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Everything posted by bradenroger

  1. Now that the marriage equality act is approved, my Thai partner of 30 years and I have applied for a marriage certificate. We submitted all documents in Bangkok and are now scheduled to complete the marriage process in a week's time. The Registrar's Office has already called us giving us the date and time of the appointment. My partner is 60 years old, and I am 75. We were told that since I am over 70 we need to get a letter/document?? from a doctor to confirm that that I am competent and willing without any coercion (my words) to get married. This letter has to come from a Thai government hospital. We have been to all government hospitals in Pattaya and none of them seem to understand what we are requesting. We are going to BKK tomorrow to check out the hospitals there. My question is, has anyone on the forum gotten such competency document and which hospital did you go to to get it. As a Thai government hospital is required, we cannot use Pattaya Bangkok Hospital (my regular hospital) for this purpose. I'm grateful to anyone sharing their experience/thoughts. Thanks so much and best wishes, Roger
  2. Hello, can anyone please tell me if the mushrooms that I have found after the Pattaya rains are edible? Many thanks for any advice. Roger
  3. I wish to concur regarding Dermovate. It has been one of the few, if not the only med. that helps my psoriasis - a sufferer since I was 9 years old - now 73 so do the math. A dermatologist in Colombia introduced this med to me many, many years ago. It comes as a cream, ointment and also in liquid form which is fantastic for scalp psoriasis. There are now a number of very strong meds to take orally but can cause more damage than good(i.e. Methotrexate). I have used the oral meds. with fantastic results but this is not recommended for the long term. The derm. can explain all the oral meds available if you express interest. Since I started living in the tropics many years ago, my psoriasis has pretty much disappeared except for mild plaques on my scalp.......I would also like to recommend a fabulous cream that my dermo in BKK recommended for my neuropathic itch. It is a urea based cream that is a super moisturizer. It might help with any itching that you might have. Good luck, buddy. L. Roger Braden
  4. Thanks so very much for all the comments and recommendations so far. For Khun Sheryl, I believe that I am borderline diabetic according to my primary physician in the US. I take Metformin daily and from my blood tests, it seems to be under control. Thanks again.
  5. Around 2 years ago I developed an incredible itch which endless scratching did not alleviate it. After using a number of OTC creams, an astute pharmacist told me that I probably had a neuropathic itch so creams or ointments would not be of any use. My itching seems to be confined to the back of my neck and my elbows, especially my right elbow. The itch is unpredictable in both its frequency and intensity. I have a bright young dermatologist at Ramatibhodi Hospital in BKK who has been doing his best to help me. I am taking Pregabalin 75mg. at night and Selrotine 50 mg. in the morning. These meds have helped but I still have the extreme itching from time to time every day. It is worse at night but the meds I believe are helping me sleep. From what I can read on the internet my meds are the ones most recommended and it seems that the neuropathic itch is a life sentence. I don't know what caused me to become afflicted at my age. I am 74. I'm writing to solicit any information or experiences that any of my forum colleagues might have had about this annoying problem. Thank you so very much. L. Roger Braden
  6. Just want to thank all of you for your kind assistance. Exactly what I needed to know. Very best to everyone. Roger
  7. Grateful if anyone can help me find the attached small light bulbs. They fit into the line of lights over my sink and over my stove extractor. Thanks a million. Rogerlightbulb.mht lightbulb.docx
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