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Posts posted by PMak

  1. I drink carbonated water. I have a soda stream maker (which I'm selling if you are interested you can pm me) and love it.

    I still drink Vietnamese Coffee in the morning and Matcha Green tea in the afternoon. Some Cafeine is okay.

    If you want to quit sweet sodas and chemical rich sodas then I recommend getting a Juicer. Watch the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, it's free on youtube. I no longer have sweet cravings and feel great thanks to it.

  2. Another comparison? Somebody wake me when we've gone through every single Latin American country.

    Another flaming response by some know it all that has nothing better to do than respond with negativity. Wake me up when there are intelligent replies Oh wait. Plenty of them, just Berkshire apparently trying to boost his post stats. #Winning

  3. "Nasty locals" . Idiotic comment of the day.

    I grew up in that region. I loved it and wished I could go back. You have years ahead of you, OP, so do it. You will regret it if you don't.coffee1.gif

    Is crime really that big of a problem there? (or only outside tourist areas?)

  4. why move then? if you need more temperate northern thailand fits the bill.

    chiang mai and chiang rai have same weather as good days in northern california where i'm from, not too hot at all.

    south america your going to run into more problems like crime, unhealthy food, spotty internet and phone connections, less english to resolve problems in transport and other things, nasty locals etc. there are more problems there then thailand would have. thailand is a pretty easy life believe it or not.

    but i can understand the adventure and change of scene aspect, you can't stay in the same location forever. just treat it as a temporary stay so you don't get dis-illusioned.

    I have been to Chiang Mai and didn't find it that exciting and can't remember the weather being more dry? I have been to Udon Thani and there thought it was a little bit more dry, but again, not so exciting.

    With Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai I'm worried about the pollution in February? I suppose that's a good time to go away.

    But how do you find the humidity compared to California? The heat isn't a problem. Just the humidity, for example sleeping with an open window is a no for most of the time in Phuket. How about Chiang Mai?

  5. I have lived in Phuket for almost three years now and considering Medellin Colombia for my next adventure. I have never been and will check it out this Summer. I don't care about bars, prefer healthy living in a moderate climate. Still find it too hot and humid here. I have yet to find anyone giving a great comparison between Thailand and Colombia.

    Has anyone here lived in or been to both Colombia and Thailand that can offer a comparison?

  6. Very True. Even before the crackdown there was a lot of false advertising and "mis-communication".

    Here is what a reputable school (in Phuket) wrote me:

    "With the ED visa, you can study Basic Thai course for 6 months and can continue Intermediate Thai course for 6 months at Phuket Immigration without another visa run. It means within 1 year, you will have to do 1 visa run. However, you will have to extend your visa (pay 1900 THB) every 3 months at Phuket Immigration. Each time, after you pay 1900 THB, they will extend your visa for 1 month and you have to go again for other 2 months.

    After 1 year, if you want to continue 6 months - Advanced Thai course, you need to do visa run.
    There will be 4 lessons per week. (2hrs per day/2days per week)"
    Sounds like alot of time at immigration, then again it's the same amount of time as you would spend getting Tourist Visas and extensions. Minus the travel. No doubt there will be some testing at immigration. That's not uncommon, it happened before the Visa Crackdown as well, albeit staff was more relaxed about someone failing basic Thai questions.
    I am still keen on hearing from recent applicants and those just starting their studies in the first 3 to 5 months to hear first hand what the conditions are like.
  7. You guys are clearly misinformed.... or trying to play on words with 1 year visa because some visas require 90 day extensions.....

    >>> "The one year ed visa never existed unless it was a multiple entry non-ed issued by a embassy or consulate"

    it never existed unless it was issued... 555+

    I had a one year ED Visa before... you have to do 90 day reporting like most other visas.... and in the first 3 months show up to immigration a couple times... first to show that you started your education, then to show that you have been attending..... then they stamp your ED Visa to be valid until the 1 year from entry, which in my case was about 9 months... No "extensions". Just 90 Day Reporting.

