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Posts posted by townville

  1. I think you can get a discount from the Hotels prices if you make them an offer. As they have low percentage fill rate at the moment.

    :) you think complete wrong. I even was never there but I know few people which was and was very satisfied.

    Beside because of low tourists you can negotiate on most hotels your price. I no need any provision or discount you mean, but why not help and give a tip for free if you can? maybe one day we need a free tip too? Don't think so short otherwise this thai visa don't make sense asking for help and tips, right?

    How do you know he has any tips?

    He made a valid statement.

    I would say around LK Metro for Guesthouses.

    There is a lot there and would snap your arm off for 400B.

    I used to stay above the Real Estate shop top end of Diana,Jack Master(038429683)

    Or even up Chaiapoom across Backhao past Oasis,just had the road resurfaced i hear.

    I am quite certain you can use the pool in the hotel LK Metropole for 50-100B per day.

    All the best hope everything works out for your Mrs.

    Sorry IMO you are behind the times. Nowadays I don't know of even 1 place on LKMetro that will offer you a room for 400 BHT on a Weekly basis, plus not even 1 have their own pool.My mate is leaving tonight for a 17 day stay and always stays at Jack Master and again even for this length of stay he pays, in advance, a lot more than 400 a night and again no pool.You are correct in saying you can use the Metropole/Areca/Mikes mall pools at a price.

    Many good rooms now available on Soi Lengkee and Chayapoon but not at 400 a night. :D

  2. Thai friends do not tip in restaurants and will not allow me to tip. What do you think? Do Thai waiters think farangs are crazy to leave 10% tips?

    It depends on what type of restaurants/shops. If you eat in a small noodle shop, generally you don't have to tip. If you eat in a pricier place generally you have to tip, good rule is to look at people that eat there whether they tip.

    Then there are hotel restaurants which automatically add on 10 % to your bill whether the service warrant for it or not :o

    Just a large point where is it written down in stone that you "HAVE" to tip ahywhere for anything,or maybe I missed the proclamation! All of us are not Yanks! :D :D :D

  3. I heard from a friend, who regularly visits soapy massage rooms in Pattaya, that there used to be quite a few Uzbech's working there. However they were not so popular with European men; who opt for the 'Asian' lady.

    They are popular with Thai men and oriental tourists (mainly Korea).

    There was a raid last year on one such establishment.

    I feel sorry for them; they stick-out with white skin and fair hair. There are so many Filipina ladies here, who just keep there mouth shut a pretend to be Thai (whilst on the pull).

    Why the f..k would you feel sorry for these skanks,they are robbing the lovely little farm fresh thai girls,let them sell there mutton back in the USSR or wherever kick em out the same as would happen to us if we got caught "Working" without the appropiate paperwork! :o:D:D

  4. Areca is a good hotel but maybe just a little far out if you want to be drinking down Walking Street.....................Welcome Plaza Hotel would be another good choice and a bit closer also has the added benefit of having the Royal Garden shopping complex directly over the road (fast food joints etc.).........you can also cut through the Royal Garden to get to beach road and from there its a short walk or baht bus trip to Walking St.


    I concur....


    Welcome to the Hotel Welcome Plaza

    Such a lovely place

    Such a lovely place

    Such a lovely face

    Plenty of room at the Hotel Welcome Plaza

    Any time of year

    Any time of year

    You can find it here

    You can find it here


    Is this place guest friendly no joiner fees??

  5. After reading the many responses to this thread it is amazing to me that nobody has even thought about the Thai bar owner who came to the assistance of this farang.Just ask yourself how many would have the guts to behave in such a manner,knowing that he might suffer some retribution at a later date.

    i for one say a very well done to this brave fellow and intend to drop by his bar in April and make my feelings known to him. :o:D:D

  6. gBurns

    My goodness how quick you are to bad mouth and automatically condemn the English Gentleman,I wonder if the guy in qestion was an Australian reject would you be so critical and speedy in rushing to judgement?

    BTW way I'd give it one if anybody thinks that's "rough" IMHO needs to visit "Top Charoen" asap.

  7. Coming over again in April/May and am seeking an apartment to rent for 1 month in the soi bukhaew/LKMetro/3 rd area any info regarding prices,recommendations,descriptions and Web-sites and E-mail details would be appreciated.

                Thanks in advance. :o  :D  :D

    Do you have a particular budget in mind?

    Approx 12,000 per month.

  8. Coming over again in April/May and am seeking an apartment to rent for 1 month in the soi bukhaew/LKMetro/3 rd area any info regarding prices,recommendations,descriptions and Web-sites and E-mail details would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance. :o:D:D

  9. Have just returned home 3 days ago after staying in this area for 4 weeks and can honestly recommend many guesthouses in the soi Bukhow/LKMetro area,all for between 400/600 price range,even cheaper if planning a stay of 2/3 weeks plus.

