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Posts posted by Darvil

  1. The genie is out of the bottle.. and as coins become more legitimized, there will be underground coins ;)

    Anyway, I think Heng's post is right about how these big companies should incorporate crypto. For example, the internet has devoured many companies who are too slow to adapt.. look at netflix and how it has killed off blockbuster.. I guess some of these big boys feeling some heat and while some will adapt.. you can expect some large digital carcasses in the near future.

  2. Its been awhile since I've posted about bitcoin. I was looking at old posts from a couple years ago when I got it into with a couple people on here (very politely though). Man what a journey has it been for bitcoin. Even I didn't dare imagine the kind of success it has currently (and will in the future). The alt coins are doing well as well. I told some of my friends to get in on some of them. With the last crazy few weeks, they're happy with the result. Another friend is about to hit it very big if the trend continues.

    Looks like JP morgan is getting in the game? http://letstalkbitcoin.com/jpmorgan-chase-building-bitcoin-killer/#.UqaB2WQW1fV definitely interesting.

    I see alot of people using to transfer money globally as well. Living in bangkok now, I see a real hassle and also irritation with limits and poor rates of services like WU. Thats one type of business I hope crypto currency will destroy in the near future.

    I didn't realize how big localbitcoins.com is now. I will have to check it out here now that I'm in the US for christmas.

    The one big thing I think that most people still don't get is the fact that people don't view crypto as a new protocol.. its a brand new idea like p2p file transfer for example or even something like http which the web is based on. It will get better and will be improved upon. Bitcoin is just the first incarnation like when the first bittorrent client was released. Now that silicon valley is investing big into bitcoins who knows what other areas of "big brothers"' the new crypto forms will disrupt. And now with big big dogs potentially joining in the fray, this could very well be some incredible battles happening in the new future. Who will be the google of crypto in the future? ;)

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  3. I heard of this story from my friend awhile ago. My friend was trying to gather donations for her. We created a pot and he wired the money to an account setup by the government. Thanks for the update. I know she was returned to her family but didn't know she went back to burma. When I first heard the story I was touched by it. I generally donate to all causes I hear about but this one felt a bit more important since I'm ethnic Karen even if I'm not culturally.

    I just wanted to make this specific post because sometimes when I come on the forum I feel cynical after reading some of the posts.

  4. Thanks for the great tips.

    I just wanted to post just in case others were wondering. As suggested above, the tax on the len was infact 12 percent (5 + 7 VAT). All the lower value items came in stright to me. The len I had to go pick up at the post office. Also if you ship metal you will get hit hard. The tripod I ordered from HK was hit with 37 percent. I think its important to make sure its camera equipment. I assume after they see tripod they think metal and slap me with the bill.

    I have learned that its quite reasonable to order len off the web but cameras are reasonably priced here so might as well get local + warranty.

  5. I have an officer friend in the military who works nearby (MOD), who said he can go in with me if I want (@ chang wattana). My question is should I bring my friend along? I can deal with the first consequence but the 2nd one is a bit much as I work in bkk and leaving is a bit of a problem. Would this make things go a bit smoother? I also don't want to irritate the immigration and get backfired for bringing a friend along.


  6. Hi Lopburi,

    I think I know whats going on.

    I came in as a visitor since I wasn't able to do non-b from the US. After I got here, I got my non-b (after quite a bit of work). I got stamped for 90 days after my non-b. I think this is because I didn't have a work permit yet since I needed the non-b first in order to get my work permit. At the same time I got my non-b I also got a multiple reentry permit. This is probably why I got just 90 days on my re-entry because I haven't extended my stay to a year yet (since I didn't have work permit yet).

    I got my work permit soon after but I didn't extend my stay to a year. I think this is where I made a mistake.

    During these 90 days I went to China and Laos (early last month). The border guard asked me about my non-b and stamp on that date instead of giving be 15 days (since the non-b still had more then 15 days remaining).

    Now I'm around 2 weeks over the expired date. From what I read, the latest I can return is a week after the date on my passport. This means I'm actually illegally living in Thailand.

    What do you guys advise? If I go and extend my stay to a year now in chang wattana (take my wp and passport), what kind of problems would I run into?

  7. Hi Naboo,

    When I came back in, the border guy asked me about my non-b visa # in my pass. He was going to give me 15 days but instead used my non-b visa # instead. Otherwise he said I would be in deep trouble.