    I suppose if you attended a sketchy school then they make you report more often. :) Or maybe if you're Kiwi they want you to learn English first ;)

  8. 500K is not alot.... 100K per year. 25K every 3 months. but there are better ways to spend it... might aswell use 25K every 3 months and travel somewhere and pay as you go. Rather than pay for something that may not be valid any more in a few months. Thai Visa rules change all the time. Even for Visas already issued. Case and point the 1 year education visa which was scaled back for many to 6 months.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The everyday Thai in the street doesn't give a toss either way. The only ones that don't want foreigners are the elite that think that we expose their corruption. If Thailand did a Nth Korea and closed themselves off to the world then all the money would be gone for most, so foreigners are needed and barely tolerated based on status. Backpackers and sex tourists seem to be the bottom of the tree and rich Japanese are the most favored and probably admired.

    So one could argue the "Elite" are behind the latest crackdown?

  10. With all the recent crackdowns one has to wonder if Thailand still wants Farang...

    Sure there are abusers of the system that are being weeded out, those working illegally or doing illegal things...

    Then there are those that are here on early-retirement that don't qualify for any type of Visa... or those wanting a 1-2 year holiday having to deal with TV crack down.

    One has to wonder if Work and Business Visas are next. From what I've heard they are getting more difficult, time consuming, and costly all the time.... And this business of having to leave the country all the time to renew a visa is sending the message "We don't want you here" and "maybe we won't let you back in".

    Then there is China asking for a Visa Exemption and one has to wonder if there is a bigger play. Get rid of Farang and bring in the Chinese...

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I don't need quick turn around I just want to ensure I get a visa, these "crackdowns" and what not are making me a bit paranoid : )

    Phnom Penh it is then, I will stay for a few days just so I have the time in case there are unforeseen delays at the embassy. Thank you for you replies.

    I am considering flying to Phnom Penh as well to check it out, might even move there, but for now I want to get another TV and was wondering what your experience was like in PP to get your Thai TV?

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You don't need to go to Vientane unless it's the closest to you. For example from Bangkok one would go to Cambodia either using a compnay, or train or private transportation.

    What is the train ride to Cambodia like? And how friendly / easy is the Thai Embassy in Phnom Phen to get a Tourist Visa? I was planning on going to Laos and getting one and then visiting Phnom Phen, sounds like I could save myself the trip to Laos. Have you or has anyone else been to Phnom Phen recently for a Tourist Visa?

  13. How does it work when you apply for a 60 day Tourist Visa and you plan on extending for 30 days WHEN you are required to provide airline booking information for a return flight but you plan on extending for 30 days when you are in Thailand? I am assuming the return flight would have to be shown within the 60 day tourist visa period...?

    Can someone that has gone through this procedure first hand, recently, please advise. Thank You.

  14. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is... Not that it sounds that great... It sounds fishy. The pictures look fishy. And if you google "Thai Elite Visa Scam" then you find lots of stories and background about the program. "Count Gerald van der Straten Ponthoz"'s testimonial is the funniest I have come across in a long time.

    If it really were that good then people wouldn't advertise it... It would just spread by word of mouth...

    500,000 Baht for a 5 year visa in a country that has been known to change the visa rules every couple weeks AND has different visa rules from Embassy To Embassy, and has been known not to honour visas obtained at an embassy at time of entry.... Sounds like a gamble.... Sure you might argue that's why you should get this card.... C'mon...

    You say it's legit? Okay show me on the Official Thai Immigration Website where this "Government Led Program" is mentioned...

    • Like 1
  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As an alternative, you may want to consider signing up for a course at a university and get an ED visa that way. I'm looking into this. My understanding is that this is more accepted by Immigration than the private language schools. And if I'm not wrong, the new rules about having to extend your stay every 3 months and having to leave the country and re-apply for a new ED visa do not apply to universities.

    Let me know what you find out!

    double entry tourist visa, 2k baht from laos consulate, each entry worth 60 days stay extendable to 90, google it for more details

    From what I have read is that immigration is now cracking down on those too. Even if you get the visa at an embassy you can be denied entry or get an I-O stamp or other remark. Someone in another post mentioned that the rule is you can only have 3 tourist visas in a year.