    Most of these places come equiped with a/c,dvd's/fridges/daily linen changes and room cleaned also daily.

    almost all also have a balcony,if interested you can PM me for further details.They are also easy access for 2nd rood or soi Bukhow baht-bus's.

  10. Snoophound

    Why on earth would you take your 13 year old niece to Pattaya in the first place,surely her reaction was not surprising to you. I take it for granted that that was not your 1st trip!

    IMHO Pattaya is not a holiday destination for any 13 year old Western girl. :o:D:D

  11. Been there,done that,albiet in the Philippines,but appears to be the same deal IMHO unless you are local and desperate for cash,forget it as you truly earn your money.Food is generally poor and hourly rate diabolical.The only winner in the entire deal,apart from the film company is the "recruiter" who scims off a percentage for each sucker provided. :o:D:D

  12. well im a contractor from very tough state and its nowhere near as bad.. BELIEVE IT

    In the origignal post you said that you are from Washingnton DC.....that's not a state....If I hire you will you drink all my liquor while I'm gone?

    Here's another one.. Dr. Patpong who do you allow on your website? A stranger presents himself as an honorable person and I get greeted by trolls? I thought there were honorable people here not TROLLS!

    I certainly don't need to discuss the logistics of my company with someone who is not interested in hiring me.. Now if you want to discuss politics start another thread. I have MBA from UPENN with Econ undergrad from UMD and I have lived inside the beltway for years.. Ill go tit for tat on topics related to Economics to Politics and mind you IM rarely wrong. Lets see called the bottom in the dollar four months prior to the iraqui election naming the election as the pivot point. Called the bottom in the Brazilian Real and called the bottom in the Boliviar.. If you know anything at all about economics but you don't know economics historian or ever read any of his books i.e. Dr. Marc Faber (classmate of Alan Greenspan) and perhaps you should he lives there in BKK but if you dont then dont even bother wasting my time..If you want to flame and act like trolls then take it to the troll board I can meet you there as well..NP I need to sharpen my skills a bit! Ill take on all of you on any of the above topics!! Come on bring it on!! Frickin Racist TROLLS.. Unbeleivable crowd here. Nice Face you put on! You should be proud of yourselves blithering fools!

    I would strongly suspect that the answer to your question as to why you are recieving a somewhat "Hostile" reception on this site is due to the fact that many members here are also members of the other site,where you have posted threads one after another,that in a lot of cases are pure and utter crap to be kind,the only logical reason that one can see for this behavior is simply your desire to see your name in print,as they do not enhance the quality of the said board one iota.

    Finally you want the members to BELIEVE that you are some kind of big contractor stateside,c'mon Tjames GET REAL. :o:D:D

  13. Haha didnt take long for Pattaya's defenders to come out..

    I think we have a difference in opinion regarding Pattaya..in my case I have standards, and in yours..well your just content with living in a HIV infested sewer, good luck to you!

    Try it though..ask any respectable Thai what they think of Pattaya...nah of course you wont..maybe too hard to open your eyes..easier living in dream land.

    Appears to me from your ramblings that you are VERY familiar with the town makes one wonder about your true motives in writing such a critical post,maybe jealousy because you can only worship from afar??? :o:D:D

  14. Manilla is a real 3rd world modern city.  Absolute squallor and filthy rich next to each other.

    Sorry guys, but when you have 7-11s haivng to get armed guards and metal detectors and bag searches to get into a shopping centre then thats not the place for me.

    Angeles?  Good for the ladies and nothing else.  Even the local expats dont walk after dark for fear of being mugged / assaulted.

    But there are far nicer places as have been mentioned above.

    But, once in the PI was enough.  Manila airport is just a shambles.

    I agree that Angeles only has one thing going for it,and that is rapidly deteriating in the standard department.So many not just "Tubby" whores about,but thanks to Jollybee etc they are downright fat and in some cases repulsive,and they also have appalling attitudes to match.

    However the comment about expats at night is just a load of <deleted>,and I lived there until recently for 13 years. :o:D:D

  15. I never knew this stuff happend so frequently.

    After living there for 13 years I can assure you these are ISOLATED occurences,and in no way reflect daily life in the PI.The armed guards are there for YOUR protection and you should not feel threatened.

    With regards to the poster who so called witnessed a german getting a shot in the head in a disco for refusal to give a cigarette well if you believe this then I suppose it's true when they say that "Smoking Kills". :o:D:D

  16. I feel for this guy. Must take some balls to stab yourself in the stomach though...Owwie

    At least he showed everyone he has guts... :D

    What a DISGUSTING remark not even remotely amusing you must truly be a sick individual. :D:D:D

    I thought it was funny!

    Ever hear of laughing in the face of disaster or bad news?

    Different folks react differently to hardship & strife - anyhow, this poor soul who stabbed himself needed a little pharmaceutical help before he took such drastic action. :o

    I to have an excellent pommy sense of humour,however I still maintain that this oversteps the bounds but each to his own. :D

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