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Everything posted by btwretail

  1. I was wondering if anyone here has every imported a Virtual Pinball Machine to Thailand (from Aliexpress) I would like to get this one: https://www.alibaba.com/premium/amusement+machine.html?from=rtbHourse&field=UG&src=rtbHourse&mark=drm0611&tagId=1600832382819&product_id=1600832382819&pcate=201926401&cid=201926401&campaign_id=37862&ad_group_id=160818&utm_source=rtbhouse&utm_medium=retargeting&utm_campaign=rtbhouse-retargeting&rtbhc=WqOsL6X9nJnGgpaK0FGvJgJ9GoxFm-9n0Sm5iU0KbAM.1600832382819.1704446519730 The Machine is for private use and costs just under THB 100K. The seller on Aliexpress says 500 USD will be added for shipping and import tax. (Door to door delivery) I am however uncertain if this is true and worried my order will get stuck in customs... demanded to pay some huge extra amount. Any chance anyone have experience with AliExpress and this kind of orders?
  2. Hi, Thank for your reply. My name is not in the company. I was just worried that I could have inherited any problems as her husband. Also I dont want her sisters to have problems. However, also asked my lawyer just now and he said not to worry. He says nothing will happen to anyone and the company will be closed 3 years after not filing. The accountant however says the shareholders will be punished and the company must be closed properly. But she also has only money on her mind.
  3. Hi, I am in the following situation: - My wife passed away last year. - She was shareholder of a company (owned 98%) and 2 of her sisters 1% each. My wife was the director of the company. - The company has been dormant for 7 years. - After wife's death the yearly reporting has not been reported. - I do not have contact with her sisters. Basically all they wanted from my wife and I was money. I have contacted the accountant and she suggests I contact the two sisters to have them close the company. The accountant is really terrible and I suspects sees a way to make money through me. She suggests I pay for the closure as the 2 shareholders will not pay. Question: Can I as the husband get caught in all of this? What can happen to the sisters, if they do nothing in relation to the company (which they will)? I worry they might seek revenge or something. Any advice would really be appreciated.
  4. And here is what the Thai guys wife has told police and media: On Monday, Ms Lakhana recalled what happened next. She and her husband assumed the occupants of the car were looking for directions. However, suddenly the men emerged from it shouting and behaving aggressively. 34-year-old Mr Raymond Bugeya began punching her husband on the street. Mr somkhuan retreaded from his attacker who pursued and punched in the head, collapsing him. The Thai man, wearing a black T-Shirt and blue shorts, attempted to flee into a local shop on the roadside, the Wassana shabu shop. However, he chased down and Mr Somkhuan received a critical blow at this point leading him to fall to the ground, hitting his head on the pavement. (Wonder where she learnt to lie like that)
  5. Fighting is also skill and knowing your limits. I weigh 102kg and can throw a fairly hard punch. That does not change the fact that my boxing trainer at 62kg would beat the <deleted> out of me in a fight. If I had been knocked down in one punch like the Thai was in this case, I am pretty sure I would have just stayed down and let the French guy just walk away. Instead he wanted to keep fighting and got punished for it. Had he not been unlucky and hit is head badly on the pavement, most would have said "Ohh well he asked for it".
  6. Not saying anything justifies what the French guy did. Just saying that this was NOT an unprovoked attack on an innocent peaceful Thai-guy. And the media is for sure not showing it in the right perspective.
  7. The video can be found in the previous tread. Basically it shows them standing face to face and the Thai kicking the French guy first. The French guy then knocks him down in one punch... and tries to leave. But the Thai guy gets up and attacks the French guy by kicking him again. The Thais wife told the police that her husband was attacked with no reason at all and was even trying to hide in a shop. Complete and total BS! She also claimed they both attacked him, which is also not true. My point here is not that the French guy should not be punished, but the media claiming this was a total unprovoked attack is simply just wrong. And they have been very smart to cut away the first part, which clearly shows the Thai guy could have walked away from the beating at any time.
  8. Situation: - Have a 8 year old son with my Thai wife - We were not married, when he was born - My name is on the birth certificate and our son has 2 passports. - My wife has liver cancer As I understand it, I currently have no legal rights to my son, as he was born before we married. Due to the situation with my wife illness, we both want to ensure I get full custody of our son ASAP. How is the best and most simple way to do this? Anyone know? What happens if my wife dies before I get full custody? Would really appreciate any help/advice.... Thanks!
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