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Posts posted by Hammer

  1. It sounds as if you have a single entry Non-Imm-ED visa .. with an extension of stay that is valid for a year.

    If that is the case you need to get a re-entry permit (1900 baht for a single entry and more for multiple) to keep your visa valid if you leave the country

    So do I get a re-entry permit from my local immigration office and take it with me when I travel ?

    Or do i ask for it in on my arrival back in Thailand and fill it in then ?

  2. I have a one year Non-Imm Ed visa.

    With this visa I have to report to immigration every 90 days. (visa is only 60 days old now)

    However I want leave Thailand for a short break and then return before 90 days is up. But I am worried, because the visa says under NO. OF ENTRY = S

    Will that make the visa expired on my return ? Because It doesn't allow multiple entries.

    Is there a form I can get from Immigration to help , or will be I OK as my visa is and on my return to Thailand will they give me 90 days anyway ?

    Thank You in advance for anybody who can help me.

  3. Thanks lopburi3

    1) So to confirm, I can do a visa run on the 21st April.

    And I will get a 90 day stamp

    Then in 90 days after the 21st April, when I do on another visa run. I will get a 30 day stamp, But I won't be fined even though my actual visa run out on the 22nd April, because all they will worry about is my stamp. Is that correct ?

    2) Can I go into any neigbouring countries to apply for another 1 year non immigrant o visa ?

  4. Hi guys, I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before, but can you help me out please ?

    1) I have a non-imigrant O visa (I'm from UK) which runs out on the 22/04/06. I have done 3 visa runs so far. The latest stamp on my passport gives me a stamp until the 18th June 2006. If I do a visa run then will I have a problem as my O visa run out on the 22nd April ?

    2) If I do a visa run on the 21st April the day before my O visa runs out, would I get a 90 day or a 30 day stamp ?

    3) Is it possible to renew a one year non-imigrant O visa in Thailand, and if so how do I do it ? I am based in Pattaya


  5. Hammer,

    How did you go? It seems like a good option for people arriving you can arrange your forwarded mail address before you leave home.

    It has worked out really well Lip, they are a real friendly bunch in the office. I would reccomend them to everybody.

  6. I'm moving to Pattaya, and I wish to forward my mail there, however I won't have a permanet address untill I'm out there. and I need to put an address in the forms before I go !

    Does anybody know how easy (and how much ?) opening a PO BOX would be, or weather there is a Poste Restante in Pattaya ? (how much to collect and is it relaible ?)

    Or any other ideas ! :o


  7. I'm sure this has been asked many times before, and I do apologise. But here goes my first post. :D

    I'm looking to come to Thailand next month to buy a bar. Most owners I talked to out there, are on tourist visas.

    So the questions I ask are.

    1) If you are found running a bar on a tourist visa, can you be thrown out the country and lose everything ?

    2) Once you've bought the bar and formed a company, can you then obtain a work visa while in Thailand. Does the 2 million Baht of capital required include the value of the bar, the assets as well as any money you have in reserve.

    3) Finally Is it worth getting a Work Visa just to run a small beer bar.



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