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Posts posted by tt61

  1. I'm sure this topic has been up before but I just can't seem to find it. I'm looking for someone who can do stickers, logotyped t-shirts and caps etc. I'm not looking for amateur shops the likes of which you find in Big C etc., but someone who can produce on a larger scale. It would be nice if I had to use only one shop/company for all my needs so if you know of any please let me know.


  2. No such thing as good pizza in Thailand. Only paper thin bases with a few scaps they call toppings, or the plastic tasting crap that the 2 major chains put out.

    Let me guess ... An American ... or 'shudder OZ' :o

    Guess you never been to Naples Billy Bob or Norm.


    Yes of course he's American. Who else would misspell KETCHUP as CATSUP :D Jingthing's the same guy I think who was thrown out and barred from Simons Fish&Chips in Jomtien because of his freebie beer coupon. :D

    This calorie consumption has me a little worried...I mean Simon's fish/chips (1300 cals), Pizzas (1200 cals)...unless you go for the low-calorie San Mig Light instead of Beer Singh, Chang or Heineken (150 Cals/bottle) this'll add even more bulge to the belly. I think these eating habits are more a rule than an exception amonst the Pattaya expat community.

    Get in touch and we'll pop out for a nice 10 k run along Jomtien beach rd in the morning. Will do us (and all the rest of the unfit beer drinking and pizza eating expats) very good!

    Agree with the poster who says we should lose all the fast food crap joints in LOS, they only make us and and our slim companions fatter by the minute..

  3. My reasons for not buying a house is simply my strong urge to remain a butterfly man. I cannot imagine buying a house in a wife's name, thus being forced to live out my days with her just to protect my investment. Been outside of my country for many many years and like a car that's getting old I must change gf when she's closing in on 30..Sounds harsh but for me it's the best way to stay young in body and mind.

    I'm sure many would consider me the lowest of lowlifes for having this attitude but it's taken me this far without too many problems. And I've always got a nice young honey by my side to cheer me up. :o

  4. Well, being a pro photographer he will carry a sizeable bag with camera gear. He could probably just go on a tourist visa and nobody will notice, but it would be interesting from a legal standpoint if this is considered work according to Thai law?

    Only difference between him and a regular tourist is that he will have to pay some people to get the desired photos, but since this is paying and not receiving I cannot see how that could be interpreted as work in a legal sense. Perhaps I'm wrong. More comments please.

  5. I have a friend who is a photographer. He is going to Thailand to do some photo shoots of people. He sometimes is made to pay in order to be allowed to take a picture (people, buildings etc.) as in many other countries. He will then return home and publish these photos in a travel book he is making.

    My question is, does this constitute as work? In my opinion working in Thailand means actually gaining some sort of revenue for services rendered. This guy will not make any money in Thailand, only when he gets home and after the book is published.

    As far as I interpret the law he will be doing nothing more in Thailand that the average tourist taking pictures. Only difference is he will profit from them after, but surely this has nothing to do with Thailand and Thai law, or...?

    Can he do what he intends coming in on a tourist visa?


  6. Koh Samet in #1 for relaxation and good beaches. Haven't seen better beaches anywhere in Thailand. Only thing was when I was there in February there was lots of oil spill in the water so we left after one day. Generally, as in all Thailand, garbage collection and processing just don't work. They generally dump their waste in the backyard of the bungalow village so if you want to stay there try to get a room near the beach, as far from the smelly garbage as you can.

    For accomodation, no need to pre-book as some posters insist on (unless you go there on a weekend). Just take the 7:30 minibus from Pattaya and you get to Samet around 10-10:30 in the morning, with plenty of time to snoop around. Before I always stayed at Sai Kaew Villa, but not anymore. They're B700 for a fan room and B1500 for AC. Their pillows are by far the worst neck breakers I've encountered in my life. About the size of a small tree trunk and just as hard, made from plastic..Do not stay in Ploy Talay either unless you care to listen to their 120db mustic from the disco (rooms right behind the disco). Also they dump all their garbage right outside the rooms. I would agree with the poster recommending Jep's. Last time in June I paid B1100 for AV with breakfast buffet included (a good one). Beware that the bungalows are built surrounded by jungle so mosquitoes could be an issue (at least in the rainy season). But still recommended.

    For nightlife, there isn't much but in the evening most people tend to gather at the Silver Sands bar that has an open air dance floor and a good drinks menu. The hamburge lady makes real nice cheeseburgers for B70.

    I agree that you should try to get a few people waiting for a boat in Ban Phe together and share a speed boad. Turns out about B200 per pax (as compared to B50 for the slow boat that NEVE leaves on time as the trucks keep coming and coming and coming with endless supplies for food, drinks, building material etc etc for the island and the slow boat always waits for them all...) and as someone mentioned chances are you can avoid the ridiculous B400 national park fee (paying for what? not to keep the place clean anyway...)

  7. Try Ma Maison, Beach Rd. Soi 13. about 100 meters up the soi on your left. Rooms about 1200b/night, a small weel run family type hotel (but mind you no problem bringing guests). A 12*4m pool surrounded by a few deck chairs and palm trees. 2 Storeys. And yes, Pattaya's best steaks for 300b. A real nice hotel and quiet at night.

  8. Some small things that get to me in the long run....I know, easy to swap gf but...

    "I lub you too mut, but no have money. Can gib nit noy?"

    "Oh me like skirt (or shirt or shoe) too mut, can buy for me?"

    "Oh me lazy too mut, why you crazy walk 100 meter when hab motobike?"

    "Mama me hab big problem, no hab money, can gib?"

    etc, etc...

