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Posts posted by abjinthai

  1. Hello,

    Two friends (American/35, Japanese/32) have overstayed their visas by 9 months. Reasons uncontrollable, got conned. Anyways, they each have their 20,000Bt to pay for the overstay, but were thinking of going to Malaysia by train and clearing the overstay then returning with a tourist visa.

    My question is...

    Will they have trouble leaving and reentering Thailand if they leave and clear the overstay at a border cross on land?

    Also, do they need to show how much money they have to embassy officials to apply for a Thai tourist visa?

    Thank you very much.

  2. Sa-chan,

    Regarding the condo, you have to be more specific about the area you want to live, where does your husband work, where will you work, or will you, Sukhumvit is usually where Japanese people stay, it all depends on how much you want to pay. I think since you don't know BKK, you'd better let your husband or whatever search for the condominium. Are you the one paying for it? Are you a man or a woman? Anyways, good luck again.

  3. I was born in America and lived there for 19 years, stayed in Japan for 5 and have spent the last 11 years here in Thailand.

    Personally, I prefer Thailand, though it has its ups and downs just like anywhere else. If I ever get sick of the downs, I can always move away.

    I suggest you stay where you are if you're happy there. It all depends on what you want in life. It's just the way you perceive things. You may like it here, you may not. Have you visited Thailand at all, if not, maybe you should make a trial stay and see.

    But, with such a negative outlook on things, I don't think you'd be happy anywhere...Or are you?

    Why would you even think about moving here if you were happy where you are, right?

    We're all searching for Paradise on Earth...and I think I'm here.

  4. What you need my friend is a better diet and some exercise.

    My perfect weight is around 63 kilos, but during my 11 years here and all the beers and delicious foods I've had, I went up to 82 kg. Just walking up 4 flights of stairs exhausted me even before I started work in the morning. So I decided enough was enough.

    What I've done for the first part of my own diet was to reduce the number of beers, colas, sweets and meats that I ate and added more veggies, fruits, peas, beans & nuts, brown rice, eggs and fish. I followed this diet for 4 months and lost 8 kilos. No exercise until I got used to the diet.

    I cut all meats out of my diet except for fish and had a few beers once a week during this time.

    This past month, I started to jog and am now at 3.5 km every other day and have lost another 3 kilos in the past month.

    I feel much better now, both physically and mentally and will continue my diet and exercise. It just takes a bit of will power and I believe a bit of meat or beers here and there just to relax wouldn't hurt too much. I've been kinda strict on myself so I haven't eaten any pork, chicken or beef for the past 4 months.

    The diet and exercise also helps your body to discard all of the toxins it has built up and aids in boosting your metabolism and immune system.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Dear Sa-chan,

    There is the Japanese Association in Thailand, who should be able to help you. The address is 1st Floor Sathornthani Bldg. II at 92/2 North Sathorn Rd, 10500 Tel. 0-2236-1201 / Fax 0-2236-1131  or

    7th Fl. Citi Resort, Sukhumvit 39 Annex at 181/9 Soi Sukhumvit Rd, 10110 Tel. 0-2662-4948-9 / Fax 0-2662-4948

    homepage: www.jat.or.th

    e-mail: [email protected]

    You can contact the following school for your child, they should be able to help you out.

    ・住    所  THAI JAPANESE ASSOCIATION SCHOOL                   258 SOI 17 RAMA 9 ROAD, BANGKAPI, HUAYKWANG BANGKOK10310 THAILAND                

    ・事 務  室 TEL;02-314-7797~8 FAX;02-319-2251


    ・小学部職員室 TEL;02-314-7334   FAX;02-319-5458

    ・中学部職員室 TEL;02-314-7335   FAX;02-319-6620

    Sorry, but can't help you with condos.

    Good luck Sa-chan

  6. Thanks pschef and george!

    I'm working here with a work permit, but the question was for my mom, who, since all her kids have all started working, was thinking about coming over to live in Thailand to be with her two grandsons and had asked me to check about the insurance situation.

    Thanks again for the advice.

  7. Hello Sakurachan,

     I'm an American born Japanese and have had a dual citizenship since I was born. I used my American passport when I went to Japan when I was 19, my visa was about to expire and I went to extend it. I showed immigration in Japan that I was also a Japanese citizen, so they told me I didn't need to extend my visa and that I could stay in Japan without one.

     After 5 years in Japan, I left for Thailand and tried to use my American passport to leave, but immigration said I couldn't use it and told me to use my Japanese passport to leave Japan. This was when I was 24.

     During that time, I worked using my Japanese passport with a work permit in Thailand and went back to the states for a while after I had one child in Thailand with my Thai wife. I used my Japanese passport to go to the states and came back to Thailand using my American passport. I am now using my American passport with my work permit and my 2 kids have dual citizenship, Thai and America.

     I will also apply for a Japanese citizenship for my kids soon.

     It's very confusing having a number of citizenships, but I personally was never asked by Japan or the US to give up my citizenships to either country, even though I informed immigration in both countries of my dual citizenship. I have a friend who has 3 citizenships (American, Thai and Swiss), but he has bought a house in Thailand and he's 35. Don't know the legal aspects of all of this, but I'd better find out soon.

     The reason I'm writing is just to let you know that in Japan they never told me that I had to give up my citizenship, so I still have both at 34.

     I wondering if the laws have changed since I left Japan.

     I'm sure I've confused you enough, but just to let you know my situation.

  8. Hello everyone,

    Is it be possible for me to export auto parts through my company which was registered as a cosmetics exporter?

    Also, would I have problems with the invoice, receipt, taxes, etc...?

    Can I use the same smart card that I received through customs, which is also registered as a cosmetics exporter?

    If not, can someone please offer me some advice?

    I hope I don't have to form another company, my present one isn't doing that well as it is.

    Could I possibly add that to my company description? (ie. Cosmetics & Auto parts exporter) Should I have registered my company, in the first place, as just a plain exporter?  

    Thank you.

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