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Everything posted by Grizboy

  1. Hello Does anyone have any recent updates about the Ranong border situation since the July 15 60 day visa announcement? What the current costs & procedure please? All info appreciated Tks & Have nice day
  2. Hello Hello Does anyone have recent information on Land Visa Run to Malaysia Padang Besar or Dannok Is overnight in Malaysia required or not? Is there a difference in visa cost for 30 days or the new 60 days Visa exempt? or what fees charged at border? Is DIY (Do it yourself Taxi) acceptable for same day return or any agent assisted minibus from Hat Yai or Satun required? Any suggestions appreciated!! Im travelling from Krabi.. I am Canadian with no land crossing this year... 3 by air Thanks & Enjoy ur day 😊
  3. I dont have any land entrys... Phuket a bit far .. Are land entrys easier than airport? I see only 2 allowed... Land Border Visa bounces almost always same day Im not sure why same day airport visa runs not treated the same? Can anyone explain why they seem to be treated differently
  4. Hello Hello Whats peoples experience these days with 1 day / 1 overnight Visa Exempt trips to KL? or Penang? I am in Phuket & did this previous to Covid Has anyone had any problems entering on their 3rd or more consecutive entry with extensions? Tks
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