taser myself for one second would be enough of a test and would not cause too much pain. So I decided to Taser myself. I held the device with its front end to my upper leg, just above the knee, and hit the button.

    HOLY MOTHER OF WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION………..WHAT THE…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can assure you that “THE HULK” himself came through the backdoor, lifted me up and out of my armchair, and violently threw me on the flow, making me bounce violently around like a fish out of the water, over and over again. I remember ending up in the fetus position, covered in sweat, with tears in my eyes, smoking nipples, and my testicles having moved inwards my body leaving behind an empty sack.

    Popeye was hanging on to the curtains making sounds I never heard before, probably in an attempt to avoid getting squashed by my body bouncing around the room violently.

    You have to keep in mind: That if you EVER feel the urge to “Taser” yourself, that there is NO SUCH THING as a one second hit, if you taser yourself. Because your muscles are like frozen and through that bouncing around your thump is never going to let go of that button, until the Taser is leaving your hand with brute force caused by the violent bouncing around. That were way more than 3 seconds before that Taser was thrown out of my hand.

    About a minute later (…I can’t really recall the amount of time that has passed, because at that moment time was just relative to me), I summoned myself (…or what was left of it), taking a look around at my environment.

    Popeye was still hanging on the curtains. The armchair was upside down about two meters away of its original position. My triceps, upper right leg, and nipples were numb, I couldn’t feel my face, and my lower lip weighing about 60 kg.

    I shat myself, but wasn’t aware of it at that moment because I couldn’t smell anything. There was smoke coming off the top of my head and nipples. My balls remained on the inside of my body for another couple of hours before returning to their proper place.

    My wife can’t stop laughing about this incident, but loves her anniversary gift. Popeye still refuses to sit on my lap.

    My wife uses to point the Taser at me, whenever she feels like threatening me.

  5. ,Jeeeessssss. Took me an hour to read through the comments.

    One thing is sure. WE ALL LOVE THAI LADIES.

    An, ohhh man, do I love mine. And we are a young couple.

    When (after 2 years) we "got togetherwub.png " in 2004:

    She 24/ Isaan/ Matayom dropout/super-poor/single mum of an 8 year old girl (Thai man left when the belly grew, and I'm thankful 4 that)/having 101 jobs from dishwashing to freelancing in high-heels/looking hotblink.png /caracter:strict,honest,hot/with clear (down to earth)expectations in life

    Me 26/Austrian/college dropout/mega-poor(no parents)/end up in Thailand after world tour gone wrong/101 jobs (no freelancing, just little)/very hondesome cassanova/living on day-to-day basis

    Now. Married since 09/our son is getting 7 soon/our(her)daughter 17 attending an educ. in IT/lang/house/fat-ass pick up/bikes/occasional quarrels followed by hot s..whistling.gif

    DAMN....I love my girl...and I know she feels the same. Because when we married I barely managed to afford all the paperwork, and we slept in the dark. I could afford the electric bill. Till today we both laugh tears when we speak of it.

    Young Thai woman knowing what she wants? Rich/poor/educated or not.

    Best thing that ever happened to me.

    Night fellows...

  6. I'm currently in Vienna. Media reports about Greece are updated every hour, and all are negative towards Greece, Greek people, Greek economy, etc; including travel warnings. And we Austrians learned our fair share about propaganda machines.

    Austrian media has not mentioned this interview.

    I'm gonna go and make popcorn, and wait for your comments.


  7. Saw the article on Facebook. Clicked on it. Now I'm here. Just watched the video.

    B O O O O R R R I I I N G

    But what DOES make my left butt cheek itch a little bit, is that they just confiscate ones property over a (minor) traffic violation.

    And my other cheek tells me that my "questioning" + "doubting" Thai Traffic Laws & Regulations, enforced by the Royal Thai Traffic Police" with their hard work and "daddy-cation" on a daily bases, could spark public unrest, probably kicking off on Facebook, I won't do the same mistake again, and getting me arrested, incapacitated, jailed, deported, and finally blacklisted for centuries to come.No no. Not again.

    So I stick with B O R I N G.

    But in the video there is one thing clear. The only member of traffic, on that road, in that video, who was in complete control of his/her vehicle, driving it with confidence and foresight, was the overaged teenage (mutant) driver of the red Yaris.

    So make sure that you don't zigzag navigate around some potholes here and then. It could cost you your wheels, resulting in an very itchy bum.

  8. Greetings Farangs.

    I'm currently back working in Europe.

    I see them everywhere. Farang tattoo artist shops already figured the trend and offer them as well.

    It's a new trend here. Especially when it has been done by a monk ("Siam Grand Master"), or should I say a Thai guy in sweaty t-shirt and a bullet hole in his ear.

    99% have no idea of the meaning or purpose of their sak yants beneath their skin other than it's from the "Grand Master" himself. LOL ;-))))

    yant=Yantra...and has a supersticious (what else of course) background, especially with black magic practises as well as white magic...bla bla bla

    The majority of those tattoos are purely commercial, however many of those I saw, since the sun came out a month ago here in mediEvil Europe are the black magic ones, indeed.

    Even those offered on FarangBook https://www.facebook.com/groups/124701727571284/?fref=nf

    I was offered one as well by an old old monk, who told me that the "original" can only be given (offered and tattoo'd) to some one, and not purchased. Because if someone purchased such a thing it won't have powers and the someone might not be bulletproof after all.

    In LOS commonly worn and usually ONLY for Thai men who obtained them during their monkhood or black magic full moon parties.blink.png

    AND I remember that during the whole procedure done only in a temple (which takes 3 days no matter the size) requires the recipient of the "sak yant" to remain in praying position, meditating (or should I say "summoning the spirit under the skin") and is said to be very painful.

    But that was in a small temple north of the Eravan Cave, just a stones throw away of the Mekhong River waaayyyy up in Udon.

    I'm still thinking of claiming that offer one day or another Maybe one that gives me the power to get reborn as a enormously beautiful and successful Thai Bar Lady. That be worth some pain&prayer I suppose....lol

    Besides. It spreads Thai culture, and brings money to the streets of good old LOS.

    So why not let them be. It will pass.

    I hope...


  9. ....muahahahahahahhahahahaha....LOL....mua..mua..muahah.MMMMMUUUAAAHAHAHJAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

    ...so funny.

    ...sad thing is, that most Americans do believe in myth that global warming is caused entirely by human caused Co2 emissions.

    Wait when he finds out that after the "warming", there will be a cooling. Hes's probably going to blame Russian climate for the coming ice age....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah..............



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