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Posts posted by Nigelmartin

  1. There's a BJJ and Judo club at Chiang Mai University Gym. The BJJ practice most day. I teach the Judo but I'm off sick at the moment. There is a suspended floor that I built about 5 years ago, so a nice soft fall. Cost free but you need to join the Gym at 300baht/year.

  2. Bankik do angel eyes for cars and bikes. Near Central Airport plaza. If you are at the traffic lights on the Hangdong road with Central Airport Plaza on your left go straight over the traffic lights 100m and the shop is on your left.

  3. Good news- I had my Tiger xcx on order from Dec 1st. Before the motor expo.

    Not so good - my 2010 Thruxton that I was thinking of selling is now worth a lot less.....

    I kind of wanted to keep it anyway... I just don't ride it so much these days but when I do... Wow.

    I bought it second hand for a good price anyway.

    Those of you getting misty eyed about triumphs classic range take note. I spent near 100k getting mine to a point where it goes, sounds and handles properly......

    May be you want to sell you Thruxton? pm me

  4. John Equid long time resident, passed away in Melbourne last month

    From what I can gather John had a battle with cancer & finally lost his fight on 9th May 2014. He was 61 at the time.[/size]

    John went to Melbourne in Jan 2014 suffer from pain in his legs and tiredness. He was diagnosed with leukemia and was in and out for hospital until May. His brother Glenn was with him when he died on the 9th May. RIP John.

  5. The best place for your first visit would be Chiang Mai University Gym. There is Judo there, which I teach, there is also BJJ. A number of these guys train in other gym around Chiang Mai. I'm sure they would be happy to point you in the right direction. Cost for Gym membership is 300 baht?year

  6. Thanks for the replies, I posted the question for my own benefit as much as anything i.e if (god forbid) I were to have an accident whats the proper way - it seems to phone the insurance company and let them handle it.

    In general, yes, but you have to keep up with what is happening in cases like this. The insurance company may try to get the pay out as low as possible at the expense of the car driver, even though the payment meets the policy criteria.

    If the other person involved in the accident had basis thrid aparty insurance this pays 100,000baht on death. I my case the other person insurance paid 100,000baht and my insurance paid 200,000baht. I think the calculation are based on age, income etc.

  7. Thanks for the replies, my friend is now consulting a lawyer as it's going to court.

    The lady was riding the bike and overtook another bike on the hard shoulder which brought her in to the path of his car, there was a police car up ahead so he drove to them and they took him to the station, he wasn't drunk or speeding etc, she literally rode into his path, the family haven't been on his case, he has paid them some money with more to come later but he just wants to get it resolved legally first, the police didn't help the lady at all to the point of her being in hospital with no-one knowing she was there and the quacks not doing anything as they didn't know she was covered with any insurance - turns out she had insurance from her work and also my mates insurance did cover her, we asked the police about her and they said 'no problem' etc while all the time they had her ID at the station and were more concerned about who's paying what, how long has he been here, where does he live etc - anyway it's going to court.


    From first hand exposure for a foreigner killing a Thai member of my family (hit & run, but arrested). First of all as your friend has been arrested, charged and proceeding to Court he would have had to put up bail, plus I assume the RTP would have informed immigration and his Embassy so he could not legally depart Thailand, is this correct?

    If you friend is found guilty of a driving offense causing death it opens the way for a Civil Court action by the deceased family. If they have a good lawyer your friend will not be permitted to depart Thailand until the case is completed.

    The brutal fact is that your friend, if the family agrees, can pay compensation that is negotiated in collaboration with the police. The prosecution process is then rescinded and no further recourse to Civil Court damages. Obviously his choice on course of action, I guess first step will be for his lawyer to obtain a copy of the police report and charges & take it from there.

    This is not correct - the civil case does impatt on the crime case but if agreed before going to court this helps in the judgement handed down. The criminal case once in motion cannot be stopped. I'm going on my own experience in my case in Phayao some years ago.

    OK, but as I said from my personal experience six months ago in Pattaya, from my post above, is exactly what happened. Compensation paid, negotiated by the police officer who had ownership of the case & did not proceed with criminal or Civil Court proceedings. Please do not say it did not, I am not delusional. Maybe different law enforcement players have different outcomessmile.png

    Lets go into more detail-once the papers are submitted to the Court, which in this case I believe they have been, you cannot stop the legal process whether or not you have paid compensation. However, if the process has only gone as far as the police you are right you can prevent the case going further.

  8. Thanks for the replies, my friend is now consulting a lawyer as it's going to court.

    The lady was riding the bike and overtook another bike on the hard shoulder which brought her in to the path of his car, there was a police car up ahead so he drove to them and they took him to the station, he wasn't drunk or speeding etc, she literally rode into his path, the family haven't been on his case, he has paid them some money with more to come later but he just wants to get it resolved legally first, the police didn't help the lady at all to the point of her being in hospital with no-one knowing she was there and the quacks not doing anything as they didn't know she was covered with any insurance - turns out she had insurance from her work and also my mates insurance did cover her, we asked the police about her and they said 'no problem' etc while all the time they had her ID at the station and were more concerned about who's paying what, how long has he been here, where does he live etc - anyway it's going to court.


    From first hand exposure for a foreigner killing a Thai member of my family (hit & run, but arrested). First of all as your friend has been arrested, charged and proceeding to Court he would have had to put up bail, plus I assume the RTP would have informed immigration and his Embassy so he could not legally depart Thailand, is this correct?

    If you friend is found guilty of a driving offense causing death it opens the way for a Civil Court action by the deceased family. If they have a good lawyer your friend will not be permitted to depart Thailand until the case is completed.

    The brutal fact is that your friend, if the family agrees, can pay compensation that is negotiated in collaboration with the police. The prosecution process is then rescinded and no further recourse to Civil Court damages. Obviously his choice on course of action, I guess first step will be for his lawyer to obtain a copy of the police report and charges & take it from there.

    This is not correct - the civil case does impatt on the crime case but if agreed before going to court this helps in the judgement handed down. The criminal case once in motion cannot be stopped. I'm going on my own experience in my case in Phayao some years ago.

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