    On your question about extending my stay in the kingdom for a year after I got my work permit. That is a no. I think this is where I made a mistake. There was someone helping me but I think she was a little green on the process. So this might be why it wasn't extended. What kind of problems I might run into tomorrow?


  8. I've recently got my work permit (around 2 months+ ago) and have also recently got my non-b visa around the same time. I came into the country as a visitor as I wasn't able to get the visa done on time from the US. It was converted here (bangkok) from visitor to non-b.

    I was recently in Laos (for a day) but after I got back in Thailand, I noticed too late the date wasn't extended to another 90 days (at least in the stamp). My question is, in the passport was that suppose to be changed or is that something one has to assume? My problem was that I had made a poor assumption I didn't have to report because I left the country. Trying to open a business bank account yesterday in paragon, I found out the date was expired.

    I am going to chang wattana tomorrow to resolve this issue and I was wondering what I might need. I read in another thread that late 90 days reporting means 2k baht fine. Is there something else I am missing?

    On a side note, I also applied for multiple reentry visa but I was only given 90 days instead of a year. I was never very cleared about why this was so other then that it was my first time. Perhaps I am not suppose to miss my first 90 days and only after returning I will be given a full year (from the date of the non-b in my pass).

  9. I'm having some minor (but quite irritating) issue with a local bank I use (bannerbank). I added bangkok bank NY with BBNY's routing number and my acct # of my bangkok bank account. I did this since last week but the 2 small amounts have yet to arrive. I've called both banks and they don't seem to be able to confirm anything. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. The one thing I could do is to have them reset the enrollment and redo the ACH test again. I'm just wondering if there might be something else I need to do or is the best way just to use another bank (which I prefer not to).

  10. I've looked into this as well as I was moving back to Thailand and I was interested in getting a shotgun in Thailand myself (or even a handgun). Importing a gun is not going to work. Now if you're talking about purchasing it directly, you won't be able to do it as a foreigner. Prices are also expensive as per my conversation with people I know unless you're a military man which will give a huge discount (yea I know). Of course if you MUST have one, there is the route of the wife or friend but I wouldn't do that unless you're in imminent danger or sort ;)

    My friend dad used to carry a glock around when he was in bkk but he was someone with connections. I guess for peons like us we just work toward PR/citizenship and get it legally ;)

  11. I do have alot of respect for Suu Kyi, however I do think someone else in Myanmar could also talk about how the country is opening up and modernising. I mean I think she is just setting herself up for a big fall by being so prominent in Myanmar when the guys who are really in control should be getting some of the limelight and talking about how the country is opening up? I know the country has a long way to go, and don't condone what has happened before, but the government has to be given some credit and media attention for giving democracy a chance?

    I'm not sure if you can go that far. I'll have to ask the locals when I get there next time but its going to be awhile before the people there actually believe in it. I myself haven't been sold into it yet. As for the country opening up, I really hope that happens. After years of watching from the sideline, I think the events that are taking place "might" actually be breakthroughs. But after years of BS, and similarish farce in the past, its hard to imagine some real reform happening. And I'm suppose to be the optimist one in the family.

  12. This thread is pretty interesting. Is this a recent trend? or is the current time right now one of the safest time to buy some land? relatively and historically speaking of course.

    Perhaps its time to inquire my relatives in burma about this. Its unfortunate, I wasn't able to retain Burmese citizenship when I became a US citizen. I know my dad did some real estate many years ago and it was a big failure but I never really asked that many questions about it.

    Maybe its a good time to get some land since I'm coming back to Thailand this year to work with my friends. May have to send Fletcher a PM in the future!

  13. Someone mentioned I might be able to do this if I can "prove" that I'm actually making a permanent move to Thailand (which I'll be doing) and bring them in as my belongings.

    What kind of chances do I have for doing something like this? Do the odds improved if I bring the stuff in a container? (shared with others thru a service).

    And what kind of visa will you use for your " permanent move to Thailand " ?

    Customs is going to assume that this is for a commercial venture and not merely "household goods"

    And no, bringing the stuff in a container will not improve your chances to beating the import duty and VAT for the items, since even sharing a container (technically called consolidating) makes no difference since the way bill will be created for your "stuff" since no one else is going to want to share the cost of your electronics

    I figured as much. I will be getting a work permit to work in Thailand. I've talked about that here (). I was hoping I can convince them I might need it for my regular usage esp with my 4U multimedia server. Still trying to find a way to get the stuff in.

