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Mr Wimpy

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Posts posted by Mr Wimpy

  1. Flying back and forth from Thailand and the UK on such a regular basis would be be way to tiring for me.

    At the moment I do it twice a year and I'm sick of flying already. Been doing this about 10 years.

    Also I've come to realise that I much prefer it here in the cool season. If I were you I'd think about looking at a seasonal job where you could maybe work through the summer in UK and then have a few months in Thailand over the winter.

  2. I could swear they do it on purpose though. Maybe doing it to feel busy. people feel more busy when whatever they're doing causes other people to divert their path.

    I get this feeling when driving the bike and someone pulls right out in front of me causing me to brake and then drives really really slowly.

    Sometimes if I try to overtake them then they will speed up! Like they need the small satisfaction of getting in someone's way.

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  3. I've been to canton house on Yaworat a few times with the wife and always enjoyed the dim sum there. They are actually part of a chain with few other places around but it doesn't feel like it. They also serve other dishes like roast duck and fish. The service was always good.

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