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Posts posted by Alexuk

  1. Hi mate of U book savanvegas casino & hotel they have Free minibus service from mukdahan bus station(when u enter to bus station on the left a cross from bay's) to hotel and if u ask them nicely they will take u to Thai embassy for free too for make application and collect ur passport next day! Hotel is ok u can have look on their web site make a booking true agoda will be cheaper! Driven to there it's fine dual carriage way all the way watch out motorbikes as plenty from Laos :):)

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  2. Hi mate just advice When u apply for a British passport for ur son don't forget add letter from ur wife saying there is no problems by her side to issue a British passport to(name of child........ )Stating that she is the MOTHER! Dated and signed!

    Only for this letter I have to wait and get new appointment after 3 months date I have applied! They are not requesting this when u apply but asking u 2-3 months later!! After 3 and half months still no sign of my daughter passport !! Good luck

  3. Hi damsurin! First of good luck with all visa stage u will go trough ! Just question and info to u I was trying to book English test at Siam they told to my gf can't just book a test u have to study with them for a week or two then when they are sure that person can pass test then put u trough real test ! Which cost 15000 baht!! Did u come to this stage yet? If u did what did u do? Any info will be appreciated mate! Tb test cost 3300baht it can be done 1 day booking advance advise able ! iom Bangkok post-175435-14208679994255_thumb.jpg

  4. Hello all I'm a bit confused here! Goin thailand October all paper work ready Including passport form ! As countersign I'm going to get my friend to sign it ( who knows me past 11 years and know my daughter but he never been in thailand ) he is local business owner! My miss send me photos all ready! And Thai birth certificate translate going to be done in Bangkok when I get there!

    My question is if my friend sign this form and photos! Is it going to be ok? And as my adress I put uk adress is it ok ? Has Anybody done it same as me?! And payment bit how is I should put down ? I put my debit card details! Can anybody advise me pls!!

  5. Hello all i need some help and info.. I want to get British passport to my Thai born daughter (1) year old. she have Thai passport allready ! And I was there when she born she have my name on birth certificate ! I'm not married yet! My gf and daughter in thailand now! I'm in uk I just started new job as I can't take any holidays at the moment.Can I (we)apply for her passport while I'm in uk or I need to be in thailand ?? Do I need register her birth at embassy and if I need to do this can I do this online? Any info will be a periacated ! Thanks

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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