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Posts posted by rina27

  1. hi

    I live in Bangsean....and am very borewd with itso I will try to find a place to live in Bangkok

    WIll go this weekend.........trying to do the following:

    1)check out/finding somewhere to move to (lookingg for appartment with dedicated telephoneline...must have daily easy stable access to internet)

    2)do some shopping (clothes mainly)

    3) meet a woman for a night or 2.....

    so what hotels do you reccomend and in what area?

    now....every bath counts....but im not poor but...you know what I mean, I like to have the good deals

    any help in any of the above purposes are very appreciated



    Why not shuffle down the road to Pattaya?

  2. Hello. This is my first post, so be gentle!

    My wife & I have been researching possible locations to relocate to from not so warm & sunny Ireland. Thailand featured in a recent television show here and got us thinking. The problem is my wife is addicted to her English "soaps" and has made it a condition of moving that she will be able to continue to receive them.

    Is there any way of receiving the English stations BBC and ITV in Thaliand? If so, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or advice as well as an idea of what kind of costs are involved.

    Thanks in advance.


    Coronation Street is big there.

  3. <font color='#000000'>Thailand crackdown on hazardous foods additives

    Salbutamol, antibiotics, borax, formalin, fungicides, pesticides and whitening agents found in Thai food nationwide

    PHUKET TOWN: Health authorities in Phuket have joined a national crackdown on food makers and vendors mixing toxic additives with raw and processed foods.

    Random checks at fresh markets in Thailand have turned up unacceptable levels of six banned products: salbutamol, borax, formalin, fungicides, pesticides and whitening agents.

    As a result, Public Health Ministry inspectors are being sent out in a concerted campaign involving local authorities across the country. Those found manufacturing or selling contaminated products could face fines of up to 50,000 baht.

    The campaign was announced at Phuket Provincial Health Office (PPHO) today. The Phuket Livestock Office will test the urine of pigs for salbutamol while the Phuket Fishery Office will check hatchery prawns for chemicals.

    Prompted by consumer demand for lean pork, some Thai swine breeders have taken to using salbutamol, an anti-asthma drug, which also suppoosedly enhances the appeal of raw pork by making it look redder. Over-consumption can cause muscle spasms, headaches and heart palpitations.

    Antibiotics have been detected in many samples of swine carcasses, especially in their viscera, probably as a result of overdoses of antibiotics used to cure sick animals.

    Borax, used as a preservative in minced pork, meatballs, fried fish and dried fruit, can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, exhaustion, headache, hair loss and skin rash.

    Chronic symptoms include exhaustion, lack of appetite, dry skin, eye inflammation and infection of the liver and kidneys. Consumers should avoid eating foods that seem crunchy and take a long time to digest.

    Formalin is another preservative with similar side effects including acute stomach-ache, vomiting, diarrhea and even death, if consumed in sufficient quantities.

    Direct contact with whitening agents used on bean sprouts, sliced ginger, preserved bamboo shoots and preserved durian can cause skin rashes. If ingested, bleaches can trigger infections in the mouth, throat and stomach as well as leading to backaches, headaches and vomiting.

    Source: Phuket Gazette 2003-04-24


    Hrmmm. Have you eaten already? Kin kao leow yang?</font>

  4. Thai teenagers warned not to have sex on Valentine’s Day

    ROI ET, Feb 14 (TNA) – Thai teenagers who planned to have their first sexual relationship on the Valentine’s Day should think twice, a senior provincial government doctor has warned.

    Premature sex could lead to other social problems, including teen pregnancies and the transmission of infections and diseases associated with unsafe sexual intercourse, according to the director of Roi Et provincial hospital, Dr. Wichit Wongsathana.

    First sexual encounters on the Valentine’s Day has become popular with Thai teenagers in recent years.

    But this is against Thai traditions and could lead to serious social problems, including abortions or single parents, he warned.

    Thai youngsters should not allow passionate love to replace/overshadow unconditional love for family and society as a whole, Dr. Wichit said.

    Instead, people should practise love and good-will in the Thai meaning of love and care, he said.

    The HIV infection rate among Thai teenagers has risen significantly in recent years because they are sexually active, but do not understand or practice safe sex, according to government statistics and surveys. (TNA)--E112

    bad culture for thai lady now

  5. Ok, forget your've all got your gfs and bfs for a moment, who would be the most eligable bachelor or top girl on the forum to date?

      Personally I'm 28, male, English (always a good sign) been the gym twice today, ran 3 kms on the treadmill, but almost vomited blood afterwards.  :D

    Been down the swimming pool, but just sat by the side and smoked 10 ciggys. :D

    Politely spoken, but only in Thai, swear like a trooper in my own language.

    Skint til me cash comes through in a few days so just emptied the loose change jar and went Family Mart to pay for 5 cans of beer with 10 baht coins. :D .  It was heinaken though so I feel I should get plus points for not being on the Chang.

    Huge sex drive, though directed at as many women as possible. :D

    Excellent music taste but leave all my cds piled up out of the boxes earning the nickname of 'the scratchmaster' back in the neighbourhood.

      So, overall, description of myself, a cross between a neurotic Woody Allen and an Essex Lad with a bit of culture thrown in. 

    Possibly not the best bachelor for any young lady, luckily my gf don't read this forum. :D

    So, for the girls I would nominate Shola, coz I seen her pic with the owl and that's proof for all you doubters that farang women are beautiful.:D

    I'd nominate a guy, but I don't wanna look gay or receive weird PMs so sell yourselves, what are you really like?  Are you the eligable bachelor, every womans dream?

    Ok, I will give a few shout outs for the guys, Simon43 is cashed up enough to ensure that your romantic restaurant date is not at MK, leftcross if that's him in the avatar looks like he could defend your honour if anyone starts enquiring if your a Russian lady and 'working' here, George could be the perfect Sugar Daddy lording it over the thaivisa empire, and let's not forget Random Chances for his house in the country and plentiful supply of milk and steak. :D

    Or are you the girl every man's been waiting for, the Betty Blue of Bangkok?  The Salma Hayek of Surin?

    All you guys that think your the bees knees in Thailand, let the farang girls here take a look at you and see if you would make the grade. :o

    And for all the farang girls, show these guys that your not to be overlooked on the skytrain ever again. :D

    Ok, probably a crap topic but I'm bored, bear with me.:D

    Ok, probably a crap topic

  6. Why don't they have more drinks in the bars?

    All i get to order is singha/chang/heiniken or mekong.Sure i saw a poster of some drinks in a couple of bars but nobody could really make them.Try asking for a tom collins a san francisco or something like that .I mean when you run a bar is it not supposed to sell drinks.You'll get pretty tired of drinking singha and mekong for 2 weeks straight  :o ............but it's cheap thou :D

    funny :D

  7. A person doing this would likely be a penniless, homeless beggar living in a cardboard box on the street

    Bloody Looxury! Bloody looxury!

    We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!

    you should think it yourself. :o

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