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Posts posted by lipupfatty

  1. There is a translation service just over the road from the Embassy.

    As you come out of the Embassy,over the other side of the road,walking towards the BTS station,is a small mall.

    On the second floor is a small translation shop,that will do exactly what you need.

    I enquired about a marriage certificate translation and they quoted me 400 baht which would only take them an hour to do.

    They also said they would translate it plus get it certified by the MFA,i think from memory it was around 1200-1400 baht and would be around 2 days.

    P.s ,when I first went there it looked like it was closed,because they pulled the shutter on the front halfway down,but I called out to them,and they opened it up,i just thought that I would mention it,as once inside,the owner(I think),was very friendly and helpful.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Don't know if it's any help,but tukcom in pattaya has a few security type shops there,that I think sell trackers.

    Have you tried panthip plaza in Bangkok?

    MBK has a few shops on the 4th floor mixed amongst the mobile phone shops,that might have what you want.

    Good luck.

  3. Hello All, I was off to a good start on hydro grown NuMex Big Jim, the younger

    brother of the Anaheim chili made famous by Mr. Ortaga.( a few of his products

    are available at Villa, Soi 33)

    I ended up in the Gov. hospital here in Korat for over a week with a leg infection

    and my thriving plants went by the way side. A neighbor lady watered all my chili

    plants(also serranos) but ran out of nutrients to feed the plants. Plants growing in

    coir need their food, not just water. After getting back home, I had to stay off my

    leg for 3 more weeks, so no nutes were mixed up or used to feed the plants, I gust

    wrote off the crops and was glad I still had a leg.

    The first picture is one of my plants that took it in the shorts. It would have been a

    good harvest otherwise.

    The second and third pic's are of Big Jim's from www.chiliseedsusa.com and the

    fourth pic also from them is the 2011 World Record longest chili, also a BJ.

    The last pic is a hyb. anaheim type chili that I'm trying to source some seed for the

    my next growing season.


    hope you are up and about and fully recovered.

    let us all know how you are doing with the chillies.

    the long red ones in the picture look very similar to what we bought last year,dried and kept the seeds,hope to try to get them to grow,

    i can tell you they were the sweetest tastiest chillie i've ever tasted.

    good luck to you.

  4. wow! 3000 trees, thats a lot of pappaya!

    we don't grow them here to sell ourselves,but have about 8 in our back garden,they just sprung up!

    asked the wife how long to grow before fruiting to a decent size,and she did'nt really know.

    she guessed from a seed about 18 months to 2 years,but not forgetting that we don't water them,feed them,etc,just leave them to nature,so might not be of any use to you.

    here in the south there really is no season for fruiting ,we get large fruits on the tree all year round.

    good luck with your trees anyway,hope all goes to plan.

  5. That picture you have cyclone j,is the type we seem to get here a lot at the moment.

    And boy,do they get through some leaves.

    Only particular leaves though.

    Just had a look at only 2 of my plants and had 3 munching away!

    Carefully removed them,(they like to cling on),and put them the other side of the wall.

    I'm sure they'll be back.

    I must find a spray to keep them away.

  6. Go through an agent, many private landlords wont return deposits. Check for cinstruction close by

    As the above poster said,i too have always had hassle when dealing with a private landlord regarding the return of the deposit,verbal promises mean nothing to some people.

    Never rented through an agent,but if others have and recommend,then maybe thats a better option,good luck.

  7. Get a structural engineer who certifies which are load-bearing walls and which are not. Get a professional firm that removes the non-load-bearing walls, without causing any nuisance to your neighbours, trying to minimise as much as possible any inconvenience to them.

    Please listen to this advise,tapping the walls with a set of pliers to listen for a different sound is not going to give you the answer that you are looking for,Morakot has it right,and as another poster previously said,don't look for this advise on the internet,then go ahead with possible serious consequences,it a'int worth it.

    Get professional advise..............and good luck.

  8. Thanks for the info. gents,as i want to repaint my house in the next few months.

    Do you recommend TOA paints,as i have not done much research,and i'm not sure what the contractor used when my house was first built,(about 6 years ago),but it's badly faded-i suppose no surprise in this climate.

  9. I'd love to see my late father's reaction to all the ribbons/medals on show here; army WWII (Pacific), he spent his working life and retirement in paid/then volunteer work for returned servicemen's welfare, and had many a tale of men being caught out on their war 'stories' and (far) more seriously, wearing a medal or ribbon they were not entitled to.