    I agree with some posters here, changing PSU:s etc. could change your mind. If the HW is not "brand spanking new", I recommend getting new ones from Bangkok. You will end up paying difference in costs to get the existing HW to Thailand. What about the warranties? do they work globally?

    The PSU should work ok as the servers support 110 - 230. That shouldn't be a problem. As for getting new ones, the problem is that I don't want to buy any from bangkok. First of all I only see Dells (and I don't like them) and I don't see any reasonable rackmounts on sale there (such as supermicro). One of the thought I had was if I could buy some nice rackmounts in bkk, I can bring the parts myself. Unfortunately it looks like there doesn't seem to be any good ones for sale there (at least I haven't found any). As for warranties, I build the machines myself so thats not something I really need. I usually have spare parts and manage the hardware myself. The great thing about the US is that I can get some really good deals off ebay and just salvage what I need for my projects. Unfortunately I might not find a way to bring my own rackmounts.

    By the way, anyone here know where there might be some good rackmounts? I notice that what alot of hosting companies in Thailand uses are pretty much all dells. I didn't get a chance to look around when I was here a few weeks ago. I'm regretting this now.

  14. This is a copy of the application procedures that I recently obtained from the Consulate in Houston. The cost of the single entry is $80, the regs indicate that they won't issue a multiple entry which is $200.


    Hi, I really appreciate that thanks.

    I was checking http://www.thaivisa.com/346.0.html and it looks like the re-entry fee is 1000 baht for a single and 3800 for multiple. Cheaper then I expected.

    Looks like the major hurdle I'm going to run into is bringing some of my machines without it costing me an arm and a leg.

  15. If they already have a work eprmit with the firm it seems to me that at this moment there are not enough Thai employers to employ a third foreigner.

    A WP costs 3,100 baht per year. Having a Work Permit allows you to work, a visa allows you to travel to Thailand and a permisison to stay allows you to stay in Thailand. If you want to leave Thailand, you would need a re-entry permit to keep your permisison to stay in Thailand alive or start over with a new visa.

    Depending on which country you will be comming to Thailand from you can get a non-B visa with an offer for employement from your friends their company and a letter from the company asking for a visa for you.

    Once you get a 1 year extension of stay based on employement, you can import your household goods duty free. A couple of servers might be a problem, as they are not normally considered household items. A couple of computers would be no problem, if it really are two. % coputers would be a problem, as you can only import a reasonable amount of household goods.

    Hi, as Mjo said they're all Thai so that part is covered. I am coming from the US so I suppose the non-B with offer employment sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the info about the re-entry. I figured there was something about that. How much is that? In that case then I'm looking at 3100 baht per year to stay in Thailand thru WP but everytime I leave, I will have to add the re-entry cost to my traveling cost.

    As for the household duty free, that sounds great. Do I just pack my things and then wait til I get the 1 year extension and then have someone ship the goods to me? As for the household stuff, I actually don't have regular "PCs", just a macbook pro. I work as a sys admin (which I will also do in Thailand) so servers are what I have and I have a few in the house for "experiments" plus a rather large and heavy 4U media server with 20 drives. What do you think are my chances of convincing the import officials that these are legit household items? It would be great if I can bring 2 2U + my 4U media server. If I have to get rid of them I will be heartbroken.

  16. Essentially I am making my way back permanently to Thailand next year (july). I'm joining up with some friends' company in bangkok and they'll officially hire me. They have 5 employees (8 if including them) and will be 3 years in business by the time I come.

    Since they themselves have never done this sort of thing before, I thought I'll preempt it a bit by asking about it here. They're all Thai and I'm an American so they will have to get a WP for me. As far as I know the requirement still is 4 Thai per foreigner and need to have 2 million baht in the business and other things like having a salary of at least 50k (for the year extension).

    My question is, what exactly would they need to do? and how much would getting the WP cost? Can I just hire someone there to help me with this to save them minimal work and how much would that cost? Will having this WP allow me to leave the country (for a company trip for example) with minimal issues? Do I need that WP to come in Thailand first or can I come in with a diff visa and then get the WP later on? Can I use WP as a reason to bring some goods into thailand without paying import tax? (basically a few servers).

    Thanks for reading!

  17. Someone mentioned I might be able to do this if I can "prove" that I'm actually making a permanent move to Thailand (which I'll be doing) and bring them in as my belongings.

    What kind of chances do I have for doing something like this? Do the odds improved if I bring the stuff in a container? (shared with others thru a service).

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