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Posts posted by djrm

  1. Almost all years, early April is fine. Also, even when it's quite bad, many people don't even notice it.

    There is actually a good chance that Bangkok will have worse air around that time, yet you never hear people about that. This forum is very vocal on the issue.

    I'd make the decision closer to that time, and then decide if you want to go North or South.

    Personally I'm planning to be back in Chiang Mai around that same time.

    Lovely, thanks for that! Other option is to go up north the last few days of the month so end of April and go down south first. Hmmmm decisions.

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  2. Hey everyone, first post here so go easy ;) Planning my second trip to Thailand arriving for one month on 3rd April. After two nights in Bangkok is was thinking about heading up to Mai or Rai but after reading so much about the smog I just don't know what to do!! When i came around the same time 11 years ago to Chiang Mai I didn't recall the smog at all (could be my bad memory) but seems to be a factor this time.

    You think it's still worth it or should I just not bother?

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