    But that was another era, when they were earned, not found in a corn flakes box as they appear to be now.

    Spot the difference (some may say - is there one)



    Ha,Ha....Great find mate.

  10. The motorbike was clearly marked at the top of page 1 on the inventory,so we did'nt try to sneak it in, also the customs officer said my wife was allowed to bring it in,but it had to be in her name,easy to fix with hindsight.

    Yes,i tried suggesting it "dissappearing",but they said no can do.

    Not wanting to sound like one of those boring old Farang wearing rose tinted glasses and insisting that everything in Thailand is 100% fantastic :

    BUT :

    The Thai Customs Department is now FAR more corruption free than it was even just 5 years ago (I deal with them on Imports many times a month) - so I do not really think your complaint about a "Mafia" can in any way be supported.

    They based their assessment for Import Duty on the facts - the facts being that you tried to Import something into Thailand under the guise that it was your wifes' personal property when the documentation failed to support that claim, the Customs Department detected the (apparent) attempt to avoid Tax and are now charging Duty at whatever the rate should have been had you Imported it under your own name.

    Nor is it at all sensible for you to suggest the Customs Department make the item "disappear" or send it back to the originating Country and expect them to allow that with no penalty. Facts again. You tried to Import something under false pretences - not an exact analogy but suppose you imported illegal drugs and were apprehended at the Airport ..... would you expect to be able to say "Wow, this stuff is illegal in Thailand? Really? OK, sorry you can keep it - or I'll send it back home on the next plane, no play no foul. Can I go now?"?

    Finally, you should get a formal Government Receipt for both the Import Duty and the associated VAT - if you do not get that then, yes, you can cry foul but I am willing to bet you will get a Receipt for whatever you eventually have to pay.


    attempting to smuggle drugs and an oversight on paperwork are in slightly different leagues in IMO.

  11. I can't be a lot of help here I'm afraid, but do be aware that whilst you're not paying the requested duty / tax / special fee you're container is racking up 'storage' fees at some unholy rate. It may actually end up cheaper to cough now sad.png

    Yes thats correct,and of course they know it.

    The last free day is on the 6th of march,so i may well have to pay up and be taught a painfull lesson.

  12. "I previously shipped some household goods,again a 20ft container about 7 years ago,without any hassle,so why so much over a name on a piece of paper."

    Was that shipment also in your wife's name? If I recall correctly, the concession to allow a Thai citizen to repatriate goods duty free extends to one shipment only, in which case Customs would be within their rights to charge duty on the whole lot. It's 3.1/2 years since my wife and I did it, so I may be wrong, but I'm sure there was something to that effect in the regulations.

    You may well be right about the regulations,as i read something similar before,but i previously sent it in my name,and had to pay an "under the table" figure of about 5000 baht to change the paperwork here to save a lot on tax.

  13. I guess the kind of have you over a barrel, so to speak.

    They know it will be expensive and prohibitive to send it all back just to remove the motorcycle and try again. They figure you won't do that.

    It is now a Poker game. They think they are holding Aces...and in reality, they are. They don't want the bike. They have plenty. They want the cash.

    They will come back with a new number, probably 100k, and you will counter at 40k, and you will agree at around 70k.

    You are hold and 8,2 off suite...not a time to bluff.

    Negotiate....and congratulations. You just paid for your MBA in the intricacies of Thai customs.

    Good luck.

    if i can get it for 70k,i will bite their arm off!

    You may have to be patient, or at least appear that way. Don't appear overly agitated and desperate. Look like you may send it all back and they get nothing.

    Not sure how the motorcycle thing will play out though as they really have you here.

    Might be a hybrid solution that they keep the bike and you pay 50k.

    Good Luck...and remember your table image. Cool and stable.

    50k sounds even better, I wish it was you i was dealing with! But they seem pretty firm around the 150000k-200000k mark,and i will start to be charged storage after 6th march.

  14. I guess the kind of have you over a barrel, so to speak.

    They know it will be expensive and prohibitive to send it all back just to remove the motorcycle and try again. They figure you won't do that.

    It is now a Poker game. They think they are holding Aces...and in reality, they are. They don't want the bike. They have plenty. They want the cash.

    They will come back with a new number, probably 100k, and you will counter at 40k, and you will agree at around 70k.

    You are hold and 8,2 off suite...not a time to bluff.

    Negotiate....and congratulations. You just paid for your MBA in the intricacies of Thai customs.

    Good luck.

    if i can get it for 70k,i will bite their arm off!

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