    Suppose you guys who never heard these comments are the lucky ones..


  9. I am refurbishing my condo and am getting rid of lots of stuff (furniture, tv etc.) in good condition. I would like to send it to gf's house outside of Buriram, but I do't know how to get it there in the smoothest most effective way without paying a fortune for it.

    Anyone's got any good tips?


  10. I don't have a phone line in my condo in VT2 in Jomtien, nor do I plan to get one, as I think my cell phone is enough for the few phone calls I make. I do need internet access, however. My question: is it possible to get wireless access from this building (subscribing to a public wireless internet access provider etc.)? If not I suppose the only option is to use the cyber cafe...

    Also does anyone know if in Thailand it is necessary to have an active phone subscription in order to subscribe to an ADSL connection? What I mean is that in many western countries it is sufficient to have the phone wires and the plug since ADSL does not require an active phone connection (only the appropriate ADSL equipment installed in the exchange).


  11. Thanks all you guys who provided input. It seems all of you agree that it is a quiet place. I currently have a condo in VT2 (busy) and quiet is actually what I'm looking for. So in that regard the Metro seems a good bet. It's distant, true, but I suppose that's the price you have to pay for the quietude.

    The maintenance fee of 11000b a year is stiff but I've seen the normally cheap VT's creeping up there as well. VT5 is 7200b year and I believe VT6 and VT8 will cost even more.

    The unit I've been looking at is a one bed on 36:th floor, 110 Sq.m. refurbished and very fresh, 8.5 million b.

    Again thanks for all the comments, highly appreciated


  12. I am planning to purchase a condo in the Metro Jomtien building (on the Jomtien / Na Jomtien border, Jomtien beach rd.). Before I go ahead I'd like to know if any of you can tell me a bit about the place. Maintenance, security, facilities, shops etc, etc.

    I would appreciate any information that would faciliate for me to make my decision whether to buy or not.


  13. Had a similar experience once in Patpong in one of the infamous hair dressing saloons where I went for a "special" haircut. Ended up with her giving me her everlasting love. I gave it, naturally. Funny thing was, as soon as I declared my "everlasting" love for her, perhaps 2 seconds later, she burped up that her old lung (uncle) had terminal cancer and had to go for urgent treatment abroad and that I was a heaven sent angel of mercy who could save the old lung if I chipped up the measly sum of 80000 Bht. Sweet mouth that I am I quickly promised her the sum, told her that I'd go get the cash at the atm around the corner. Told her to wait for me. She told me she'd wait for me "for ever". Poor little thing, she's probably still standing there with her outstretched hand and round innocent eyes waiting for the handsome man that gave her a bit of her own medicine. :o

  14. Given the recent turbulence regarding the future of the TE membership I sent them an email to try to get some clarification. I am a member so I asked my personal representative. She confirmed to me that changes are pending and will take effect soon. And there will be changes to the privileges. As my sole interest in the TE membership is the visa I specifically asked her about that. She assured me that no changes will be made to the visa privileges for existing TE members.

    Take it for what it is but that is the info I got from TE directly.


  15. I am currently renting a unit in VT5 Jomtien. Some True reps. were here selling internet connections to condo owners/rentees. I know it doesn't exist here, but perhaps in other condos/residences around Pattaya/Jomtien/Nakhlua. What I would like to see is a wi-fi connection that all residents of a condo can detect and connect to (subject to a subscription fee), saving individual internet subscriptions. For example here in VT5 this could be managed by the internet cafe in the basement or similar.

    To do this you need to mount external antenna amplifiers around the building to provide equal signal strength to all floors, and units.

    Do these solutions exist already anywhere in the region or do you think it is something residents would welcome? Advantages being minimal maintenance to the resident as all technical stuff is taken care of by the local wi-fi provider.

    Just an idea...

  16. Agree that must stay in new wing at sunshine. The hotel's also got a real good restaurant outside on the patio (cofee shop and internet cafe also) that serves good farang and thai food and gives you a great view of the passing nocturnal butterfly populace.

    can also recommend Eastiny Hotel, right next to Sunshine. Actually like that more than sunshine. Great pool, no joiner fees and nice staff.

    Nowadays I always stay o Soi 10, much more quiet, sea views etc. Sawadee seaview or Eastiny Residence are both great hotels, Eastiny better cause it has w-lan on 7:th floor, nice pool and a great bacon&egg breakfast. Bit expensive (1300b/night in high season) though.

  17. I plan to leave my condo (view talay 2) empty for at least 3 months. I know that many have had problems with mildew, termites etc. so I wanted to draw on your experiences with respect to this. What is the best way to prepare your condo before leaving so that it remains inhabitable when you return?


  18. Good food but there are plenty more with equally good, if not better food, BBQ, ribs etc. included. Henry J Beans, Sizzlers, Beefeater, etc. They're all on the pricey side but you generally get what you pay for.

    And the thai chicken & rice guy on second rd. outside family mart next to wonderful bar serves excellent food (and you can get the sweet&sour sauce in family mart). 60baht..

  19. Hi,

    I'll be in Pattaya from Jan 12. I'm looking for a squash partner for 2-4 games per week in Pattaya. I consider myself advanced having played in the 2:nd division in my national league. I'm 44 so past my prime but can still play a decent game.

    Get in touch here or send me a mail so I can get in touch when I arrive.

    Cheers, T

  20. I've tried so many I've lost count. I really don't know which is the best one but one that ranks amongst the best is the Explorer Internet Cafe on Beach Road, between Soi 9 and Soi 10, right next to the real estate shop and very close to the new view talay high rise condo. recommended. 1.5b/min, 1b/m for card members.

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