    My two cents:

    - Learning Thai is not easy. The way the schools teach you don't make it exactly easy either. I would say you need at least 3 years to be able to hold an intelligent conversation. I know several "fluent" Farangs and it took them years and they are still learning and making mistakes. And they have a Thai wife that they can practice with daily. Personally I find the tones challenging and after learning for 1 year I am now needing to relearn. Reading and writing script is key to properly learning Thai. I would say private lessons or a tutor is key to really progressing. If you are fluent in Thai after just 1 year, kudos to you. You should sign up for full on citizenship and learn Pali while you're at it.

    - Education Visa Abuse. It's a real shame that the ED Visa abuse, if that's the real reason, is causing the crackdown, and putting the rest of us who are here to learn, (not working, not doing anything unlawful), into this mess.

    - Ever changing "Rules". Change can be good or bad, and you know I support cracking down on abuse, however when rules change, there should be a buffer time of some sort. Grandfathering of visas, or some way of letting those of us who planned a year or two ahead, cope with the change. I get it, we should all have a Plan B is what some say, true, and with the rate of changes we need Plan C, D, E, and F. And I hope I don't have to us the "F" Plan. Seriously though, coming to Thailand for 1 or 2 years is no easy task and one plans ahead, rents accommodations, buys vehicles, electronics, etc etc, and then whamo.... Visa Problems.... When a 1 year visa turns into 6 months, or your 2nd year suddenly becomes 90 days or is refused, that's a serious problem and stress. Easy to say "oh get a tourist visa" or "should have planned ahead" or "should have gotten a <fill in the blank> visa".

    • Like 2
  16. I wanted to share my experience renewing the Canadian Passport in Bangkok.

    There is a simplified renewal process for anyone that has had a passport before and has never reported it lost or stolen.

    You can download the forms from the government website. It's 190$ for a 5 year passport. A little more for 10 year.

    You need a couple references. No need for a guarantor. Old Passport. Check website for detailed requirements.

    The one thing that's a bit tricky is the Passport Pictures. They are an odd size (70x50mm). You need the photographers name, address, telephone, and data picture was taken on the back of 2 photographs. Stamped or handwritten by photographer. Stickers are not accepted.

    I live in Phuket and had a hard time finding a place that would do the format. And even when they could do it and read all the specifications, they did a lousy job and messed up. The specifications are pretty strict. You'd figure it's a no-brainer for a photo studio.... but apparently in Phuket it's rocket science to have a normal passport photo without shadows, crooked face, or smudges on the background... after 3 tries... So frustrated I gave up and decided to find a place in BKK.

    On the way to the Embassy in Silom, on Sala Daeng next to 7-11 and near JR Tailors there is a Fuji Shop. 250baht, 6 pictures. The lady there was super friendly, took the pictures like a pro and got everything else done without asking.

    The embassy is on the 15th floor of Abdulrahim Place, 990 Rama IV, 5 minute walk from Silom MRT.

    The Embassy of Canada general hours of operation are:
    Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 12:15 and 13:00 - 16:15
    Friday: 07:30 - 13:00
    Saturday – Sunday: Closed
    The Consular/Passport Section provides services to the public:
    Monday - Friday: 09:00 to 12:00
    When you arrive you have to get a Visitor Badge in the lobby. When you arrive on the 15th floor you have to check your cell phone and computer at the desk before entering the embassy.
    I got there at 11am and I was the next person up. 2 people waiting. Very quiet.
    After reviewing my paperwork, submitting my old passport, and specifying I need my passport back to transfer my Thai Visa I was asked to take a seat and 5 minutes later was asked to pay. The fee has to be exact if paying cash. I had Cad$. I was given a receipt and a pickup date which was exactly 20 working days. And told it would be ready on that date and can pick up anytime after except Thai or Canadian Holidays.
    So far so good. Fingers crossed it will be just as easy when it's ready.
    btw the website says to dress polite, but a guy infront of me was in Sandels and shorts..
  17. I bought a car on an Education Visa a few months back and sold it on Friday. Phuket Transportation Office said all that is needed for the seller if Farang, is copy of the passport showing latest visa (any type), Blue Book, and if Seller not present when the buyer transfers then a power of attorney.

    Thai Residence Certificate was not required to sell the car. Only for buying the car.

    Again this is for selling the car.

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