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Posts posted by sirocco

  1. It is understood that there is a hygiene problem, but the hygiene problem was before the pandemic.
    And I didn't wait to wash my hands on all occasions.
    Hygiene is also the handling of the food we touch, the objects we inspect in all directions, the clothes we try on and blah blah blah.
    Having been to flea markets, book fairs, second-hand shops, I have often ignored hygiene.
    But I would have a hard time not leafing through a book, and it dates from my childhood.
    In my country, especially in my city, anyone wanting to get rid of a book, put it in the street, in full view of passers-by (low wall, public bench ...) and inside, it was written:
    don't throw me away, I can serve readers.
    Underneath were the initials, country or city of origin of these book enthusiasts, as well as the date that this book was taken and re-deposited.
    So hygiene is false reasoning.
    Otherwise, put on latex gloves.
    Have a good day

    • Like 1
  2. Why pretentious saleswomen?
    Because they ignored a person dressed as if they were going to the beach or emptying their trash, who was walking in a luxury store ????
    In France, there are still dress codes to be respected.
    And it is not necessary to wear luxury clothes or jewelry, but to have the correct outfit.
    Now, if your wife wanted to provoke and highlight the fact that she was badly received, Julia ROBERS is not who will.

  3. Hey! no, STEVENl, the burqa (wire mesh on the front of the face) and the niqab (veil covering the face) = enslavement - submission,
    are also prohibited in private places, but open to the public, such as banks, restaurants, cafes, small private shops, etc.
    If these women want to practice this submission, do not want to get rid of this straitjacket that hinders their freedom, they return to their country, to their hut, their hut.
    They do not deserve the countries that feed them, house them, care for them, help them financially.

  4. Lou Provencaou


    If Provence wants more information, get in touch by WEB with the French Embassy.
    Currently, an update is performed according to the wind direction.
    But the way the French play by the rules, and the number of sick and fatalities, there's a good chance Thailand will be just a memory for some.
    No, the French woman did not have a visa because she was over 50, but she was able to get the right visa, in all honesty, because her son, who was accompanying her, was in school.
    His request dated from June or July.
    This has since changed.

  5. POLPOTT,   

    It's great to have your own theory, but are you currently in Thailand?
    Certainly, in Thailand, the majority of residents wear the masks.
    I can observe it during my walks, my visits to shopping centers or mini markets.
    As for distance, I really have doubts when I see, in rare restaurants, people huddled around tables, or huddling against each other to help themselves for the umpteenth time in the salad bars.
    I regularly receive invitations for parties, I regularly receive photos of these parties.
    The last photos and the story of a Saturday night party in a large hotel were edifying.
    Under the guise of the tourism authority and local authorities, a promotion campaign was organized.
    More than 300 guests were present, without masks, except the waiters, arms around the shoulders of the guests, sticking together to take the photos, the hugs.
    The total, what.

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